Bug Reporter: Added a token representing the Unity ID account that you are currently signed in to the Bug Reporter, if the Hub is running and you are signed in at the time you file a bug report. (1357986), Editor: Updated documentation of GameObject.CreatePrimitive and ObjectFactory.CreatePrimitive to reflect current behavior. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. (UUM-14265), TextCore: Fixed Editor LineBreakingRules. Shadergraph: Fixed issue where reroute node would sometimes show the wrong color for its appropriate inputs. This also fixes the overly bright billboard lighting which didn't quite match the 3D geometry's lighting. Graphics: Added the ability to compute the thickness of an Object. Scripting: Fixed a bug where the editor could throw an Exception after an asmdef setup error was fixed. Some objects require multiple materials. (UUM-22593), Shaders: Fixed Texture and Vector material properties not supporting displaying tooltips. (UUM-19689), IL2CPP: Enabled the marshaling offset to compute properly for the first field in an explicit layout type when that field has a non-zero offset. Scripting: Fixed precompiled assemblies so they are now loaded when they are copied into the Unity project, while the ADB worker is running. Editor: Windows: now you can switch to Editor Launch Screen using alt+tab. Continously changing the mesh triangles and vertices:
This allows you to set both the localPosition and localRotation of a transform in a single call, which is more efficient than assigning to localPosition and localRotation separately. HDRP: Fixed the PrefabStage with Lensflare not included in the object, include the lensflare only if it's included on the prefab (children included). (UUM-6049), Package Manager: Fixed an issue where Package extensions did not appear directly after package was added. (UUM-1809), Editor: Fixed OS key binding exception in ShortcutManager. (UUM-7712). (UUM-25833), UI Toolkit: Fixed last character of wrapped line not selected in text field. (UUM-26502), Editor: Disabled the Custom brushes mode menu button of the Terrain Tools overlay if there are no custom terrain tools available. (SGB-409), Shadergraph: Fixed rare line-ending conflict in shader graph node templates when source control rewrites EOL markers. (UUM-19598), HDRP: Enabled the path tracer to include baked light sources. Editor: Modify the Tool Variant arrow icon to look less clickable. Textures are often applied to the surface of a mesh to give it visual detail. Editor: Improved internal calls to CustomEditorAttributes static methods. Graphics: Added the runtime-modifiable Texture2D property to toggle excluding the texture from mipmap limits (only for readable Texture2Ds). Editor: The 2 by 3 layout now defaults to one column view for the project browser. Returns name of BlendShape by given index. (UUM-5583), Shaders: Fixed "State comes from an incompatible keyword space" assertion when building asset bundles. (UUM-4641), SRP Core: Revert Property for animation curves on Volume Components. However, my app did not manage the transparency correctly, and the lower layers was invisible on screen. Transform.InverseTransformVectors() - batch version of Transform.InverseTransformVector(). (UUM-21893). HDRP sample project. Editor: Added option to Scene View preferences to only refresh the Scene view when the Editor is in focus. (UUM-9969), UI Toolkit: Fixed UI Toolkit runtime panels sometimes ignoring clicks in a build. UI Toolkit: Fixed an issue where an alternate row background would disappearing after a refresh. Fetches the triangle list for the specified sub-mesh on this object. Graphics: Added: Added ColorGamutUtility to retrieve the color primaries, white point or transfer function associated with a color gamut. (UUM-3477), UI Toolkit: Fixed NullReferenceException followed by ArgumentException when removing an element from its panel during a style transition. Rigidbody2D.OverlapCollider is now Rigidbody2D.Overlap Even though everything is set correctly in Preferences->External Tools->JDK. IL2CPP: UnityLinker will now use server gc, reducing its runtime by 15%-20%. Graphics: Added initial general foveated rendering API support on Oculus. Universal RP: Fixed warnings appearing in GlobalIllumination.hlsl regarding gradient instruction used in a loop. This process uses more memory and makes loading slower (especially on older mobile devices). VFX Graph: Added VFX integration in Ray Tracing. HDRP: Improved CPU shadow performance with burst. can be Disabled, Enabled, or EnabledWithStackTrace. Graphics: Added asynchronous compilation of pipeline state objects for Shader Warmup. (UUM-23156), IL2CPP: Fixed leak of internal thread objects that could manifest in a pause on player exit (UUM-21101), IL2CPP: Fixed C++ compilation error when assigning to a ref parameter in shared generic code with constraints. (UUM-1144), IL2CPP: Corrected the behavior of the System.IO.Compression.ZipArchive API. Does methalox fuel have a coking problem at all? Shadergraph: Fixed issue where custom interpolator previews would provide erroneous results when connecting through a reroute node. For example, if you have a mesh of 100 Vertices, and want to have a position, normal and two texture coordinates for each vertex, then the mesh should . (UUM-11111), Player: Fixed splash landscape background using the wrong uv's when a portrait background was included. (UUM-22222), DX12: Fixed broken vsync in editor game window. UI Toolkit: Added: Added UxmlAssetAttributeDescription to define UnityEngine.Object attributes as part of any VisualElement. VFX Graph: Added a new output to modify the volumetric fog of HDRP. (UUM-25486). (UUM-5815). (UUM-16954), HDRP: Fixed coat mask when using iridescence. GI: Replaced the sample int fields with log sliders. (UUM-27587). I have imported a FBX model. (UUM-16018), Editor: Removed the ability to apply components marked with HideFlags.DontSaveInEditor to Prefab. Finally export your model, probably FBX is the best available option when working with Blender and Unity. Editor: Fixed an issue where ITestRunCallback is invoked double when run in EditMode. (UUM-14640), Editor: Fixed a crash when there was a corrupt PrefabInstance. This optimization caused too many bugs. Commit hash: 7ffad42406e36cda9e4be7eb4ad533e45502a60d of Unity's Pythonnet fork. Core: Added: Added new Gizmos.DrawLineList() API which allow a sequence of disconnected lines to be drawn with a single API call improving performance over repeated calls to Gizmos.DrawLine(). Answer, How do you draw a sprite from an atlas on to a mesh? Ideally, Texture dimension sizes should be powers of two on each side (that is, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048 pixels (px), and so on). (UUM-6188), HDRP: Fixed an issue with flickering game view when using HDR output and a realtime reflection probe. If youre new to Unity Answers, please check our User Guide to help you navigate through our website and refer to our FAQ for more information. (UUM-13424), HDRP: Fixed bad undo behaviour with light layers and shadows. Package Manager: Added tracking of assets imported from an Asset Store package. EmbeddedLinux: Improved startup timings logs which are now enabled via BootConfig parameters, Editor Setting, and has a scripting entrypoint. You can scale up NPOT Texture Assets at import time using the Non Power of 2 option in the Advanced section of the Texture Importer. (UUM-28701), Android: Added support for Android's AAudio engine, so on Android 8.1 and later, Unity Audio is now layered over AAudio. (UUM-3666), Editor: Fixed an issue to make sure Undo.DestroyObjectImmediate and Object.DestroyImmediate has the same behaviour. Automatically assign hundred of textures to .obj file, 2 Models 1 Cracked How to make both look the same? Physics 2D: Ensure that a single path PolygonCollider2D always uses a clockwise winding internally to give consistent results when used in a CompositeCollider2D. (UUM-563), VFX Graph: Fixed single pass stereo rendering issue with SG integration due to uncorrectly setup instanceID. 2D: Added Sprite/SpriteShape/TilemapRenderer as mask sources for SpriteMask. The texture coordinates (UVs) in the eighth channel. Editor: Enabled shortcut binding to mouse wheel turns for ShortcutManager. Refer to Handle Android crashes. Although, if a texture has its Aniso levelThe anisotropic filtering (AF) level of a texture. Editor: Enabled the first import from TextureImporter to generate Sprites by automatically detecting regions when project Default Behavior is in 2D Mode. If you drew something which contains transparency, the transparency might be the problem. GI: Performance improvements to the GPU lightmapper when using the Balanced baking profile. (UUM-25501). (UUM-7857), Editor: Fixed EditorUtility.DisplayDialog layout after showing dialog with a long text. (UUM-5928), HDRP: Fixed an issue to initialize Volume before diffusion profile list. (UUM-21001), UI Toolkit: Added formatting issues in UI Toolkit and Properties scripting reference. (UUM-3342), DX12: Fixed to Allow releasing memory with GL.Flush() within a single frame. (UUM-9030), IL2CPP: Improved error messages for unsupported Process API methods. HDRP: Fixed ambient probe for volumetric clouds. (UUM-4299), IL2CPP: Fixed incorrect custom attribute lookup on a field derived in a base class from a different assembly. Graphics: Added: Added a way to obtain the current RenderPipelineGlobalSettings in GraphicsSettings API. Texture does not scale correctly on a mesh, suddenly, mesh modified by perlin noise is symmetric. com.unity.ide.vscode - "Visual Studio Code package is not supported anymore. New AGP version doesn't have an option to minify using proguard. XR: Added warning if stereo projection matrices are accessed before they have been set. HDRP: Fixed removal of DecalShaderGraphGUI.SetupDecalKeywordsAndPass. HDRP: Better Reflection Probe Debug_"Icon". Graphics: Improved AlphaIsTransparency API docs and tooltip. (UUM-5760), Shaders: Fixed canceling shader variant compilation not working when compilation was async. Graphics: Fixed an issue where SystemInfo.GetCompatibleFormat would return an incompatible format for certain depth-stencil formats + FormatUsage combinations. HDRP: Fixed a black screen issue with master builds on HDRP. in the Unity community. Editor: Added: Added EditorApplication.consoleLogsChanged event. Burst: Fixed an issue that whitespace changes in ILPP'd assemblies would not be detected. (UUM-2112), Android: Fixed Screen.SetResolution when using split-screen and Screen.orientation changes. (UUM-27978), Editor: Fixed macos screen capture showing random pixels when capturing at screen edge. (UUM-7797), Editor: Fixed not being able to drag shortcut list scroller by mouse. Build Pipeline: Fixed an issue where UWP test certificate would be regenerated once deleted from the assets folder. (UUM-14582), IL2CPP: Corrected the build of a Mac Standalone player with an exported Xcode project when script debugging is enabled. (UUM-11386), Animation: Fixed a invalid breadcrumb in Animator Window when undoing nested BlendTree creation.. (UUM-12013), WebGL: Fixed a bug where the soft keyboard had incorrect formatting leading to excess whitespace. Get offset within a vertex buffer stream of a specific vertex data attribute on this Mesh. Why? UI Toolkit: Disabled internal update of ViewData feature for Runtime UI, in order to improve performance. ). Networking: Added new Dedicated Server Standalone player options to assembly definition exclude/include platform lists. Video: Enabled error reporting only when the user uses MediaFoundation directly. Graphics: Fixed present callbacks not being called correctly when the GfxDeviceClient is set to not be serializing (ST threading mode). The checkbox will represent the actual value in the lighting settings asset. (UUM-18601), Universal RP: Fixed an issue and OnMouseOver now works with camera stacking. Why does Unity heavily blur edges of a single cube despite 8x antialisaing, Blender export to unity via FBX: correct rotation. (UUM-22019), Editor: Re-implemented the original fix for case 1393058. These methods are intended for advanced use cases which require maximum performance. A mesh will always render according to its world position and the perspective of the camera (s) viewing it. (UUM-3972). (UUM-26431), IL2CPP: Corrected handle enums declared inside a generic type. Graphics: Changed the scope of Frame Timing Manager FrameTime.GPU on Dx11. DX12: Fixed a crash copying sampler descriptors. Android: Android SDK must have cmdline-tools component installed now. (1413513), UI Toolkit: Fixed PropertyField not properly refreshing when SerializedReference type changes. Unexpected 'POI-467' in 'Feature POI-467 @youngkyoung-kim:\nAndroid: Chrome OS Build & Run Support - Add device using IP address'. Shadergraph: Addressed issue where missing targets were not handled on import. (UUM-8012), HDRP: Fixed enabling raytracing in the HDRP asset if resources are in a bad state. (UUM-21101), IL2CPP: Fixed an issue to properly load the default value of a field that has a modifier. Linux: Fixed DisplayInfo.WorkArea ignores resolution scaling when working with multiple displays. Incompatible with MSAA, Dynamic Resolution, or Camera stacking. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. It's not the normals, because I am recalculating them after generating the mesh, and the mesh looks fine when lit. (UUM-13281), IL2CPP: Fixed handling of numeric conversion IL opcodes in generic code when Faster (smaller) builds is enabled. (UUM-21505). (UUM-712). Answers, Seamless texture across a BUILDING mesh 2. (UUM-22996). The number of sub-meshes inside the Mesh object. Graphics: Camera.SubmitRenderRequests is now obsolete. (UUM-30672), GI: Fixed lightmap baking when light cookie is used. (UUM-11707), Editor: Dropped warning about mismatching mipmap limits when using a region-based CopyTexture. Resetting permissions on all files in the project fixed it. The anisotropic filtering (AF) level of a texture. Shadergraph: Speeds up rename operations on properties/keywords/dropdowns in large graph. Asset Pipeline: Fixed to enable LogAsserts when working with the out of process importer. (UUM-14789), HDRP: Improved the motion and receiver rejection tooltips for RTGI and RTAO. Graphics: Added support for loading EXR data via ImageConversion.LoadImage(). 2D: Fixed a case where a .psd/.psb with a Main Skeleton assigned would generate incorrect bind poses. Wrong mesh collider when import FBX from Blender to Unity, Revit to Unity 3D Models and Texture export. Recalculates the UV distribution metric of the Mesh from the vertices and uv coordinates. Core: Boot config option no-main-thread-job-stealing=true can be used to prevent the main thread from ever stealing job work. Is something described here not working as you expect it to? URP: Enabled Global Settings to always upgrade when opening an old URP project. Answer, Applying texture to part of a mesh - Possible? (UUM-23038), Editor: Fixed that when using Entities that some type of gizmos for components in subscenes were not rendered in the Scene view. Package: Integrated Android PowerManager and PerformanceHintManager APIs. (UUM-26192), DX12: Fixed for PSO naming in PIX. Editor: Frame Debugger: Holding down Shift or Alt buttons while clicking a foldout triangle will now open/close them all. Graphics: Added: Added new API to the RenderGraph to allow native render pass support in the future. Android: Added: Added PlayerSettings.Android.applicationEntry for application entry selection. Its a the problem with my camera view user1509674 Oct 7 '16 at 10:40. Editor: Added: Added helper functions to PackageInfo, to query the existence of packages, to optimize use cases that previously used GetAllRegisteredPackages. Burst: Fixed internal compiler error when implcitly converting an array to a Span. JobsUtility.ThreadIndexCount reflects the maximum number of job worker threads Transform.TransformPoints() - batch version of Transform.TransformPoint() Graphics: Added the ability in the Texture2D importer and constructor to exclude the texture from mipmap limits, ensuring that all mips can get uploaded regardless of the quality settings. (UUM-16058), Shaders: Fixed a rare crash when destroying shaders. (UUM-22077), Asset Pipeline: Fixed spritesheet and other previews not being updated in project browser sometimes. (UUM-26824), URP: Display Stats is now always shown in the first position on the Rendering Debugger. Kernel: Performance in heavily run code paths for NativeArray, UnsafeUtility, and AtomicSafetyHandle improved through inlining. HDRP: Replaced CustomEditorForRenderPipeline and VolumeComponentMenuForRenderPipeline with separate attributes. (UUM-19026). Visual Scripting: Moved Events/MessageListeners files to a Listeners folder to avoid exceeding an OS path limit. Android: Improved an error message in a corner case when tyring to build Android app after removing valid NDK tools. Editor: Deprecated the CustomEditorForRenderPipeline. (UUM-25736). Shaders: Added an editor only option to disable shader optimizations for reduced compile times. What other material do I need, aside from the texture one? Physics 2D: Added a new Physics2D.simulatedLayers property that controls which layers are simulated when the automatic FixedUpdate or Update simulation modes are used. Core: Added: A new event Application.memoryUsageChanged, that is fired when applications memory usage changes significantly (for example goes critically low). There are a couple of ways in which a camera may be set up to limit the display of the texture. SRP Core: Added: An extension method to fetch the Render Pipeline assets from a BuildTarget. How to give a counterexample of this estimate related to Paley-Littlewood theorem? (1419208), UI Toolkit: Fixed visual artifact when border width is larger than border radius. (1396573), Linux: Fixed two mouse move events in one single frame by removing one pushed from gtk callback. (UUM-17585), Editor: InvalidOperationException when adding or removing components with the inspector in debug mode. Although we cannot accept all submissions, we do read each suggested change from our users and will make updates where applicable. More infoSee in Glossary. 859 11 32. (UUM-21910), iOS: Fixed iOS wrong orientation output when in split view mode. Prefabs: Fixed duplicate file ids known bugs. (UUM-7783). Asset Pipeline: Implemented accessor for saving data to .meta files. (UUM-20325), TextCore: Fixed keyNotFoundException occurs when selecting entry in diacritical mark tables. Core: Added: Added overload of GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag that takes a List
to bypass allocations. Editor: Allow copy/paste to work on color fields when their labels are highlighted. Returns the weight of a blend shape frame. Replaced with an info box when enabling Read/Write that triggers if Unity detects a texture over 512MB. Universal RP: Shader Graph Editor Main Preview window is blank Editor: Added: Exposed ReserveModifiers attribute to be used on shortcut methods. For example, if you have
Android: Fixed a sporadic crash on screen rotation when Optimized Frame Pacing was enabled. XR: Fixed Camera.stereoEnabled when SRP is used and fixed the Camera.stereoSeparation value. (UUM-19575), HDRP: Fixed for low resolution transparents using shader graph and sampling the color or depth buffer. then you can access individual vertices, including the u,v values. Get vertex buffer stream stride in bytes. Graphics: Deprecated: Deprecation of the various DrawX functions on the ScriptableRenderContext in favor of the RendererList API. Editor: Added: Added public API for ChannelService.DispatchMessages. (UUM-12134), UI: Fixed missing tooltip for "Screen Weight Distance" in Screen Space Refraction override. In ray tracing, this is the equivalent of Graphics.RenderMeshInstanced from the rasterization pipeline. UI Toolkit: Removed the prevention of compatibility mouse events when cancelling PointerDownEvent. Ideally, you want your texture to be facing the camera. HDRP: Added Screen Space Lens Flare feature. (UUM-21675), Universal RP: Missing keyword in ParticlesSimpleLit for Lightmap shadow mixing. Build System: Fixed an issue where thes splashscreen logo could not be removed when it was included in a previous build. Rigidbody2D.AddRelativeForceY() method to allow adding relative force to the Rigidbody2D velocity Y component without modifying velocity X component. (UUM-17887), IL2CPP: Updated zlib to version 1.2.12 for CVE-2018-25032. Universal Windows Platform: Fixed IL2CPP failing to initialize when called from Windows Runtime component. A 2D graphic objects. All external references are no longer lost after CreateBase. Video: Fixed an issue where Audio channel order from the VideoPlayer was not matching what FMOD expects for 5.1/7.1 on Android, both with Vorbis and AAC audio codecs. Editor: Improved performance of SRP DecalProjector Gizmo rendering by LODing. (UUM-20944), VFX Graph: Fixed a rare issue with VFXCullResults. Transform.TransformVectors() - batch version of Transform.TransformVector() Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. A special type of Material used to represent skies. Use these methods for improved performance when operating on both positions and rotations at the same time. Terrain: Added Quality Settings to control various Terrain settings at different quality levels. Checks and balances in a 3 branch market economy, enjoy another stunning sunset 'over' a glass of assyrtiko. You also have the option to generate a normal map from a grayscale height map image. (UUM-542), VFX Graph: Error thrown when entering a subgraph that is already opened. (UUM-11634), HDRP: Fixed Ray Tracing Mixed Mode Collisions. (UUM-5701). Can someone explain why this point is giving me 8.3V? (1369562), macOS: Fixed a hang on startup on MacOS 13 when running from Xcode. HDRP: Fixed lens flare wobbling caused by using jittered matrix, more visible with DLSS. WebGL: Fixed an issue where the soft keyboard would leave whitespace at the bottom of the page after being dismissed. TextCore: Corrected the ellipsis behavior on last visible lines. (UUM-4095), Editor: Frame Debugger: Fixed an issue where the Depth buffer was incorrectly displayed after selecting DrawOpaqueObjects event. com.unity.2d.animation: 9.0.0-pre.1 10.0.0, com.unity.2d.pixel-perfect: 5.0.1 5.0.3, com.unity.2d.psdimporter: 8.0.0-pre.1 9.0.0, com.unity.2d.spriteshape: 9.0.0-pre.1 10.0.0, com.unity.2d.tilemap.extras: 3.0.2 4.0.0, com.unity.adaptiveperformance: 4.0.0 5.0.0, com.unity.adaptiveperformance.samsung.android: 4.0.0 5.0.0, com.unity.animation.rigging: 1.2.0 1.2.1, com.unity.cinemachine: 2.9.0-pre.6 2.9.5, com.unity.ide.visualstudio: 2.0.15 2.0.17, com.unity.live-capture: 3.0.0-pre.5 3.0.0, com.unity.mobile.notifications: 2.0.1 2.1.1, com.unity.nuget.newtonsoft-json: 3.0.2 3.1.0, com.unity.performance.profile-analyzer: 1.1.1 1.2.2, com.unity.services.cloud-diagnostics: 1.0.3 1.0.5, com.unity.remote-config-runtime: 3.0.0 3.1.3, com.unity.render-pipelines.core: 14.0.3 15.0.5, com.unity.render-pipelines.high-definition: 14.0.3 15.0.5, com.unity.render-pipelines.high-definition-config: 14.0.3 15.0.5, com.unity.render-pipelines.universal: 14.0.3 15.0.5, com.unity.scriptablebuildpipeline: 1.20.1 1.21.3, com.unity.services.analytics: 4.0.1 4.4.0, com.unity.services.authentication: 2.0.0 2.4.0, com.unity.services.ccd.management: 2.1.0 2.2.2, com.unity.services.cloudcode: 2.0.0 2.2.1, com.unity.services.cloudsave: 2.0.0 2.0.1, com.unity.services.economy: 2.0.2 3.1.1, com.unity.testtools.codecoverage: 1.1.1 1.2.2, com.unity.visualeffectgraph: 14.0.3 15.0.5, com.unity.xr.arcore: 5.0.0-pre.12 5.0.5, com.unity.xr.arfoundation: 5.0.0-pre.12 5.0.5, com.unity.xr.arkit-face-tracking: 5.0.0-pre.12 5.0.2, com.unity.xr.arsubsystems: 5.0.0-pre.12 5.0.2, com.unity.xr.core-utils: 2.1.0-pre.1 2.2.0, com.unity.xr.interaction.toolkit: 2.1.0-pre.1 2.3.1, com.unity.xr.legacyinputhelpers: 2.1.9 2.1.10, com.unity.formats.fbx: 4.2.0-pre.1 5.0.0, com.unity.learn.iet-framework: 2.2.1 3.1.3, com.unity.learn.iet-framework.authoring: 1.0.2 1.2.2, com.unity.sequences: 2.0.0-pre.2 2.1.0-pre.1, com.unity.terrain-tools: 5.0.0-pre.3 5.1.0, com.unity.profiling.systemmetrics.mali: 1.0.1 1.0.2, com.unity.scripting.python: 5.0.0-pre.5 7.0.0, com.unity.scripting.python.windows: 1.2.0-pre.4 1.3.0, com.unity.scripting.python.macos: 1.2.0-pre.4 1.3.0, com.unity.scripting.python.linux: 1.2.0-pre.4 1.3.0, com.unity.netcode.gameobjects: 1.0.0-pre.9 1.3.1, com.unity.multiplayer.tools: 1.0.0-pre.7 1.1.0, com.unity.ai.navigation: 1.1.0-pre.1 1.1.1, com.unity.adaptiveperformance.google.android@1.0.0, com.unity.toolchain.macos-x86_64-linux-x86_64@2.0.4, com.unity.toolchain.win-x86_64-linux-x86_64@2.0.4, com.unity.services.matchmaker@1.1.0-pre.3, com.unity.services.deployment@1.0.0-pre.7, com.unity.services.deployment.api@1.0.0-pre.5. (UUM-22694), Windows: Fixed IL2CPP runtime compilation failing when building C++ code using Visual Studio 2022 17.4 or newer. HDRP: Updated an out-of-date guide in TextureStack.hlsl. Burst: Fixed Burst compilation error relating to UnityEngine.Assertions.Assert.Fail when doing player builds with high stripping settings. Build Pipeline: Updated progress bar with more descriptive labels. (UUM-658), Serialization: Fixed a possible player crash when opening the player build. Prefabs: Users can now see that an overridden property value is identical to that of its source on the Property context menu item for 'Revert'. issuetracker.unity3d.com. (UUM-28294). First seen in 2023.1.0a22. (UUM-3897), URP: Fixed URP 2D - Fix Light2D upgrading issue with m_AlphaBlendOnOverlap property. HDRP: Added error when MSAA and non-MSAA buffers are bound simultaneously in custom passes. Package: - Android SDK Level 33 (Tiramisu) support now available. (UUM-31851), Shaders: Strict shader variant matching will now report the shader stage along with other information when the requested variant is missing. (AW-1094), Editor: Fixed the inspector Transform Component foldout not responding to input on the top half. (UUM-3727, UUM-3732, UUM-3745, UUM-3746), Android: Fix Screen.safeArea calculations Make sure your texture is in clamp mode, it will be easier to see if the projection works correctly. Has the cause of a rocket failure ever been mis-identified, such that another launch failed due to the same problem? You can check the Materials section of the Mesh Renderer. (UUM-13294). Android: Added: Added Android Project Configuration Manager API. Services: Obsoleted: Made UserInfo APIs as obsolete. (UUM-7195), iOS: Fixed crash on warming up shader variants with procedural instancing. (UUM-5006). Are there any canonical examples of the Prime Directive being broken that aren't shown on screen? Editor: Fixed a crash on shutdown when using the cli option -cacheServerWaitForUploadCompletion. This is no standard procedure or anything, just my personal preference). (UUM-6667), Mono: Added use of a relative path to the gdiplus dynamic library in the dllmap entry in the config file. Editor: Fixed an issue so that you can now set a Camera's targetDisplay property using C# in the editor. In contrast, there are many situations where an element would be visible to the editor view, but not visible to the game view. Universal RP: Fixed a missing keyword in ParticleLit for Lightmap shadow mixing. (UUM-21664), Editor: Fixed an issue that warning messages are no longer displayed when selecting the color picker after selecting the object picker when editing materials. Allows you to increase texture quality when viewing a texture at a steep angle. Build Pipeline: Fixed build player pipeline not correctly retrieving symbol defines for subtarget specified in BuildPlayerOptions. (UUM-20456, UUM-20458). Burst: Fixed "An item with the same key has already been added" hashing error that could occur if obfuscators changed nested type names to have the same name and different namespaces. First seen in 2023.1.0a6. I imported it, checked it over, and exported to FBX (assuming that no further steps needed be taken). 2D: Split the batch deformation into two: GPU deformation and CPU deformation. Answers Scripting: Added: Added type AwaitableCoroutine usable as an async method return type, and providing await compatibility for coroutines such as NextFrame, UnityEvent, AsyncGPUReadBacks or any AsyncOperation. (UUM-10859), IL2CPP: Fixed a crash when memory profiler is enabled. When mipmap limits are in use, the mip slider is now properly clamped. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. If you can not see it in the game build, this could help further diagnose the problem. First seen in 2023.1.0a23. Documentation: Fixed a small issue in RayTracingAccelerationStructure.AddInstances Scripting API docs using wrong format in StructuredBuffer example. Shadergraph: Fixed issue where nodes with dynamic vectors would not correctly cache properties for previews. Useful for events that are using USEPASS or falling back to an assigned fallback shader. Instantiate Spawns Object Away from Source? (UVSB-2422), Editor: Fixed drag and drop crashes the editor if the window is docked. Editor: Added: Added a constructor to the EditorToolbarToggle class that takes in a text as an icon and a label. (UUM-31369), Editor: Fixed Folders with the already existing name are moved properly. The lighting window will show a warning if Auto Generate is ticked but it will not prevent the user from doing so. (UUM-10698), HDRP: Enabled SSR transparent in default framesettings. Particles: Fixed an issue where disabling VR head roll when rendering particles from a command buffer was not supported. (UUM-18911), HDRP: Fixed saving after auto register of a diffusion profile.
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