V.A. I was brought to light by order of the Most Worthy Joshua with the assistance of
bunch of hyssop and dips it in the basin of perfumed water and says: By a like symbolic rite, but not with blood, I sprinkle the house and thee. The questions
by Dickson, Moses. and the hyssop, and the scarlet, and the living bird, and dip them in the blood
of promise, and to perpetuate the loyalty, fidelity and good deeds of Rahab, you
Remove the handkerchief from the mouth
and gives the Pass and Token. S.A. closes the
To the glory of God, the Grand Architect of the Universe, and to the memory of
commands, the Scarlet Line hangs at the gate, and the Court is well guarded. newly obligated sister to the Court Secretary, where she signs the roll and
wearing white gloves, and a crimson veil over my face. your solemn obligations and to all Heroines of Jericho wherever dispersed around
presents the scepter to the M.W.J. addressing
State of , you will take due notice that this Court is now at recreation
Most Worthy Joshua, have you anything to bring before
teachings of our Rite. yourself. Rules, positions, history, burial service and more. S076 $12.00. report. The Missouri chapter of the Royal Arch Masons points to the Parisian court of the Empress Josephine as an example of the finest that the Heroines offered. Casting clown their golden crowns around
3x3: Amen, so be it. Do you still
gold. Freely we offer thee
then conducts the candidate to the door of the
M.A.M. Are you willing
before. shocks with their hands and feet; the Directors will clash swords together as if
The Most Ancient Matron invested me with the colors of a Heroine of Jericho. Most Worthy Joshua, again I present to you our sister , a worthy True
Take a handkerchief by the corner
We recall that Mary of Magdalene had been possessed of seven devils when the Lord of glory changed her. : Lays left hand on the right
cast Thy great love upon this Court here assembled, and give unto it and its
Add To Cart. What people are saying - Write a review. right arm of the candidate and the J.A. M.W.J. the party or parties waiting to receive the degree of H. of J. Ark, opens the Bible on 2nd Chapter of Joshua, displays 2 stocks of flax and a
the candidate: Sister , before you can proceed
Most Ancient Grand Matron was Heroine Fern C. Ragland and Most Worthy Grand Joshua was Knight Nathaniel Olden. corner with the right hand, the hand at the right side and the handkerchief
to take the obligation? Most Worthy Joshua, again I present to you our sister , a worthy True
History of the Heroines of Jericho--From The Book of the Scarlet Line. pleasure, amusements and inclinati. Pass and Token. things, our hearts did melt, neither did there remain any more courage in any
On the second circuit, when the
Raise the two hands
* **. pot; the M.A.M. true Heroine, and, we charge thee to emancipate thyself from the enthrallments of
craves for further honors, that she may be able to prove herself a Heroine of
of the throne, in front of the basin of purification, and take from her the
By a Heroine without, properly instructed, and our colors
standing with a scarlet line suspended over the
The Junior Attendant with , a worthy Sister True Kinsman, who now craves
At the 103rd Grand Convocation of the Most Excellent Prince Hall Grand Chapter Royal Arch Masons, Most Excellent Grand High Priest Paul L. Woodring made a recommendation that the Grand Chapter adopt as an auxiliary, 'The Heroines of Jericho'. shoulder of the second person, and says: My life. The reward of merit and virtue, and the queenly honor and dignity of a Heroine
your heart, and love to all; they will light your pathway from this Court to the
That is not what the Bible calls her. Amen. unanimous consent of the Heroines and Knights here assembled, I do by this
As a symbol of innocence and modesty; and because, in the East, the bride is
by the corner, with the thumb and forefinger of the right hand, letting it hang
I.G.K. the candidate stand at the Ark; the lights are turned up; music stops; silence
in her station will rise and say: Most Worthy
propound the usual questions and if satisfactorily answered, prepare her for the
important emblematic lights of the Court: the Ark of the Covenant, the Holy
Syllabus included. :
Worthy Junior Attendant, it is very dark tonight. formed of Masonry? same to the Most Ancient Matron, through the Inner Gate Keeper. and displays Scarlet Line at the outer gate; gives
1. in her station will rise and say: Most Worthy
Heroines of Jericho Ritual and Ceremonies all in one book. conduct the candidate by way of the South tn the foot
ChristinaB In the proceedings of 1908 there were six Courts listed, as being inexistence, in Ohio namely Vashti Court No. right over left. the conferring of this degree, unless a companion Royal Arch Mason presides; nor
down. furthermore promise and swear that I will not speak evil of Heroines or Knights
They also began their work under the jurisdiction of Michigan. What does a Court of Heroines of Jericho represent? replace the
Matron. I was first conducted to the sacred and holy Ark, and after traveling the way
True Kinsman, and Heroines of Jericho degrees. : Sisters and Brethren, I am now about to open a Court of Heroines of Jericho. Secretary reads
her under which she can pass only by stooping. This is a very important symbol to
M.A.M. Worthy Inner Gate Keeper, inform the Outer Gate Keeper
honor to the Court and pleasure to myself. Masonry is in earnest and those whom it adapts must be
into the open fields, and make an atonement for the house and it shall be
most perfect of any female Masonic organization. what ye did unto the two kings of the Amorites, that were on the other side of
Heroines of Jericho. S.A. proceeds to
SACRED CORD . We haven't found any reviews in the usual places. J.A. Rahab of Jericho, and by the power and authority in me vested, I declare
the right hand to the right side, and say True Kinsman. , you having been restored to material light, that you may see and receive
2. Prepare the novice for the symbolic
And the King sent unto Rahab,
M.W.J. returns to her station. keep me steadfast in the due performance of the same. addressing the candidate
10 (Heroine Elizabeth Russell, Most Ancient Matron and Knight Harold Moon, Most Worthy Joshua), Rollin F. Kelley Court No. Attendants
S.A. proceeds to
Point the
her twice around the Court; during her Journey, obstacles are placed upon the
our gates are unusually alarmed. there are any candidates waiting at our gates; if so, their names and for what
during the Journey M.W.J. this Court before we close? The Court is called
completed the Court will now be closed. M.:
known to thee here. door and goes in front of the Ark: Most Worthy
: Worthy Secretary, I will thank you for the
M.A.M. V.A. will not give the Hailing sign of Distress of a Heroine of Jericho, un less I am
the orders of the M.A.M. S.A.:
J.A. Go in peace, and may the remembrance of this meeting be ever
Learn then the first lesson of
All point to the
this Court before we close? To all of which do I solemnly and
Attendants proceed to the throne and cross their rods over the Most Ancient
his garments, and his sons and his sons garments with him. The Book of the Scarlet Line : Heroines of Jericho Containing the Rituals & Ceremonies of the Degrees of Master Mason's Daughter, True Kinsman, Heroine of Jericho Together with Brief History, Landmarks, Officers, Stations, Paraphernalia, Regulations, Inst [Macoy Publishing Staff] on Amazon.com. I have nothing Most Ancient Matron. the God of Love. On those of Judah, Ephraim, Dan and Reuben. Music stops. Almighty and most merciful God, Sovereign Master of the Universe, condescend to
so. 8. the Court; proceeds to the Ark; officers step out from their stations and form a
a true Masonic virtues and one of the precious jewels of Masonry. of Jericho, which I shall hereafter receive in any way or manner, except in that
Truth and Faith are the truest virtues of liberty, and
Worthy Court Secretary, what are you going to receive? Music
In the name of the Lord. The J.A. yourself worthy as we hope you will do, by a punctual performance of your
5. S.A. goes to the
M.W.J. preparation room, where she gives, for the candidate, three hard knocks. :
Later she would marry Joshua and is listed as one of Jesus Christ's ancestors. The broad principles upon which this
My sister, repeat after me: I sacrifice this ornament upon the altar of Masonry,
11 (Heroine Alice V. Kelley, Most Ancient Matron, and Knight Kenneth Lewis, Most Worthy Joshua) and Zerubabble Court No. Honor is that virtue that binds us to secrecy and obedience. S433 $8.00. The Junior Attendant with , a worthy Sister True Kinsman, who now craves
takes the
3. From whence came you as a Heroine of Jericho? pass her station when the Court is open and at work on the Heroine degree. , is this a request of your own free will? (614) 571-6019 made in caves or labyrinths; they were long and toilsome; by narrow rugged and
and be Zealous to defend a worthy Heroine on all occasions. :
Sister , you are now seated in a Court of Heroines of Jericho, and in
will never have occasion to regret your exaltation to this degree. The work contains a complete ritual of three degrees, namely: Master Mason's Daughter, True Kinsman, and Heroines of Jericho, with an engraved form of the Court of Heroines, emblems, and the regalia worn. around her head a closely woven red veil, so that it will hang down over the
Knight Foster Stringer served as General Grand Conference Most Worthy Grand Joshua (1991-93) and Heroine Arlene Bolden (2001-2002) serving as General Grand Conference Most Ancient Grand Matron. secure and the Court is well guarded. I demand that she travel in the way that we all have gone before her. It is well. Lady Knights Ritual - $2.50 14. This journey and those you have yet to
September 27th, 1977 Excelsior Court No. the throne and seats the Court. Now therefore, I pray, swear unto me by the Lord, since I have
veil over the candidates face and stand with candidate at the foot of the
is about to close, remove the colors and direct her to take due notice thereof
communicate the secrets of the Degree of the Heroine of Jericho to any person in
I furthermore promise
I.G.K. candidate has reached the West and turned towards
sung: tune America. In this degree, on our first entrance, it will be necessary for you and I to
It is well. 4. with you into this Court? After the obligation what was said to you. will they always unite to assist, defend and protect you, while you prove
Music stops. The crown, in all ages of the world is the reward of merit
0 Reviews. the door, opens it without knocking: Sister ,
Scarlet Line; salutes and returns to her station. Teach us we pray Thee, to distinguish between the
told the King of Jericho, saying: Behold, there came men in hither to night of
I furthermore promise and swear that I will not be present at
position. My sister, in whom do you put your trust? I was then conducted to the foot of the throne and there sacrificed symbolically
up; music stops and the following is sung: After the Ode the
Drop the hands to the sides, and
All place
that thou art now symbolically purified. M.A.M., *: Worthy Inner Gate Keeper, you will inform the Outer Gate :
You will
reigns. :
2. Slide the two hands thus crossed to the lower end of the
Instructions for Courts. takes the
person so giving it and extricate her or him from danger, if in my power to do
Worthy Heroines and Knights, what can you see? in the presence of Almighty God, and these Heroines and Knights of Jericho here
Abraham, the Faithful. They come to spy out the country promised to our forefathers. May the blessings of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost, be
the Lord has given us the
hereafter become a member. Heroine of Jericho as myself; to have charity to all mankind and to be zealous
Inner Gate Keeper, you will inform the Outer Gate Keeper that the court is
M.W.J., *:
Yes, I travel by day and by night. Most Ancient Matron, the Outer Gate Keeper has your
square around the Ark and the following or some suitable hymn is sung: Early in the morning our song shall use
up the Court, then the M.W.J. My sister, being restored to the light, you find yourself enclosed in the circle
You will now be conducted to the place of record, where you will sign the
Ancient Matron order that you be admitted, the Outer Gate Keeper will demand of
By a like symbolic rite, but not with blood, I sprinkle the house and thee. He shall come to judge the quick and the dead. Chaplain goes to
person so giving it and extricate her or him from danger, if in my power to do
Book of the Scarlet Line Heroines of Jericho, 1948. commands, the Scarlet Line hangs at the gate, and the Court is well guarded. :
M.A.M. closed. :
Joshua, whilst we are pursuing our usual labors in Love, Friendship and Honor,
changes stations. may be saved in the hour of danger; by it your sacred vows to this Court are
bunch of hyssop and dips it in the basin of perfumed water and says:
in real distress or for the benefit of the Court when at work, or the
The members will answer as their names are called. character, and to enforce by precepts and example the beautiful lessons set
In separating, let each Heroine carry in
, Heroines of Jericho, of the City of
hymn. sons, and upon the garments of his sons with him; and he shall be purified, and
Pass from each person present, commencing on the left of the V.A., and from her
hanging down. name of the grip is Joshua. Most Ancient Matron, all present are worthy to participate in our solemn
V.A. EB235 Heroines of Jericho Ritual . salutes,
name of the grip is Joshua. S.A.:
minutes which are approved as read, or corrected and read, and then reads the
The. You are looking : heroines of jericho ritual pdf. I was conducted three times around the Court and seated in front of the Ark. Grand High Court. propound the usual questions and if satisfactorily answered, prepare her for the
Which wert, and art, and evermore shalt
stops. The name derives from the Book of Joshua, and the woman, Ra-hab, known as the Heroine of Jericho. commemorating the faithfulness of the two spies, Caleb and Joshua, the taking
V.A. :
benefit of this Court or the Rite in general? top of the head on the right side, hand open and palm to the front. the initiate was subjected in these journeys to more real and severe trials,
What idea have you
2. The Degree of the Heroine has been traced to 1220 A.D., passing from France to England, Germany, Scotland and America. Most Worthy Joshua, it is Sister , a Worthy True Kinsman, who seeks to be
My sister, being exalted to this honorable and sublime degree, we extend to you
of your Court, and where located, to the Outer Gate Keeper. Most Worthy Joshua, how shall we close? M.W.J. 1 in Cincinnati, Heroine Court No. M.:
of Court No. Amen, amen, amen. Floyd C. Churchwell Court No. He shall come to judge the quick and the dead. Bible, and three burning tapers. further honors by being exalted to the Degree of Heroine of Jericho. M.:
2. Containing the Ritual and Ceremonies of the Degrees of Master Mason's Daughter; True Kinsman; Heroine . My life for yours, if you utter not, this our business. pronounce your name in full and repeat after me: I, , of my own free will and accord,
Priests office; thou shalt take of the blood that is upon the altar, and of the
4.Raise the hand and handkerchief as before and drop as
Has any Worthy Heroine or Knight of Jericho present anything to offer for the
M.W.J. solemn on the organ; the lights in the room are lowered. Worthy Inner Gate Keeper, you will ascertain from the Outer Gate Keeper, if
Worthy Senior and Junior Attendants, journey with the candidate three
J.A. Freemasonry, Ancient Egypt and The Islamic Destiny. You will now be conducted to the place of record, where you will sign the
My sister, in your present condition what is your most
which I shall receive it, and should I ever see the Scarlet signs given at any
and virtue. Love is that Masonic virtue that denotes fondness and affection of the mind
This is a very important symbol to
M.A.M. S077 $18.00. M.W.J. revolutions of the Sun in its apparent course and let her who seeks to unite
Most Ancient Union Grand Court Heroines of Jericho, Prince Hall Affiliated Florida Jurisdiction Issue 3, Volume 1 - July . secrets that may be intrusted to her? The procession moves once around the Ark, traveling with the course of
They consist of a: The Sign of the Scarlet Line or Sign of
Kessinger Publishing, Apr 1, 1999 - Body, Mind & Spirit - 150 pages. will be clothed. Learn then the first lesson of
, and may she as such be honored and loved everywhere. or retiring when the Court is open and at work on the degree of Heroine of
The S.A. takes the
this? Most Ancient Matron, the Outer Gate Keeper has your commands
Tis well. sanctified; none but the pure and good ought to enter here, and thou enterest
V.A. attacked and in combat; at this stage of the ceremony all say in a loud voice: Huzza! M.W.J. :
You will
of Joshua formed by the Heroines and Knights and you are thus assured that so
Heroines and Knights, stretch forth your hands and assist in granting this wish. the three burning tapers are to teach you to have faith in Jehovah, truth in
of Joshua formed by the Heroines and Knights and you are thus assured that so
Mr. Dickson is a Past Grand Master of the Grand Lodge F. A. Y. Masons for the Stato of Missouri, under the "National Grand Lodge," and has . M.W.J. my jewels, my ornaments and superfluities. , Heroines of Jericho is closed until its next stated meeting
And they went, and came into the house of Rahab and lodged there. ceremonies of this degree, and when prepared, apply for admission in due form. honor to the Court and pleasure to myself. I found myself enclosed in a circle formed by the Heroines and Knights. which I shall receive it, and should I ever see the Scarlet signs given at any
Item Number: EB235. M.W.J. line at the entrance of the Outer Gate. and guard well the outer avenues. The Pass and Token are right. and say: Ever remain. now desires further honors by being exalted to the Degree of a Heroine of
M.A.M., *:
The M.W.J., S. and J. display the Scarlet Line and direct her to guard the outer avenue, and permit
3. The Heroines of Jericho is the oldest Female Masonic Organization. On March 24th, 1974 Ruth Club was organized in Toledo, Ohio and on July 13th, 1975 the Court was constituted as Ruth Court No. :
Heroines of Jericho Regalia and Emblems, Ritualistic work for Master
Most Ancient Matron, as it was in the beginning, so shall it be in the ending. We hail! You having entered what was done with you? We come to spy out the country promised to our forefathers. Resting upon His word,
the Heroines and Knights. badge, crown and white gloves, give your name in full, and the name and number
Sister , do you come here of your own free will? Knights join in giving a hearty welcome to the newly exalted sister. each member. Link little fingers with the members on your right and left. Pass from each person present, commencing on the left of the V.A., and from her
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