The northern portion of the Awhitu peninsula, commonly referred to as the Manukau Heads. Until displacement by Ngti Whatua in the eighteenth century, Te Waihua led an economic union in Tmaki that controlled regional trade and cultivations. Pei Jones maintains that Uenukuterangihoka was Uenukuwhangai, but the above version was vouched for by Rore Eruti and all the Kawhia authorities. The only solution would appear to be detailed research over a very wide area. Charles Marshall, a local trader, notes that in January 1832, he met a group of Ngti Te Ata fishing at Pukaki in the Mangere area. Upon the death of their rangatira (leader) Te Ata i Rehia, Ngti Kahukoka was renamed Ngti Te Ata, . 2022. The first hearing was scheduled and held at Waipapa Marae hosted by Ngati Hikairo on 7 October 2013 Ngati Te Wehi are awaiting the outcome before negotiations can proceed.[1]. He and James Hamlin of the Church Missionary Society assembled several chiefs, probably at Awhitu, but failed to get their agreement. It is obviously necessary to formulate a few simple working rules and limits. Following the death of Poutkeka, the ariki position (highest-ranking leader) was bestowed on his son Poutkeka II, Two sons of Poutkeka II, Whatuturoto and Whaorakiterangi, greatly increased the Ngti Poutkeka rohe, and concurrently mana, in the Tmaki region, . In a similar vein, Reedy notes: Drawing on paper by Pellizzaro-Hurrell, Maya. Although whakapapa is often translated as genealogy, this is an oversimplification of a complex concept. The captain of Mmaru was Te Parata who married Kahutianui. That same year some Ngti Te Ata and Ngti Tamaoho moved to Remuwera (Remuera) and Orakei to trade with Pkeh, . The Ngti Te Ata understanding was that by signing the Treaty, the groups rangatiratanga and mana was being affirmed and acknowledged by the Crown. , both living prosperous but then separate lives after a small brotherly scuffle at Kawhia, in which Kawharu went to live with his father Ngaere and his people the Ngti Tamainupo at Wai-keria. Uerata & Puakirangi had Rangihoto, Wharetiipeti, Hourua & Tapaue. The first trading station in the area was set up near the mouth of the Waikato in 1830 by Charles Marshall. The name of the taiaha of Koura. Tutehe=Tuparahaki, Kumaramaoa=Punakiao, Tamangarangi=Haua, Kaimatai=Rorooterangi, Te Ahuwhakatiki of Ngaiterangi Tauranga, Family tree. The primary object is comparative chronology rather than absolute dates, but it is convenient for reference to use dates on the European system. One MICHELIN Star: High quality cooking, worth a stop! Note: this map has been copied from a modern day map, and as such does not represent a fully accurate depiction of the historical coastline. There is no reason to suppose that other authentic Maori genealogies are different. It is extremely gratifying to see two or three old veterans in barbarous life sitting for hours near the water-wheel; its brisk, rattling noise seems to impart a new life into their warrior hardened souls. 1 September 29th - 100 Thieves sign Cryocells and bench Will. Consequently, our whakapapa deeply connects us not only to Tmaki Makaurau but to the Waikato and her people. Auckland City Libraries Heritage Collections: Kura, Auckland. Uenukuterangihoka (2)=, =Kapuhamea, =, Hotunui, =, =Marutuahu=, Paaka, Paremoehau=, Te Kahureremoa, =Tamatera=Hineurunga=, =Tuparahaki=, Taharua, Ngako, Taurukapakapa, Kumaramaoa, Hinekekehu, Paoa=, Te Hihi, =Tukutuku, Tamirangi, Te Kahurautao, Hape, Haua=Tamangarangi, Parekaka, Te Tahuri, Kiwi=, Kahutoroa, =Ngawhakawanga, Mariu=, =Te Wehi, Takapuangana, Tumu, Puku=, =Te Mihinga, Hikairo, Family tree. Ng iwi o Tainui; One of Huakaiwakas wives was Ruawhakiwhaki, and importantly for Ngti Te Ata, one of the children from this union was Huatau. Ngati Te Wehi iwi continue to seek redress with the Crown and Waitangi Tribunal over grievances during the New Zealand Wars and European colonisation. When Tautini-moko returned, Te Wehi was living at Te Maari Aotea Harbour, & when the news reached him that his father's slayer was across the harbour, he decided to kill him. Tradition says that Ruateatea, younger brother of Tukotuku, was a grandfather before Tukotuku married Tamainupo (T. T. Wetere). (Ngati Kauwhata) Biography TUM Hogan, Helen M. Bravo, Neu Zeeland : two Maori in Vienna 1859-1860, 2003. Without going further into the Maori system of recording, it may be emphasised that the records were kept in the heads of men specially selected and specially trained for the work, and that the essence of the system was word perfect repetition. It follows, therefore, that the most reliable records are those which do not lend themselves to variation in the wording, particularly during the time when the trained tohunga have been disappearing and the records have necessarily passed through untrained people. Nevertheless there can be no doubt that a sufficient approximation can be obtained to satisfy most problems that may arise in tribal history. Kngitanga the Mori King movement Te Ara Encyclopedia of New Zealand",, All articles with bare URLs for citations, Articles with bare URLs for citations from March 2022, Articles with PDF format bare URLs for citations, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Mokai Kainga Marae and Kote Mokai wharenui on 111 Aotea Rd, Aotea, Kawhia 3889, New Zealand, kapu marae and Te Kotahitanga o Ngti Te Weehi wharenui on 4 Aotea Road in Kwhia, Mtakotako marae and Te hk a Mahuta wharenui on Phillips Road, Te Papatapu (Te Wehi) marae and Pare Whakarukuruku wharenui on Te Papatapu Road, Te Tihi o Moerangi marae and wharenui on Kwhia Road, Maket marae and Auau ki te Rangi wharenui on Kaora Street in Kwhia, Waipapa Marae and Takuhiahia wharenui on 5491 Kawhia Rd, Aotea, Kawhia 3889, New Zealand, ruka marae and Tahaaroa wharenui on ruka Marae Road in Taharoa, Te Kraha marae and Te hk wharenui on Taharoa Road in Taharoa, Waikeri Tangirau marae on Old Taupiri Road, This page was last edited on 19 March 2023, at 03:21. In March of 1822, a Ngpuhi taua, including the infamous Hongi Hika, attacked the Awhitu peninsula and was defeated by Ngti Te Ata on the Waiuku Awa . Here Te Katipa gave a speech after the anointment, potentially outlining his position that he wished for Te Wherowhero to be only a matua (senior figure) to Ngti Te Ata as opposed to an outright king. Trade opportunities also came to Ngti Te Ata at Waiuku. . Ngti Koata whakapapa back to Koata who lived near Kwhia in the 17th century. IT SEEMS to be accepted as an undisputed fact by some social anthropologists that oral tribal traditions are unreliable and unworthy of serious consideration as history. Shortly after singing the Treaty of Waitangi he got his uncle Te Moke to sell land at Raoraokaurere to the Wesleyan's so they had their own mission station and using old planting grounds at Raoraokauere were growing wheat and barley so Ngti Te Wehi had the first water powered water mills in the area. Through the intermixing of Tmakis earliest inhabitants and people from the some of the significant migratory waka, like Tainui, came the Ngti Poutkeka people. To appreciate the dynamic nature of Ngti Te Ata Waihua we must first acknowledge Te Whakapapa o Ngti Te Ata Waihua. At first sight this procedure would appear to be one of great magnitude and extreme difficulty, and if the genealogies, or the great majority of them, are not accurate, it can be ruled out as quite hopeless. Finally it is interesting to note that the date of the great migration, arrived at many years ago by a careful statistical method, is 1350, while the date found by this analytical method is 1290, a difference of only 60 years in 550, and one which could be almost exactly eliminated by abandoning the convenient round figures and reducing the minimum interval to the very reasonable figure of 18 years. Te Katipa was again present in June 1858 when Te Wherowhero was anointed kingi (king) by Ngti Mahuta, Ngti Maniapoto and Ngti Haua. For tangata whenua, understanding whakapapa gives an individual or group the key to the door to enact the mana of their tpuna and collective. A timetable for Waikato and Maniapoto has been drawn up in a number of charts containing a large number of genealogies, many of which may be found in Kelly's book. The given name of the marae is Hukanui. It is likely that Kelly's Parehuka may be a miscopy of Parepahoro or Pahoro. Photograph. The Twharetoa region extends from Te Awa o te Atua (Tarawera River) at Matat across the central plateau of the North Island to the lands around Mount Tongariro and Lake Taup.Twharetoa is the sixth largest iwi in New Zealand, with a population of 35,877 of the 2013 New . One would assume that the earlier Tuteiwi was an important tangata whenua Waikato chief whose antecedents are not recorded. And as if just awakened from the long sleep of barbarism, the sudden turn of civilization appears to impart a vivacity, and cheerfulness to which they have hitherto, been strangers. The . (1) In round figures 20 years is considered to be the shortest average interval likely between generations which are closely spaced, and it is adopted as the minimum interval. Another signatory of the Treaty, Tmati Ngpora, was of mixed Ngti Te Ata, Ngti Mahuta whakapapa and he was Te Wherowheros cousin. At ngroto is the house of the ancestor Whita. | A central and vital tikanga that refers to relationship and community building and maintenance. Later, in the nineteenth century, they combined together again to defend their lands and resources from the threat of intertribal fighting and European colonisation. Source: Commissioned Drawing Two. They have used what they retained for their own consumption, in some cases, by simply boiling the wheat; in others, as kororirori, or boiled flour and water; (with sugar, when it could be obtained) and very often in the form of bread. One finds that what might be termed narrative traditions will more often than not conform to conditions imposed by analysis of genealogies, but it is becoming increasingly difficult to tell what narratives are genuinely authentic. Te Whakapapa o Ngti Te Ata Waihua An important part of the Ngti Te Ata Waihua whakapapa tree, showing the direct connection between Ngti Te Ata and Te Waihua through its namesake Huakaiwaka. Understanding historic Mori fluidity within Ngti Te Ata Waihua: An outline, Diversity of thought and action within historic Ngti Te Ata Waihua, The effects of the Waikato War on Ngti Te Ata Waihua, Download Tommy's Fully Referenced Writing Here. Waiuku sat at an important position along the Waikato-Auckland trade route thanks to the nearby water transportation network. This timeline traces the whakapapa of the tangata whenua of Maungatautari. Another signatory of the Treaty, Tmati Ngpora, was of mixed Ngti Te Ata, Ngti Mahuta whakapapa and he was Te Wherowheros cousin, highlighting the connection between Ngti Te Ata and Waikato.
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