Suggestion: Normally it has nothing to do with clutch fan. 0000001421 00000 n References. If the fan clutch is going bad or has failed, there are a couple of ways you may notice. The newest viscous drives also feature Cold-Start Disengagement, which can help trucks and agricultural tractors warm up faster during cold conditions. You should probably slow your role a little and do more reading. [JieZ`$@v*v}F)RNf-=}#>c,kc^pv5!1iiFLTL" #XjtvFHb4uubu0.-lD_r,`e)W/H]S$G+h'uqq6`G#ogkGFr'E{G=J'{GGPvR(n Resurrecting this old thread. If you are getting that tugging, the clutch is working. We recommend that you check the transducer and fan clutch assembly. 0000052661 00000 n Ed and the InTechgrity Automotive Excellence Team are approved by the American Automobile Association (AAA) for repairs and are Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) certified. Viscofans is in no way affiliated to any of the brands shown on this site. For more information about ASE, visit the official ASE website at, Copyright 2008-2023 All Rights Reserved Privacy Policy Disclaimer Sitemap. The "drive disc" and the "front half" share these closely spaced rings. Even when the drive is off the fan will spin between 50-300 rpm. If the fan clutch requires repair, take the vehicle to a qualified mechanic. When a pneumatic fan clutch fails, it's likely one of three symptoms is present: The clutch won't engage. Engine fan check - See if any damages on fan, 2. The fan needs to operate within the limits at each test point.The fan should engage and remain engaged during the entire engagement request. Get Started > Always in stock The "drive disc" spins freely in the housing except for the silicon fluid. Like all viscous fan clutches it may be turning, but is it working correctly? A noisy, constant droning noise from the fan. If it feels the same, then I would assume the clutch is done. By clicking I Accept on this banner you consent to the use of cookies unless you disable them. A bum fan clutch drains horsepower from the engine to keep the mechanical fans running, which can ultimately lead to critical overheating, decreased fuel economy, and poor general performance. It is possible something like a plastic bag could have got wound up where the shaft goes in to the bearing. This animation of Horton's latest variable-speed fan drive, the LCX, shows viscous cooling technology in action. OK. If you end up in full lock, the thing is somehow getting a constant positive, the pcm should see that and set a light because its command and actual are different. 14 0 obj <> endobj When a fan clutch seizes, the engine is put at considerable risk from overheating, or over-cooling, and the damage done can be catastrophic if left alone. Try it again but pull the fan relay. Wire check - See if the wire to ECU is normal 4. We had a few overheating issues at Bremer Bay Why is it overlooked? Ideally, the fan shouldnt spin more than 1-1 times. When the fan clutch engages, it spins up greatly, increasing air flow through the radiator and over the engine. Alternatively, an optical tachometer can be used to measure fan speed. The actual fan speed should be approx - 250 RPM of desired.. Resurrecting this old thread. Locked-in fan clutch symptoms. 0000066928 00000 n Found loose internal connections at the harness connector on the clutch and tightened them up a bit. Identify Your Viscous Fan Clutch. 2 0000037348 00000 n If the noise from the engine is too loud, try popping the hood to prevent the sound from being muffled. One (of many) of my top things to do is service the Transmission. The fan clutch won't dis engage. will continue at full speed if the electrical circuit is faulty). Posted - 02/07/2008 : 5:47:26 PM. 0000025483 00000 n If you want to determine the extent of the problem, you can use a probe thermometer to read the exact temperature of the air flowing through the radiator. The fan clutch is integral to the safe and efficient operation of your commercial vehicle or application engine. startxref It may work at 100% but maybe not at 20-30%. Like any other part, fan clutches can develop issues that, if left unchecked, can be both devastating and costly. If fan speed is not detected a DTC will be set. This weekend I was going to do a Coolant Flush on the TB for the first time cause IMO the fluid is not looking that great. Clutch fan check - See if any visible damage on clutch fan, 3. It's often compared to a jet engine. When cruising, the vehicle moving through the air pushes air through the radiator, cooling the engine. There is a very easy way to test the fan clutch for staying fully engaged all the time. 0000035192 00000 n By using our site, you agree to our. All it does is freewheel and has no resistance. A small amount of resistance always keeps the fan spinning, but its basically free-wheeling until the fan clutch engages. LEARN MORE >>. As fan clutch specialists, weve seen plenty of faulty viscous drives in our time. 0000049755 00000 n I'm open to ideas. >Vyzy{=sUt\z^{W{7^sU:GWEzz5x=^s^[=^s+^o=^s{O=:y{^o==r. 1AQ"aq2 #BR3$bC4% A little heat is a good thing, improving fuel vaporization, performance, and fuel economy it also warms up the cabin in the winter. %%EOF Once viscous fluid is in the working chamber, shearing of the fluid results in fan rotation. 3000000/10000 Electronic-Viscous Fan Clutch Troubleshooting. ()*6789:FGHIJVWXYZefghijtuvwxyz ? You should be able to hear it from where you're sitting inside the cabin of the vehicle. The fan fault is logged in your engine management system. Some fan clutches are designed with a built-in thermometer somewhere on the instrument panel. Most truck fan clutches will fail-safe in this instance (i.e. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. By . 0000002090 00000 n 57 0 obj <>stream Electrical faults don't have to be wiring, they can be control module input/output related including: Mooseman, post was a long time ago and not sure this is even active! Appreciate the help. Then let it get hot. The fan clutch should be disengaged with no voltage applied. &\cUj Benjamin Jerew is an ASE-certified Master Automobile Technician with over a decade of experience in auto repair, maintenance, and diagnosis. I just repaired a electro viscous clutch today on my 02 TrailBlazer. endstream endobj 45 0 obj 216635 endobj 46 0 obj<>stream When the engine is off, there are a few things you can do to check the fan clutch: The internal combustion engine generates a lot of heat, which the engine cooling system is tasked with moderating. 0000001551 00000 n When I say it disengages, I mean it coasts to a stop! Next, locate the fan clutch bolted to the water pump in the engine compartment. ELK\KHA(gYIm|eTjQ Gb$cqla7?Nf$77X!ry~1h1,amo 2jI&zI? Z;:QJ-uvgMq4Z(*n *ER"Mvz. VAT No. 2004-12-07T12:21:43-05:00 All browsing and transactions within are secured by an SSL Certificate with high-strength encryption. Check with diagnostic tool scanner - See if the readings reach the desired levels, 6. Here's a list of the most common fan clutch noises and what each one could mean: 1. A bad fan clutch can cause engine problems like excessively high temperatures and poor performance. Identify Your Viscous Fan Clutch If you are unable to find a part number on your viscous fan clutch, our easy-to-use fan clutch identification system will walk you through the process of measuring it to determine the proper replacement. Check the gauge for proper operation (especially electric gauges). 0000035283 00000 n I agree, a T444E will get hot easily unless cooled well, so the fan clutch is critical. If it spins more than three full rotations, this indicates that it may be prone to slipping. It is these rings, and the silicon fluid in the gaps between them that couple the system together.The inner ring is taller than the others. If the air flow feels suspiciously hot or weak, it could just be a bad vent. A You could put +12V to the white wire, which will effectively put the fan to 100% engagement but my method will also show if it works at partial engagement. hb```c``Jg`e`fgc@ >(GCPa J0 0000036305 00000 n adobe:docid:photoshop:2ce534b1-d8a3-11d8-a54e-a63691f3af4c 0000060995 00000 n Troubleshooting Common Condenser Fan Problems, Signs and Symptoms of Spark Plug Problems, Reasons Why Your Car's Idle Speed Might Be Too High, Engine Ignition and Cam Timing for the Novice, Troubleshooting Engine Driveability Problems: Surging or Misfiring. Viscous drives tend to have the first two issues. The fluid flows from a reservoir to the plate area at higher engine temperatures and returns to let the fan spin more freely as the engine cools. 0000069993 00000 n 1988467. Truck Repair; Viscus fan on MP8 MACK engine on all the time, happened. I have a 2003 EXT 4WD Trailblazer 235,000 miles. Equally frustrating is diagnosing the fault. . This fluid's flow is regulated by a bi-metallic spring that opens and closes a control valve. endstream endobj startxref Also verify no indication of viscous fluid leakage. Traces of oil are perfectly normal, and wont necessarily be an indication that your clutch is shot. see page 3 of the GM Techlink Document I have attached. A new radiator fan and thermal fan clutch, ready to keep your engine cool. Please note, comments must be approved before they are published, Solenoid coil / Actuator unable to rotate, When the engine is in low temperature or in capacity, the clutch is separated, fan speed rotates at low speed, When the engine is at high capacity and the water temperature rises, the clutch coupled and rotate together, the fan rotates at high speed, When water temperate reach designated low temperature, the clutch reverts back to separated state, The ECU will detect temperature via water temp sensor and operate accordingly. If your fan clutch has gone bad, replace it as soon as possible to prevent engine damage. But in the late 1950s, viscous fan clutches began to appear. Yes, the one in this video is bad. Its even more annoying if you dont know what role the fan clutch plays as part of the engine cooling system in your engine! DT For more information about how to test a fan clutch, such as other signs to look for which indicate damage, read on. - GENERAL GEORGE S. PATTON. Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered. JavaScript is disabled. May daughters use it now. Some viscous properties of the fan hub may vary the res GB 447 5091 38. It was a junkyard unit off an 03 Envoy. Search by part number to find a replacement for your fan clutch. A roaring noise could mean a number of things, including a bad wheel bearing, worn tires, or a differential that's low on oil. It would definitely do damage. My fan seems to run fast all the time but not loud like the jet engine i've read about. In addition to regulating engine temperatures with razor-sharp precision, viscous-operated fan drives can produce lower emissions, decrease noise pollution, provide fuel savings and ultimately increase performance. Never seems to lock up completely (or even the 90%) I tried applying 12v to the clutch directly (white wire) but there was no speed change. By signing up you are agreeing to receive emails according to our privacy policy. Engine belt stuck on clutch fan, causing solenoid coil/actuator unable to rotate, 1. If the ground breaks it's the same. Check the assembly for leaks through the seams and around the shaft. Suggestion: Clutch fan isn't the source of the issue. During engine start up, the EV fan clutch will engage and match engine speed for up to 3 minutes. It will cost somewhere between $150-300 to have a new fan clutch installed, on average. Viscous drives with CSD hold oil in the reservoir while the engine is off, so the fan disengages up to 80 percent faster than standard viscous drives. Your vehicles fan clutch is an often overlooked but important little partits responsible for gauging the temperature of the air passing through the radiator and keeping the engine from overheating. 1 hz on the cooling fan speed signal circuit equals about 1 rpm of actual fan speed. The issue actually turned out to be a minor blown head gasket, with coolant slowly being shifted into the overflow bottle at high RPM and not being sucked back in, but the engine was able to get warmer because the viscous fan clutch wasn't working properly. 42 0 obj <> endobj 1 0 obj<>/Metadata 259 0 R>> endobj 2 0 obj<> endobj 3 0 obj<> endobj 5 0 obj null endobj 8 0 obj<>/Font<>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC]/ExtGState<>/Properties<>/MC1<>>>>>>> endobj 11 0 obj<> endobj 18 0 obj<> endobj 44 0 obj<>stream Secondly, if your viscous fan hub is electronically controlled, check if the wire is unplugged or damaged. y8#870S9sA1\ -Determine if the fault is mechanical or electrical(and then follow the appropriate troubleshooting steps) . tt4*ittd830z02OL0 p A properly-functioning fan clutch is critical to engine reliability, as it works to maintain a safe temperature range. 0000069649 00000 n The one in this video is bad? I took a rag and dragged it against the outer part of the fan and was able to slow it with some firm pressure and eventually stopped it. Clutch fan check - See if any visible damage on clutch fan 3. The wires run in a rubber hose in front of the fan. All Tsab 36K views 4 years ago How to know if. An overheating engine could literally weld itself into scrap metal. Then test the fan clutch by giving it a good push. Any input would be appreciated. Front-wheel drive vehicles are equipped with a completely different cooling system due to the way the engine is configured. One of two conditions is possible. No CEL. It relies on temp sensor to detect temperature and send signals through ECM/ECU and switches the clutch fan to different levels accordingly. Install the Horton EC450 TM Fan Clutch on the engine. 0000021244 00000 n "By perseverance, study, and eternal desire, any man can become great." This includes heavy- and medium-duty trucks, agricultural tractors, vocational and specialty vehicles. In most cases, fan blades are designed to flex up to. Nearly unheard of on modern cars with electric engine cooling fans, people sometimes still refer to the accessory drive belts as fan belts. This term harkens to the day when cars and trucks used drive belts to drive the cooling fan or water pump. I've been trying to read as many of these waterpump/fan post as possible. Paying attention to your vehicle is the first step in an accurate diagnosis, effective repair, and reliable vehicle. Too fast to try and slow it with a rag. [KpB0G8/F7Xl u@qLTAUzpT0F,)xb7J+%*u)EkZ2mJikWc[B, hbbd``b`:$@. I am going to do a re test of mine, I think it is bad and I want to be sure. 39 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<343069EB290844C787926BF2F1BCCBDD>]/Index[14 44]/Info 13 0 R/Length 111/Prev 69591/Root 15 0 R/Size 58/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream 0000060846 00000 n No one enjoys a vehicle or application breaking down: No one. I only found it while trying to force it to overheat. Short of a relay sticking, I see no possible cause that it would be electrical. Check for closed winterfront. 2004-12-07T10:24:41-05:00 Now somethimes it only gets to halfway to 210, even in the summer. Possible Cause: Damaged engine fan usually caused by friction, wear or entry of foreign objects. This article has been viewed 118,630 times. You are also talking to people that have been doing this for a while on this platform. 0000060915 00000 n 0 We are working every day to make sure our community is one of the best. Right when it stop it tried to "tick" forward as I was holding it. Solenoid coil / Actuator check - Try rotating solenoid coil / actuator and see if it's stuck, 5. Thank u LB. If you have difficulty rotating or it's just stuck, then it could be either foreign object or clutch fan. 1. You are using an out of date browser. You can do this by making a note of unusual noise or temperatures while driving, inspecting the housing for oil leakage or physical damage, measuring the amount of resistance offered by the fan blades. Hope you don't mind me referencing your video? Could not find any bad wires, just looseness in the actual pins inside the connector. Thanks for the quick response. image/tiff %PDF-1.5 % 0000002273 00000 n B=uJqc-I]-Y;6?VGx#qL.Vb&3Lv.EA5NYH$9&V=%n" uuid:2ce534b2-d8a3-11d8-a54e-a63691f3af4c When the engine starts to get too hot, the fan clutch takes the air flowing through the radiator, cools it down, and feeds it into the engine to cool it. The PCM supplies a 5-volt reference and a low reference to the Hall effect sensor. Standard thermostatic fan clutches will only be present on cars and trucks with rear-wheel drive. This should lock the clutch and pull air like a dump truck. DIY: Viscous Fan Clutch - Silicone Oil Refill Pine Hollow Auto Diagnostics 450K views 7 years ago 1995-2004 Toyota Tacoma fan clutch rebuild. Give the water pump hose a quick jostle as well to see if the problem might lie there. Engine still runs great! Fan clutch have a patented System Sentry, which goes about as an early cautioning fuse to alarm the administrator. Keep your engine temperature below 210F (99C) while youre running your tests to prevent it from overheating. As a result, you may think that your fan clutch has seized. They can cause a vehicle to overheat at idle and in heavy traffic. As the engine speed increases, the blades of a flex fan change their angle. Luckily, there are a few symptoms you can look for to diagnose whether the fault is a seized fan clutch or not. Technical Services (UK) Ltd trading as Viscofans. rS&cD5Ts6'E7FdU()8GHVe*9:IJWXYZftugvwhijxyz i !1AQa"q2#BR 3br$Csc%4S5&DTdEU' Due to their control by the engine computer, they don't experience air leaks. We don't all go to a dealer to get work done right away. Adobe Photoshop CS Windows Electronic-Viscous Fan Clutch Troubleshooting During engine start up, the EV fan clutch will engage and match engine speed for up to 3 minutes. 0 As engine temperature increases, look for a sudden jump in fan speed. This is true, especially if the fault is in the engine cooling system and youre unsure the fan clutch symptoms to look for. Very interesting info and could be useful to anyone that has a scope and/or high end scanner or Tech 2. All proceeds go to supporting the site. For your own safety, you should never attempt to manually test your fan clutch while the vehicle is running. It does not function like an on/off drive. A binding fan clutch will typically be accompanied with warm air flow from the A/C, since the fan isnt turning the way it should be. 0000060378 00000 n Most clutches will fade with time as spring-type clutches lose thermal sensitivity and fluid-filled clutches lose fluid viscosity. g? 0000052838 00000 n If the clutch is constantly engaged, the vehicle will suffer from poor gas mileage and loss of horsepower. Swap the fan relay with another similar one in the fuse box (headlight IIRC) and see if the problem persists. Clutch slipping and eventual failure are normal with time. 0000070141 00000 n %%EOF Viscous Fan Clutch. We use cookies and similar web technologies to recognize your repeat website visits and preferences and to analyze traffic.
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