Embedded into the already volatile mix of state repression, Ukrainian ultra-nationalists operate outside of any legal oversight, thus not accountable to state political structures. Event: murdered on the street of Kiev, near Pechersky Court building by the SBU security service. Western media outlets have been following the Kiev line without exception, Zelensky outlaws political opposition, authorizes arrest of rivals and war propaganda blitz, In a March 19 executive order, Zelensky invoked martial law to, The activities of those politicians aimed at division or collusion will not succeed, but will receive a harsh response, President Zelensky, The founder of the second largest party in Ukraine, the now-illegal Patriots for Life, Medvedchuk is the de facto representative of the countrys ethnic Russian population. The Russian Ministry of Defense has denied the charge, however, and little evidence exists to corroborate Kievs line about the missing mayors. Moskvina, a legendary pairs coach in St. Petersburg, Russia, was standing beside the boards at Malley Sports Center watching Berezhnaya's performance. The complete story of the 2002 Olympic figure skating scandal is told in a four-part documentary series streaming on Peacock. In the fallout from the 2002 figure skating controversy, a judge and leading official in the support were suspended, and naturally enough, Berezhnaya and Sikharulidze were also reviled. Together Elena Berezhnaya and Anton Sikharulidze won 27 gold, 9 silver and 5 bronze medals, all in . Threats, harassment and calls for violence has been and continue to be made against those who: Add into this maelstrom another layer of extra-judicial repression, in the form ofimpromptu justice being meted out to civilians, bound up, tied to posts, beaten, humiliated and some killed as a result. We must all fear for our freedom and our lives.. she suffered a serious injury, leaving her partly paralyzed and . "Let's not speak about her future as a skater," the doctors told Moskvina. During that time, Nalyvaichenko was, In 2021, Zelensky appointed one of Ukraines most notorious intelligence figures, Oleksander Poklad, to lead SBUs counterintelligence division. Lets, for the sake of understanding, wait for some explanations either from our sports officials or from the IOC, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said. President Volodymyr Zelenskys statement that there would be consequences for collaborators indicates that these atrocities have been sanctioned by the highest levels of government. On the battlefield, meanwhile, the Ukrainian military has engaged in a series of atrocities against captured Russian troops and proudly exhibited its sadistic acts on social media. The judges from Russia, Poland, China, Ukraine and France gave them a 5.8, sliding Canada into second place behind Berezhnaya and Sikharulidze. The Ukrainian authorities and associated ultra-nationalist groups are after people who were not only very critical of the former but also the current Ukrainian government. Solely judging by the list as outlined in this article, it is just a little indication of the broader situation where there are hundreds of detainees in Ukraine, their circumstances and status hasnt warranted the attention to make their disappearance / arrest on social media, their whereabouts are not known at all. Ukrainian journalist Dmitri Djangirow is well-known. Remember that Zelensky has now outlawed all opposition parties but not all, those parties who support him are allowed to continue, with ultra-nationalists & Neo-Nazis part of these political parties and who happen to be highly influential too. Accused of: treason and illegal enrichment. Why did Noam Chomsky fly to meet with Jeffrey Epstein. She is the heavy favorite. In fact, the image was pulled from footage originally recorded by Patrick Lancaster, a Donetsk-based US journalist who had filmed the corpse of a woman tortured and murdered by members of the Ukrainian Azov Battalion in a Mariupol school basement they had converted into a base. This article provides an overview into a deeply disturbing trend in Ukraine, one that started in 2014, that has accelerated and intensified since 24 February 2022. A few weeks ago Gonzalo Lira put out this video relating to THIS hit piece from the Daily Beast, I have taken the time to look up the names in Gonzalos tweet, Volodymyr Oleksiiovych Struk(Ukrainian: ; 15 May 1964 2 March 2022) was a Ukrainian politician. Denis Kireev On March 5, 2022,Denis Kireev, a Ukrainian negotiator during the Ukraine-Russiacrisis, was shot and executed by the Ukrainian Security Service (SBU) because he was a suspected spy. Reporters asked the Kremlin about the potential doping issue late Wednesday amid speculation that the gold medals won by Valieva and five other Russian skaters that took part in the team competition could be at risk. Berezhnaya, who was eighth at the 1994 Olympic Games in Norway with Sliakhov, never lost consciousness after the accident, Moskvina said. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Nonselective inhibitors of histone deacetylases (HDAC) can. . After Canadians Jamie Sale and David Pelletier produced a flawless free skate at the 2002 Olympics in Salt Lake City, the gold medal was awarded to the Russian duo: Elena Berezhnaya and Anton. They soared into third place in the short program and the crowd stood and roared, admiring a soulful performance and acknowledging Berezhnaya's grit and grace. Against this background of feverish witch-hunts, any hint of the slightest suspicion of cooperation or aiding Russians is tantamount to a summary execution in some situations, or more likely, a beating and being handed over to the SBU. In one especially cynical example of the strategy, Ukraine 24 a TV channel where guests havecalled for the genocidal exterminationof Russian children published a photo this April depicting a female corpse branded with a bloody swastika on her stomach. For 8 years Ukrainian nationalists have internalised naked hate against Russian speaking Ukrainians and by default judged them to be guilty of being pro-Russian. advocated for a settlement of the conflict in Donbass, Add into this maelstrom another layer of extra-judicial repression, in the form ofimpromptu justice being meted out to civilians, bound up, tied to posts, beaten, humiliated and some killed as a result. Russian skaters in particular have a history of positive results dating to 2000, when decorated pairs skater Elena Berezhnaya was stripped of a gold medal from the European championships for . Moreover, many had total impunity since 2014 and despite a couple of incidents between the SBU and Right Sector, they still have undeclared support by all levels of Ukrainian officialdom. A separate video published by Ukrainian and US-backed Georgian Legion soldiers showed the fighterscarrying out field executionsof wounded Russian captives near a village outside Kiev. Other recent instances of the rule of themob,ultra-nationalist, territorial defense enforcers: 13 March, the house of Dmitry Lazarev, a left-wing activist, was burnt down, (in a village near Odessa). "It's one thing that puts you over the top, if you skate the whole program cleanly. The Neo-Nazi group C-14 leader, Yevhen Yaras, Other recent instances of the rule of the. Elena Berezhnaya remembers that Anton Sikharulidze arrived at her hospital bedside and she knew, immediately, that she was in the hands of someone she could trust. Ukraine 24 claimed that it found this woman in Gostumel, one of the regions in the Kiev Oblast that the Russians vacated on March 29. A glimpse of some of the attitudes tolerated within the law enforcement structures, starting with 2018, when an ex-SBU adviser, former deputy in the Rada, member of the far-right nationalist party Svoboda [Freedom], Yuri Michalchyshyn, advocated the following: To propagate a total extermination of the Kremlin vultures and ghouls, local traitors and turncoats, its voluntary helpers and accomplices instead of reconciliation with the traitors of the Motherland and the enemies of the Ukrainian people.. . Mamula Mamulashvili, the commander of the Georgian Legion, which participated in the field executions of wounded Russian POWs,boasted this Aprilthat his unit freely engages in war crimes: Yes, we tie their hands and feet sometimes. Western media outlets have been following the Kiev line without exception,claimingthat all mayors been arrested by the Russian military. While Zelensky spouts bromides about the defense of democracy before worshipful Western audiences, he is using the war as a theater for enacting a blood-drenched purge of political rivals, dissidents and critics. "I'm rather emotional," Moskvina said. Not every ethnic Russian speaker in Ukraine can speak good Ukrainian, and some have trouble pronouncing certain words in Ukrainian. There they continued to interrogate us and threatened to cut off our ears, Matjuschenkos wife, The torture of left-wing activist Alexander Matjuschenko on March 3 in Dnipro, recorded by Azov members and posted on Telegram by the city of Dnipro, Matjuschenko was jailed on the grounds that he was conducting an aggressive war or military operation, and now faces 10 to 15 years in prison. Yesterday, Ukrainian Security Service officers with machine guns came to my parents apartment, stole almost all the money, and took my father away without bringing any charges My mother went to the Security Service office today, but they say they dont know anything about it. For his part, Shariy has been placed on the notorious Myrotvorets public blacklist of enemies of the state founded by Anton Geraschenko the Ministry of Internal Affairs advisor who endorsed the assassination of Ukrainian lawmakers accused of Russian sympathies. Carried out by Territorial Defense volunteers tasked with enforcing law and order during wartime, these acts of humiliation and torture have targeted everyone from accused Russian sympathizers to Roma people to, Ukraines SBU studies torture and assassination from the CIA, Valentyn Nalyvaichenko, the first head of the SBU after the Euromaidan regime change operation of 2013-14, nurtured close ties to Washington when he served as general consul to the Ukrainian embassy to the US during the George W. Bush administration. Russian skaters in particular have a history of positive results dating to 2000, when decorated pairs skater Elena Berezhnaya was stripped of a gold medal from the European championships for . Three years ago, pairs skater Alexandra Koshevaya was given a two-year ban after testing positive for torasemide, which she claimed to have used for a foot injury. Russian figure skater Elena Berezhnaya and her dance partner, Russian figure skater Anton Sikharulidze, competing for Latvia in the pair skating. Pummeled to the sound of the Ukrainian national anthem, the Russian prisoners were brutalized until they confessed their hatred for Putin. By the end of the high profile scandal, French judge Marie-Reine Le Gougne, was suspended for three years and the Canadians got their gold medal, the BBC reported. Jamie Sal and David Pelletier, the Canadian figure skating pair that turned in a near-flawless performance at the time, were awarded a silver [] People have been reportedlykilledfor not pronouncing the shibboleth word correctly and thus assumed to be part of subversive Russian reconnaissance groups. . OHCHR documented allegations of enforced disappearances, arbitrary and incommunicado detention, and torture and ill-treatment, perpetrated with impunity by Ukrainian law enforcement officials, mainly by elements of the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU)., The June 2016 UN report noted that the cases of incommunicado detention and torture brought to their attention in late 2015 and early 2016 mostly implicate SBU. Ref: A worker from the Arcelor Mittal Krivoi Rog company. They worked through the summer and fall, getting ready for the Russian nationals. Valentyn Nalyvaichenko, the first head of the SBU after the Euromaidan regime change operation of 2013-14, nurtured close ties to Washington when he served as general consul to the Ukrainian embassy to the US during the George W. Bush administration. Along with winning the short program and free skate, she became the first woman to land a quadruple jump in Olympic competition, giving her team the maximum number of points while underscoring her status as the individual favorite. Perhaps the most gruesome image to have appeared on social media in recent weeks is the photo of a tortured Russian soldier who had one of his eyes gouged before he was killed. CAPTION: Elena Berezhnaya and Anton Sikharulidze skate to third place in the pairs short program at world championships. Elena Berezhnaya remembers only that she was spinning "too close" to her pairs partner as they practiced side-by-side camel spins alone in a rink in Riga, Latvia, 14 months ago. The outlawed parties consisted of the entire left-wing, socialist or anti-NATO spectrum in Ukraine. . The Neo-Nazi group C-14 leader, Yevhen Yarasopenly acknowledgedworking with the Ukrainian security service, (SBU). Current whereabouts unknown. Charged with participation in the aggressive war. He was released by the SBU the next day. More AP Olympics: https://apnews.com/hub/winter-olympics and https://twitter.com/AP_Sports. By then, it was too late; her qualifying performance Monday was dismal. The Ukrainian official therefore delivered a chilling message to anyone choosing to seek cooperation with Russia: do so and lose your life. Common Ukrainian citizens have also been subjected to torture since the start of the war this February. Ref:70-year-old native of Kiev, an Orthodox journalist and TV presenter, Pershiy Kozatsky. Fragments of the temporal bone touched the lining of the brain. The sample was reportedly obtained before Valieva won the European championship last month in Estonia, a performance that solidified her status as the leader of Russia's quad squad of elite women's figure skaters headed to Beijing. This person is now a top-level official and just one of a number of decidedly highly unscrupulous characters that are law enforcement officers. These practices and human right abuses still take place on a regular basis in Ukraine. A member of the Ukrainian government negotiating team. Sotskova finished eighth at the 2018 Olympics in Pyeongchang. The road to victory turned out to be incredibly difficult. As he wiped out his opposition, Zelenskyorderedan unprecedented domestic propaganda initiative to nationalize all television news broadcasting andcombineall channels into a single 24 hour channel called United News to tell the truth about war.. Yet amazingly, she wanted to skate again. When did Elena Berezhnaya first compete in the Olympics? Militant of the Ukrainian left-wing organisation Livytsia. Ref: Managed to write on Telegram: They came for me. It was not possible to participate in the championship: Elena Berezhnaya received a terrible injury. During that time, Nalyvaichenko wasrecruited by the CIA, according to his predecessor at the SBU, Alexander Yakimenko, who served under the Russian-oriented government of deposed President Viktor Yanukovych. She underwent speech therapy, but she still speaks slowly, the coach added. In July 2020, Maria Sotskova was dealt a 10-year ban just months after announcing her retirement for allegedly forging a medical certificate to explain a doping violation. The injury had been an accident, but Berezhnaya had quarreled often with her former partner, Oleg Sliakhov, and said she had become afraid of him. Violence from a Latvian partner, a dangerous head injury and a long rehabilitation almost did not leave the girl's chances to return to sports. The SBU informs not only us, but also Azov, the Right Sector, and so on, Karasboastedin a 2017 interview. Figure skaters Anton Sikharulidze and Elena Berezhnaya of Russia stand with David Pelletier and Jamie Sale of Canada pose for a photograph with their. And she and Sikharulidze are gold-medal . 17K Followers, 109 Following, 642 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from (@berezhnayaofficial) The worst was when they put a plastic bag over my head and suffocated me and when they held the muzzle of a Kalashnikov rifle to my head and forced me to answer their questions.. Perhaps the most ghastly incident of repression took place when neo-Nazis backed by the Ukrainian government kidnapped Maxim Ryndovskiy, a professional MMA fighter, andbrutally tortured himfor the crime of training with Russian fighters at a gym in Chechnya. While the Russian team dominated the competition, it was Valieva that shone brightest. People are not only being tied up to street furniture as suspected looters, but people are being bound up or arrested for being pro-Russian, for not being able to say the word Palyanytsya in Ukrainian. "She's been to Europeans and the Olympics. As journalist Dan Cohenreported, Anatoly Shariy of the recently banned Party of Shariy said he was the target of a recent SBU assassination attempt. Next, on March 24, Gennady Matsegora, the mayor of Kupyansk in northeastern Ukraine, released a video (below) appealing to President Volodymyr Zelensky and his administration for the release of his daughter, who had been held hostage by agents of the Ukrainian SBU intelligence agency. Independent journalistPatrick Lancasteris on the ground, showing some truly shocking scenes in this report from Ukraine. After the injury Elena couldn't speak or walk. Title. A Ukrainian journalist, Oles Buzina, had his personal details published on the site in 2015, which led to his murder shortly afterwards. His authoritarian decrees have triggered the disappearance, torture and even murder of an array of human rights activists, communist and leftist organizers, journalists and government officials accused of pro-Russian sympathies. This March, a pro-Ukrainian Telegram channel called White Lives Matter released a video of a Ukrainian soldier calling the fiancee of a Russian prisoner of war, seen below, and taunting her with promises to castrate the captive. Meanwhile, dozens of other, Among those targeted by the SBU were Mikhail and Aleksander Kononovich, members of the outlawed Leninist Communist Youth Union of Ukraine. The last person named is Elena Berezhnaya, a famous Russian pair skater. Elena Viktorovna Berezhnaya (Russian: ) and Anton Tarielyevich Sikharulidze (Russian: ) are former Russian pair skaters. Hes also covered the Armenian-Azerbaijan conflict reaching over 8 million aggregate views on hisYouTube channelwith his reporting on the ground there. It must remembered that the Ukrainian authorities have continued to use a database, the Mirotvorets (Peacekeeper) website, to highlight those that they consider as enemies of Ukraine. No justice, truth or reparation was attained for any of the victims of enforced disappearance, secret detention and torture of civilians by the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) from 2014 to 2016, and not a single suspected perpetrator was prosecuted. Elena Viktorovna Berezhnaya ( Russian: , born 11 October 1977) is a Russian former pair skater. And Sikharulidze's. Chen, 20, finished 11th in her qualifying round Monday, moving on to the women's competition Friday and Saturday with almost no hope of winning a medal. Russian athletes are in Beijing competing as the Russian Olympic Committee (ROC), after the country was banned because of a massive state-sponsored doping scheme at the 2014 Sochi Olympics. But Berezhnaya wished to return to the ice and doctors agreed and three months later she came to the ice skating ring. Berezhnaya went to watch an international skating competition there in February 1996, the month she returned to Russia. The Court of Arbitration for Sport has set up an office in Beijing to hear urgent cases. If the Russian team is disqualified, the U.S. team would be elevated to the gold medal for the first time in the event. No one is raising a voice against these actions. Shufrych arrived at the checkpoint, stepped out of the car with his three bodyguards, and started taking pictures of the checkpoint, for which he was detained. All of this in a supposedly democratic Ukraine. He was subsequently forced to make a anti-Russian speech on camera and on his YouTube channel as well. Two of the nine judges put them in first place, but overall, they are behind Germany's Mandy Wotzel and Ingo Steuer and fellow Russians Marina Eltsova and Andrei Bushkov. Verified email at jefferson.edu. Dmitri Djangirov, a Ukrainian journalist, is missing. Western media has looked the other way, however, as Zelensky and top officials in his administration have sanctioned a campaign of kidnapping, torture, and assassination of local Ukrainian lawmakers accused of collaborating with Russia. The Ukrainian government knows this, more so since Zelensky, since he. This controversial website created in 2014, under the initiative of Anton Gerashchenko, (the Ukrainian deputy minister of internal affairs). While we have all heard about the egregious processes that took place in the USA, a witch hunt for suspected communists, better known McCarthyism, a similar course of action is taking place in Ukraine. People have been reportedly, The SBU has a history of torture, brutal interrogations, extra judicial murders and other violence and threats carried out with total impunity. 3 1. In addition, he has a keen interest in Ukrainian politics. In August 2020, Azovs National Corpsopened fireon a bus carrying representatives of Medvedchuks party, wounding several with rubber-coated steel bullets. Though Patriots for Life is regarded as pro-Russia, in part because of his close relations with Vladimir Putin, the new chairman of the party has, Members of the state-sponsored neo-Nazi Azov Battalions National Corps, Zelenskys administration escalated the assault on his top opponent in February 2021 when he, Under Zelenskys watch, the war is being used to kidnap, imprison and even kill opposition members, Then they put bags over our heads, tied our hands with tape and took us to the SBU building in a car. Former leader of the Union of Left Forces, Ref: wrote on his FB page: The SBU has arrived, Assistant to a deputy of the opposition party OPZZH (Opposition Platform for Life). Many of the skaters that took part in the team competition, including American star Nathan Chen and Russians Mark Kondratiuk, are due to leave Beijing shortly after competing Thursdays free skate. Carried out by Territorial Defense volunteers tasked with enforcing law and order during wartime, these acts of humiliation and torture have targeted everyone from accused Russian sympathizers to Roma people toalleged thieves. "Let's speak about her health. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has framed his countrys war against Russia as a battle for democracy itself. The silence is deafening and all of them mute on the repression that is taking place in Ukraine, likely start the process of EU accession in June. His friends are now looking for a lawyer, Taksyurs son Ilya told the. Russian skaters in particular have a history of positive results dating to 2000, when decorated pairs skater Elena Berezhnaya was stripped of a gold medal from the European championships for . Self: Battle of the Blades. With training from the CIA and close coordination with Ukraines state-backed neo-Nazi paramilitaries, the SBU has spent the past weeks filling its vast archipelago of torture dungeons with political dissidents. As. Stay yourself. They are residing in clandestine apartments and suburban houses, he said. 27/28 March: Slema, Cherkasy region. Yet, they have no time or inclination whatsoever to do likewise for those critical of Zelenskys government, state- repression that is innumerably and unrelentingly cruel, harsher, and significantly deadlier. Accused of: passing information about an airport to the Russians. She recovered rapidly and began competing again in November 1996 with new partner, Anton Sikharulidze. Associated Press writer Dasha Litvinova contributed to this report. It is likely that these soldiers had been emboldened by their superiors blessings. IOC spokesman Mark Adams said Wednesday that legal consultation was required between the Olympic committee and the International Skating Union. Prylipko had, Then there was the murder of Denis Kireev, a top member of the Ukrainian negotiating team, who was killed in broad daylight in Kiev after the first round of talks with Russia. His bodyguards tried to use firearms to prevent Shufrychs detention, one of the soldiers told RFE/RL, adding that all four had been handed over to the police. Yelena Berezhnaya. Against the background of rampant corruption, by the end of 2021, Ukraine fell to 122nd place out of 180 countries in the Transparency International Corruption Perceptions Index (Transparency International, 2021). Photos+video clipof him being intimated and threatened. "The joy has come out of it." Episode #81: Tamara Moskvina. He subsequently learned that Igor was held by the SBU at the time and being used to bait Shariy into disclosing his location. There is one less traitor in Ukraine, Internal Affairs Ministry advisor Anton Geraschenko stated in endorsement of the murder of a Ukrainian mayor accused of collaborating with Russia. Openly fascist and pro-Nazi parties like the Azov National Corps were left untouched by the presidential decree, however. Zelenskys administration escalated the assault on his top opponent in February 2021 when heshutteredseveral media outlets controlled by Medvedchuk. Elena Berezhnaya, whose biography is full of various events, never complained to her parents about her coach. While claiming to defend democracy, Ukraines Volodymyr Zelensky has outlawed his opposition, ordered his rivals arrest, and presided over the disappearance and assassination of dissidents across the country. Currently in a pre-trial detention centre. In the figure skating pairs competition, Elena Berezhnaya and Anton Sikharulidze of Russia won the short program over Jamie Sal and David Pelletier of Canada. There, they came in second. "The doctors said, 'Let's not speak of her future as a skater. The Director of Institute of Legal Policy and Social Protection Elena Berezhnaya described to the correspondent of the Federal News Agency (FAN) in Kiev the situation with nationalism in the country, the information policy of local media, and the possibility of the reunification of Ukraine. It is complicated because minors have protection within the World Anti-Doping Code from being identified. While one activist said the Azov member cut my hair off with a knife, the state security agents proceeded to torture her husband, Alexander Matjuschenko, pressing a gun barrel to his head and forcing him to repeatedly belt out the nationalist salute, Slava Ukraini!. They used a lighter to heat up a needle, then put it under my fingernails, he told Cohen. Vassily Prozorov, a former SBU officer who defected to Russia following the Euromaidan coup, detailed the post-Maidan security services systemic reliance on torture to crush political opposition and intimidate citizens accused of Russian sympathies. Notes:gunned down while resisting arrest. This March, the libertarian politician and online pundit received an email from a friend, Igor, seeking to arrange a meeting. Both have since married and retired from skating, competitively and in exhibitions. Russian bobsledder Nadezhda Sergeeva tested positive for trimetazidine at the 2018 Pyeongchang Olympics. These reports made for grim reading, yet no one in the corporate Western media dare to make references to these, but instead continue to whitewash the hideous crimes committed by Ukrainian law enforcement & military units. Dissident elements have faced the constant threat of ultra-nationalist violence, imprisonment, and even murder. As expected, the West organisations are all too eager to publicise any crackdown of dissenting voices in Russia. Let's speak of her health,' " Moskvina said. Not every ethnic Russian speaker in Ukraine can speak good Ukrainian, and some have trouble pronouncing certain words in Ukrainian. When did Elena Berezhnaya recover from her injury? As a result, an additional gold medal was awarded to the Canadian team, who were given silver at first with what many felt was a superior performance to the Russians, per Britannica. This evening at the world figure skating championships, however, Moskvina could most definitely speak once again about Berezhnaya's future as a skater. Ref: He was severely beaten during his arrest by the SBU. The post-Maidan regime has focused its wrath on Ukrainians who have advocated a peace settlement with pro-Russian separatists in the countrys east, those who have documented human rights abuses by the Ukrainian military, and members of communist organizations. they were real champions. As weapons pour into Ukraine from NATO states and the war intensifies, the atrocities are almost certain to pile up and with the blessing of leadership in Kiev.
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