Pop another coin in both the ketchup and vinegar and salt mixture. And hydrochloric acid is so much more acidic than vinegar alone. Science - Lesson 4 of 50 - Grades 4,5,6 Teacher Notes: Student Write-Up Sample: 1 colour page And because this mixture is way up high in the acidic scale, it cleaned the coin so much better and quicker than just vinegar. Copper oxide dissolves in a mixture of weak acid and table salt. So, the liquids that have worked best in your experiment are the ones that are more acidic. While copper is a beautiful metal, it is also reactive. Place each of the pennies in the 1 minute column into their corresponding cup. Well, after you wash the ketchup off, that is. Dish soap. They each include Question, Hypothesis, #1-How many drops of water can you fit on a, #2-Which liquid can you fit the most drops of on, to hook those kiddos and get them writing up a lab report! KetchupSoak your pennies in ketchup to clean them like new. Reproduction of material from this website without written permission is strictly prohibited. What about soda? Its acid! Required fields are marked *. When oxygen binds with copper, they form a new molecule known as copper oxide. Book a Science PartyHave the Science Guy visit your school! The salt helps speed up the reaction. Mix until the salt is dissolved (it helps if the vinegar is a little warm). You should have observed that each cleaning method made the pennies cleaner, but some methods may have been more successful than others. And what is vinegar? Hypothesis: If I put a copper penny in coca cola, soap and water,. When printing this document, you may NOT modify it in any way. When the Statue of Liberty was originally built in 1875, it was not the same blue-green color it is today. I use this specifically to teach them the. This is your control. 'Fun, ' link: Compare the 1 minute and 5 minute pennies in each row. As you are drying them, you'll notice that rubbing results in some of the dirt coming off the pennies. Toasted Italian Sandwich - Food Fun Friday. For a complete clean, flip the pennies over and repeat the process on the other side. This product is designed to teach people how to clean old, tarnished, using simple household items such as vinegar and salt. The "Penny Cleaning Experiment" is a product that provides a fun and educational activity for children and adults alike.This product is designed to teach people how to clean old, tarnished pennies using simple household items such as vinegar and salt. . But still fun expiriment!! Next, pour one liquid into each cup. To get your kids involved, ask them a few questions about pennies and cleaning them. I believe learning should be enjoyable and engaging. 1/2 cup vinegar. My goal is to encourage moms, find practical parenting solutions, and help moms with the unique challenges twins bring! The "Penny Cleaning Experiment" is a product that provides a fun and educational activity for children and adults alike. This blue-green is called malachite and copper can turn into malachite over many years of exposure to chlorine and oxygen. Put a dollop of ketchup on a plate. Antique Singer Sewing Machines That Changed the Game, Although they are often found at garage sales, flea markets, and estate sales with very low price tags, there are several models of antique Singer sewing machines that are highly sought after by co, 62+ Fun Family Night Ideas and Activities You'll Want to Give a Go, Family night ideas include fun games and activities any family can enjoy together at home or in their neighborhood. Different brands of Ketchup and Tabasco or hot sauce will have different amounts of salt and acid in their ingredients, so your results may be different than someone else doing this activity at their house. Mix one tablespoon of salt with half a cup of vinegar in a small container and stir until the salt dissolves. Your kids will love this simple chemistry experiment. Lesson contains So if you want to try this simple science experiment out at home, here is what you need to do: The first step you will have to do is to make your hypothesis. The child might decide to pick a winning solution or even to rank the pennies in order of which is the most improved. Dry the pennies with a paper towel. Which penny is the cleanest, compared to its before picture? If you line up your pennies in order from the dirtiest to the cleanest, the order should go something like this: Water, Soda/Fruit Juice, Vinegar, Ketchup, and Vinegar and salt mixture. But somewhere along the way, those pennies lose their luster. And it actually has a lot of practical life lessons wrapped up in it. Wait at least two minutes before rinsing the pennies. Salt is also a key ingredient in the other cleaning agents, thus making them effective in cleaning the pennies. This will be where you place your coins for comparison. Just put the coins on the tea towel and leave it to air dry. Whats in the Bag?Making MusicMouse Paint (, gel frosting)Rain PaintSecret MessagesDucks Like RainFloat or Sink PumpkinsDo Seeds Travel?VolcanoesThe Windy DayDo Whales Get Cold?Candle RacesWh, Rated 4.92 out of 5, based on 838 reviews, . This is a weak acid, which is good since we ingest it. You dont need any fancy gadgets or science kits. Hi, my name is Elena Jones, and my full-time job is a teacher. You need just a few things for this experiment: Create a solution of vinegar and salt using one teaspoon of salt and 1/4 of a cup of vinegar. Oxygen in the atmosphere has a negative charge that is attracted to the positive charge of the copper in the penny. Encourage this and get them to write down their supposed answers. Its not just dependent on how old the pennies are. It appears, the salt breaks down somewhat, freeing chlorine ions into the solution. Science - Lesson 2 of 50 - Grades 4,5,6 I'm so happy you're here!! The Salt And Vinegar Method. So, the results of your kids coin cleaning experiment should be that the ketchup and the vinegar and salt mixture were the best coin cleaners. If you continue to use this website without changing your cookie settings or you click "Accept" below then you are consenting to this. Put one penny in each of the liquids and make sure it's fully submerged. The oxygen in the air and the copper in the pennies form an oxide that coats the pennies and makes them look dirty. When the vinegar cleaned the coin, it stripped away the coating and exposed the copper. Continue observations. You also may have noticed that the longer the pennies stayed in the cleaning solution, the cleaner they became! Wait for about 5-10 minutes. There are two different stages to this Science activity. In each case, make sure the penny is completely covered by the contents of the cup. What do your results tell you about the special properties of copper pennies? Science - Lesson 3 of 50 - Grades 4,5,6 If you have older kids, you can let them pour the soda. What happens? Check the coins, then come back again in another 30 minutes and see what has happened to the coins. by Brenda Priddy | Jul 12, 2017 | Homeschool |. You can read more on the science behind how to clean pennies here: Clean your pennies with ketchup! Pennies are obviously made of copper, and they start out bright and shiny when they are new. This is why bright shiny pennies dull with age. Record your results; photographs are helpful. Make three signs that say "Tomato Paste + Vinegar," "Salt + Vinegar," and "Tomato Paste + Salt.". of salt and a bowl, preferably metal. 'Elephant's Toothpaste, - Lesson 4 of 50 - Grades 4,5,6 (we used our hands very messy business especially with the catsup but the kids thought that was fun!) Remember that at the very start, I said you should use only copper coins? You see, copper coins are usually shiny and well, copper-colored. This is also why the salt and vinegar mixture was a better coin cleaner than just vinegar alone. MAKE IT AN EXPERIMENT. Salt! Through the data and . Take the pennies out one at a time and, keeping track of which penny is which, rinse each one off. Students will create a booklet or for a quicker project, just print the worksheet. Well try and put up the next stage soon. In this activity, were going to test a few different methods for cleaning pennies, and determine which gets our pennies the cleanest. You are going to challenge your children to clean pennies with various kitchen condiments. Your Materials For This Science Experiment & Steps Combined. Label this column "Cleaning Method." The next column, label "1 Minute." And label the third column "5 Minutes." Make each cell (square) of the table large enough to place your penny in it after. (Optional) Dip one piece of pH paper in each solution (it turns more blue for basic liquids and more red for acidic ones), let it dry, and label which liquid it was dipped in. 2. Do not add anything to the cup. Hypothesis: If I use 4 different products to clean pennies, adding each product to the a plastic dish (not mixing together), I predict that out of the 4 products, ketchup, fabuloso, coke, and lemon juice that lemon juice will clean a penny the best. Hi! Seven Layer Density Column Science Experiment, Exploding Popsicle Stick Bomb Tutorial An Energy Experiment For Kids. A hypothesis is a prediction of what is going to happen in an experiment based on knowledge that the experimenter already has. Medioimages/Photodisc/Photodisc/Getty Images. Make sure you stay with your kids during this part and engage with them. Use your paper towels to gently dry off each penny, then place it in the corresponding square of your table. Copper oxide is brownish or sometimes black in color (depending on other things in the pennys environment). The pennies get shiny because the copper oxide is being stripped off by a reaction, which results in increasing levels of copper in the liquid. Begin by pouring the vinegar into the bowl. Scrub each penny for 10 seconds, then rinse it again with water and place it back into its cup. If this experiment is being used for a science fair or class presentation, the young scientist has the option to either take photos of each penny with a label for which solution was used or even to bring the pennies themselves in. Step 2: Dip one penny halfway into the liquid. Not only will this, Use this observation handout when experimenting. 9 Easy Grill Cleaning Tips to Keep Mealtime Fresh, At least two of the solutions from the above list, One penny for each solution plus one extra, One small dish or cup for each solution (plastic or paper cups with a couple inches off the top cut off will work if there aren't drinking glasses to spare). The coins that were submerged in those cups should come out nice and shiny, while the rest are still a little dull and dirty. This website is helpful to me but,add more steps and I think it can be more helpful. What do your results tell you about the special properties of copper pennies? Its that dull dark color that coats old coins. TOTAL PAGES AVAILABLE FOR, 10-IN-1 BUNDLE (Set 1 of 5) - Grades 4,5,6, What is in this '10-IN-1 BUNDLE'? Ketchup Soak your pennies in ketchup to clean them like new. 2 teaspoons salt. The cookie settings on this website are set to "allow cookies" to give you the best browsing experience possible. Most of these aren't substances that are typically used to clean, which is part of makes guessing how they will affect the pennies more fun. Instructions. It also helps them practice graphing, determining independent and dependent variables, and analyzing experimental results. In this activity were going to explore why pennies dont stay bright and shiny, and test different methods to bring the shine back! 2. Put 1 tablespoon Ketchup into each Ketchup cup. Keep trying, keep asking why, and keep learning. Examples: Vinegar, Coke, Mustard, Mayo, Juice, Milk, Lemon Juice, etc. Also after 10 mins none of them got cleaned but after an hour of the ketchup, it was mostly clean. However, over time, they turn dull and dark. Dry the pennies with a paper towel. Through teaching, I have discovered that children learn in many different ways, and have seen the positive impact both STEM and Montessori toys have on children. In the third cup, put 1/2 cup vinegar and 2 teaspoons of salt. Were you surprised by the results? Luckily, there are a number of ways to clean pennies and make them look bright and shiny again, using chemistry! Vinegar and lemon juice are both acids. But the vinegar by itself didnt clean the coin as well as the vinegar + salt solution! When copper reacts with oxygen and chlorine, it turns blue-green instead! If youre doing this with kids, this is a good time to ask them questions about the experiment. I love coming up with simple and fun learning and STEM activities for kids. Make your own mix of vinegar and salt at different concentrations. And see whats the sciencebehind this phenomena. Repeat the experiment with the same pennies in a new solution of vinegar and salt and see if you can make them even brighter! Extra: Experiment with even longer periods of time with each of the cleaning methods. Wipe the excess ketchup off the pennies, then rinse them off. Pennies rust overtime. Chemical reactions, acidity, copper oxidation. Reviewed & Fact Checked byRebecca Carlock. Go back to the table you drew. 'Elephant's Toothpaste, ' link: Science - Lesson 6 of 50 - Grades 4,5,6, my middle school special education classroom. Learn how your comment data is processed. PRINT AND GO STEM BUNDLE. Ask them questions, have them tell you what they see happening. Based in Los Angeles, Bridgett Michele Lawrence began working as a freelance writer in 2008. Posted on Last updated: July 4, 2021 By: Author Kim. Water from the tap is fine. Learn how to wash Rothy's shoes so your go-to flats and loafers always look their best. Leave the control cups empty. It is a great sensory STEM activity for preschoolers and older children. This lab activity aims to explore the concept of surface tension by examining the amount of water that can fit on the surface of a, without overflowing.The lab activity comes, , an eyedropper, and water. That is why old coins look, well, old and new coins are bright and shiny. The friction does the work. A lot of parents or guardians may initially be switched off to this because they assume you will need fancy kits and equipment but thats not always true. Compare all of the pennies to the control pennies. Since most pennies made after 1982 are made out of zinc with a thin copper coating, you used real copper pennies to get the true effect. Theres a reason for that. Making an hypothesis is easy its basically asking a question! What is the optimal time to leave the pennies in the cleaning solution? Stir in about one teaspoon of salt and mix until it dissolves. Plus, theyll learn some cool facts about metals, the pH scale, and the Statue of Liberty. Here is the science of cleaning pennies with ketchup. What about soda? Science isnt a one and done thing. Rank your solutions from which cleaned the penny the best, to which cleaned it the worst. Teacher Notes: Photos and Youtube Video: 1 colour page Most of the liquids (except the water) should have somewhat cleaned the coin. Which method works best is determined by the amount of acid present, and the presence of salt. The 25 Best Wooden Puzzles for Toddlers (Teacher Approved! i need to know!!! Doing a simple science experiment with them now and again helps encourage them to ask questions and learn, as well as improve important life skills like communication, critical thinking, and problem solving. Once all of the pennies have been rinsed, use your fingers to gently scrub the pennies one at a time with your baking soda paste (keep your gloves on for this part!). Why do you think this might be? You can find this page online at: https://www.sciencebuddies.org/stem-activities/shine-bright-like-apenny. Can you think of other safe household acids you could test? You dont need any fancy gadgets or science kits to clean these coins, all you need are a few household ingredients and you will have shiny new coins in less than an hour. It included a shiny new coin, one blackened and covered in ver, Smart Board Lesson for Beginning Learners, Introduce your students to the process of scientific experimentation, lesson. This way, you wont mix up the coins when it comes to comparing them. Write the name of each liquid on a strip of paper and put one strip beside the cup to mark it. Deidre is an avid writer with a Bachelor of Arts in Literature. Recently, we did thisCleaning Pennies Experimentand the results were surprising to my kids. Did you get to the same conclusion that the ketchup and the vinegar + salt mixture cleaned the coins the most? Materials: -pennies, fabuloso, ketchup, coke, lemon juice, paper . Citrus JuiceTry a variety of citrus juices to see which works best or simply let your pennies soak in lemon juice. Its a great way to get their young minds critically thinking, and also challenges them to solve problems using logic. So in our case, we looked at the ingredients. This experiment can be performed with things generally found around the house, so it's a great choice for even a quick rainy day project. 'Balloon Powered Rocket, that looks at what house hold solutions will be best to. Find out! 2 or More Additional Solutions. 'Balloon Powered Rocket. Im Colleen, gifted specialist, educational consultant,author,speaker, andhomeschool momof four gifted/twice-exceptional kids. Im going to use this for my science project at school but im going to do it for more then 10 minutes. Which is the least clean? Repeat step 4 two more times. The kids had a lot of fun and the sorting sheet helped keep the organized and on track. If you are looking for an easy way to engage your kids with science, then why dont you try out the classic cleaning coins experiment? Extra: Can you think of other safe household acids you could test? Student Write-Up Template and Question Sheet: 5 colour pages What do you see? How did this happen? Curious about the science? Ketchup and oranges have a high acid content as dovinegar and lemons. Hold it there for about 10 seconds, then pull it out. The pennies have become tarnished as the copper coating reacts with oxygen in the air and forms a copper oxygen compound, which makes the pennies appear brown. Water. follow up activities, 10 graphing activities for graphing the hypothesis. If you took a picture in Step 1, go back and compare each pennys cleanliness before and after being cleaned. Which one do they think will clean the coin the most? Next should either be the soda/fruit juice or vinegar (sometimes these switch depending on what type of each you have used) because their pH is usually around 3, so they are mildly acidic. Repeat the process until the penny reaches the desired shininess. I'm so glad you liked it! We talked about the materials used for making, and the process of oxidation. Here is a video of when we did the first stage of this experiment which we put up on our GallyKids Youtube Channel. Place a penny in it and cover the penny with ketchup. 1. You can watch them change for the first few seconds. Gently wipe off any excess solution with a paper towel. All rights reserved. There is a second stage to this experiment that you can also try out while you are talking to your kids about their results from the first stage. Oranges? There is a second stage to this experiment that you can also try out, and the only extra materials you will need is two more old pennies and some more paper towels. Privacy. If you line up your pennies in order from the dirtiest to the cleanest, the order should go something like this: Water, Soda/Fruit Juice, Vinegar, Ketchup, and Vinegar and salt mixture. Slowly add water, 1 tablespoon at time, until youve created a paste. Great for President's Day! (Keeping the pennies in front of the cups will help you remember which solution they were each in. Students will practice NGSS skills such as asking questions, planning and carrying out an investigation, and analyzing and interpreting data. A variety of products can be used to keep your pennies looking shiny and new. In this case, talk with the young scientist about which solutions he or she thinks will best clean the pennies. After all the pennies have soaked for about five minutes, it is time to pull them out. Make each cell (square) of the table large enough to place your penny in it after your testing is complete. Label each cup with a pen so you and your kids know what liquid is in each up. After that you won't see anything happen. Make sure your child doesn't lick the pennies or try to eat any because ketchup is tasty. Vinegar and SaltMake a solution of vinegar and salt and let the pennies soak. First, prepare all your cups and line them up on a counter. Can you clearly see Abraham Lincoln? Dry the pennies with a paper towel. This is because when the hydrochloric solution cleaned the coin and air dried it, it also took with it some of the salt. Copper oxide is blackish. The step-by-step instructions included in this digital product are easy to follow and are accompanied by colorful illustrations that make the . This is why most pennies you see look dirty or tarnished, its not actually dirt, but copper-oxide that makes them look so dull. Here's what a young scientist will need to get started: In order to perform this simple experiment, do the following: Once the results are in, talk to the child about which pennies look the cleanest and if they can see any patterns regarding which solutions seemed to do the best job. Step 1: Put the salt and vinegar in the bowl. Which is the least clean? Citric acid works similarly to the other acids. Sometimes, all you need is some glue, some baking soda or a few old pennies. Wait about 5 minutes, then remove the pennies from the solution. It utilizes a lot of stuff you already have lying around your house, and does not require you to go out and buy a lot of fancy science gadgets. Ketchup. But if you really want to dig in you can guide your children through the scientific method while doing this. Always happy to help! When the penny is clean, remove it, rinse it with fresh water, and set it aside to dry. This packet includes a direction list/timeline for the teacher, class observation form, 2 different CER responses (one, and one without a graphic organizer) AND an opportunity for students to graph and a, , and Which Type of Water Works Best? Experiment with even longer periods of time with each of the cleaning methods. Pour a small amount of each solution you chose into a cup. Conclusion: The hypothesis was proven true, and the pennies, were best cleaned by the strongest acid, which in this experiment was lemon juice. Leave the paper clip in the solution overnight. As we have seen experimentally, acid alone does not clean as well as acid and salt. Penny cleaning science projects are a popular choice at grade school science fairs - and for good reason. Well, its time to look at what is in our catsup! Materials: Dirty pennies Glass Vinegar Salt Measuring spoons Paper towels Instructions: Fill the glass about halfway full with vinegar. Which penny is the cleanest, compared to the control? Vinegar (or Lemon Juice) and Salt This method is the best way to clean your pennies, and it will produce a very bright orangey-copper color on your pennies. And also, dont forget to Subscribe to our channel for more fun kids activities. Was 1 minute or 5 minutes more effective in cleaning the pennies overall? Let the pennies sit in the soda overnight. At the end students write which solution, Lab Activity" is an engaging and interactive lab, designed for high school and college biology classes. Finally, wipe the coins dry with a tea towel or kitchen paper. You can only guess how highly acidic this ketchup must be! chemistry, kitchen science experiments, coin experiments. The soda cleans the pennies because it contains phosphoric acid. As it is easy to see, the ingredient that had the greatest impact was vinegar with salt, and the one who had the lower impact was water. So what just happened here? If you have chosen to do the extra second step with your kids, then you will have noticed upon your frequent checks that the coins will have turned a blue-green color after being left to air dry. How to Clean Sunglasses Without Scratching Them. All rights reserved. One option is to incorporate the use of pH paper (which measures how basic or acidic something is when the paper is dipped into a substance) to help the child further understand why some of the solutions may work better than others. Record this number on your data table under trial 1. Its exactly the same reaction thats happening to the dearly beloved Statue of Liberty! Hot SauceHot sauce, like Tabasco or taco sauce, also will remove the oxides off pennies. Once all the pennies are in the correct cup, use the remaining time to observe the pennies, and the contents of the cup. We're going to try this out today! Dont be afraid to use all your senses. In this activity you experimented with 4 different cleaning methods to determine which was the most effective at cleaning pennies. This takes more work than the others, however. The negatively charged oxygen atoms in our air are attracted to the positively charged copper atoms in the penny. Explore this article things needed 1 Preparation 2 Collect pennies of varying color Collect pennies of varying color. Add the pennies. How does time affect the cleanliness of the pennies? Kids are naturally curious, and as their parent or guardian, you will want to encourage that as they grow older. This means you will only have two cups to work with. Penny Lab webapi.bu.edu 2022-10-29 . A coin collector prides himself on gathering pennies, but old tarnished pennies are an eyesore to anyone's collection. The chlorine ions bond with the copper in solution forming some sort of copper chloride, allowing the acid to break more of the copper oxide free from the penny. This looks like a great activity to do with my kiddos! Hi, I'm Kim! Wipe the penny off with a paper towel and rinse off. Kids will get all the supplies they need to complete the activities in addition to a cool lab book .Subscribe here. So if you look at the coin in the vinegar solution, it made the old coin a little bit brighter and less brown. Why do pennies get dark and dingy? Have additional paper towels available to wipe off any remaining solution from the pennies. Place a penny in it and cover the penny with ketchup. Who knew learning how to clean a penny could be so much fun? Leave the coins to air dry for at least 30 minutes. Take the dirty copper pennies (the ones from the bottom of your purse are best) and have your child place one into each cup. 'Dry Ice Bubble, ' link: The young scientist tries to find out which of several solutions will clean pennies best, eliminating the copper oxide that gives the surface a dull and tarnished appearance. Begin the experiment by placing a few pennies on a small plate. Wipe the penny off with a paper towel and rinse off. Next, drop in a dirty penny and stir. Drop eight to ten of the dirty pennies into the solution. 'Balloon Powered Rocket, ' link: Make this your own and let your kids explore. Which one is the cleanest? The Best Science Kits for 5 Year Olds That Teach STEM in a Fun Way, The Best Science Kits for 4 Year Olds That Teach Basic Science Concepts Really Well, The Best Science Kits for 3 Year Olds (What to Buy and What to Avoid), The Best Gifts For 10 Year Old Girls Who Are Awesome and Ready to Change the World, Best Science Kits For 8-Year-Olds to 10-Year-Olds, Water Pressure Rocket Toy: 4M Water Rocket Kit Review. Before we started our cleaning pennies experiment, I talked to my kids about what they thought would happen when we placed pennies into some soda. Kids will love trying their hand at the classic cleaning pennies science experiment to see if theycan use a chemical reaction to make pennies shine brightly once again. . I needed a quick science activity. It is a step-by-step, that the students can perform on their own. We use cookies and those of third party providers to deliver the best possible web experience and to compile statistics. 'Fire Water Balloon, 25-IN-1 BUNDLE (Set 1 of 2) - Grades 4,5,6, What is in this '25-IN-1 BUNDLE'? Kids will love Groovy Lab in a Box because it contains everything they need to do experiments focused on science, technology, engineering and math (STEM). 'Balloon Powered Rocket, - Lesson 2 of 50 - Grades 4,5,6 This activity helps students to see and experience the properties of water- including Adhesion, Cohesion, and Surface Tension. If using bowls or Tupperware, write your label on clear plastic tape and gently attach it.
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