The McElroy story has fascinated people for the past three decades, and it's easy to see why, with its twists and turns seemingly pulled from the pages of a pulpy crime novel. He was my favorite person in the book and someone I would have really liked to meet. I truly know this because BELIEVE ME there should be a book about what I went through. McElroy reportedly shot people, threatened them, stole, seduced preteen and young teen girls, and set houses on fire. Flipping television channels I ran across the old film Road House. I know there was a movie made about it in 1991 titled In Broad Daylight in which Brian Dennehy played the part of Ken Rex McElroy. In researching the book, I learned of only three kids. That being said, I cant sort out the wives and children of Ken. He lived in the small town of Skidmore, Missouri, a . Rather than put up with it, I just moved and finished my beer and left. I look forward to your thoughts on the book. [2] He was struck by bullets from at least two different firearms, in front of a crowd of people estimated as numbering between 30 and 46. But thats television. Life is precious. LOL. Now 47, he is the same age McELroy was when he was shot to death on the main street of Skidmore Missouri. Although some townspeople reported him for violating the terms of his bail by carrying a weapon, McFadin was able to delay the proceedings. This woman sued the town over Kens death. Circling the wagons doesnt help anyone. you reference). Theyre scattered about. Many family members would not speak to me. I wish peace and happiness for all of them and hopefully they can close this chapter of their lives. LOL This is plain ridiculous. Ken is my second cousin I think my parents were both adopted and Im just learning about my family. fuck that guy may he burn in hell. Then throw in the other factors that are affecting all small towns and farms in America and you have the answer. Shocked..he got away with a lot because of the times they lived inand the police were fearful oof him..he would have messed them up bad..would have twisted them like a pretzel, or blew them away. . You will need to copy and paste the link. They use their size and weapons as intimidation so they dont have physical altercations that shows their lack of ability to be a real bad ass. My mother is Lori. Right. In your blog, you mention four children. Extremely hard working people. If she was there in the tavern she may have been playing a pinball machine or video game elsewhere. I seriously doubt that his father being ken rex mcelroy has anything to do with who he is today after all he did not even know the man. Jeffrey seemed curious, but was not interested in meeting any of many siblings living in the area. What happened to Alice Woods? Who knows, they might be following this blog? Were all better without them. March 28, 2023. A history of abuse does not excuse Trenas actions, it only makes sense of them. Plain and simple, Trena was a victim here she was 12 years old when Ken Rex got his hands on her. Do you really think an entire town targeted one man for death, covered for his killer, even a lawman did it, and all because he was misunderstood? My grandparents farmhouse mysteriously burnt down while they were away in the early 80s. The town was harmed by poor law enforcement, Ken McElroys behaviour and its own fear. Farming is damn hard work. Even the worst people can sometimes act pleasantly. An understandable wish. Im probably going to buy your book as this case looks pretty interesting. Stratton is still kicking up in Bethany. McElroy's first shooting victim was local farmer Romaine Henry, who he shot twice in the stomach with a shotgun. Dont you think that she might have been terrified??? I just recently read the story and I have to say how sad the whole thing is. My brother and I bought a Coonhound pup from Ken less than a month before.he was shot. They had 10 children. Trena was brainwashed by KR beating her until she learned how to please and do for him and what he wanted. In one, he is holding his daughter in his lap and looking into the camera. Dunbar lives in Marvyille with his girl friend Bobbie. According to a Mental Floss article on McElroy, the 70-year-old Bowenkamp barely survived the violent encounter; but although McElroy was convicted of second-degree assault and sentenced to two years in prison, he immediately appealed the conviction and was released on bond. He had read the book. Surprised that there arent more comments on here @ the Sundance Series, No One Saw A ThingIMO, It exposed nothing that Harry didnt reveal In Broad Daylight, other than we are to now surmise that Skidmore is a cursed & dying community. This man had such a shameful history of crime to his name that he was definitely no saint. I know she helped with the bullying, but she was substantially influenced and groomed by this child molester. It proved where her loyalties were when she sued the town after McElroys death. Ken Jr. and Lisa remained together in foster care and I was moved to a different foster home due to my hernia. I can not believe the people that defend him! All those kids to support. Right. From hair trends to relationship advice, our daily newsletter has everything you need to sound like a person whos on TikTok, even if you arent. He was quite content to labor behind the meat counter while his wife oversaw the daily needs of the store. When you grow up like that you can become an absolute mental slave to someone who makes you feel like you matter to them, particularly if they sink their teeth into you when you are a teenager and your frontal lobes havent fully developed. Hmmm. The sleezoid attorney is always a given with guys like this thug. I had no idea Trena had passed. My condolences to you and your family.? ( unlike myself) And to look into his eyes one can see alot of innocence in a grown mans eyes, For he has a gentle soul.So Harrys first impression at the airport, was not a clear picture of the man he really is. Ken married first name McElroy. Oh yes, Im quite sure his lawyer knew exactly what his client was about. Im sure she felt anger & betrayal, along with what that kind of abuse does to your psyche. Heres what I was able to put together. I was raised by a law abiding yet could me an extremely violent man who feared no one big or small. I believe the engine in the truck seized up because Mr. McElroys foot was on the accelerator and no one moved his foot or even shut off the engine. Its dealing with the loss of all the work and experience it takes to raise livestock. That lawyer should have been run out of town on a rail, or at least been reported to the bar. they knew what she had to deal with and she only did those things becouse she had to. According to Judge on Criminal, he managed this by finding out where members of the jury lived and placing rattlesnakes in their mailboxes as a threat. Too bad. They are both burning in hell fire ? That alone should have put him away. , I met Jeff in the fall of 1984. On the morning of July 10, 1981, townspeople met at the Legion Hall in the center of town with Nodaway County sheriff Dan Estes to discuss how to protect themselves. Just read your latest blog, in which you talked about your meeting with Jeffrey. Excuses, excuses, excuses for the poor abused woman all over this page. I havent seen her kids defending McElroy, although they might have. It saddens me though that you only know(write about) the GIRL she was, not the WOMAN she became, she was loved by so many and left this world much much to early!!!!! Same with all the killers we see in courts.. their lame defense attorneys snivel that they had a rough child hood. This society punishes girls and women who are victims for the horrors they have endured. The late David Graf played the part of Ken Rex McElroy. I am interested to know, do u live in skidmore? And I call BS to imply there is some sort collective evil there. Law enforcement and the legal system failed. I agree. Many elements in common with McElroy/Skidmore: small town local bully, law enforcement and legal system unable to manage the issue and ultimately townspeople took matters into their own hands. Over the course of his life, McElroy was accused of dozens of felonies, including assault, child molestation, statutory rape, arson, animal cruelty, hog and cattle rustling, and burglary. This man was a horrible human being. His girlfriend lived in my apt building and he knocked her around quite a bit. She just knew him mostly as her dad and not all the other stuff. When you get a contract to write it let me know. Ive seen pictures of it and cant understand the logic. Ive been amazed at the messages Ive gotten since the post. I remember hearing about this story for the very first time on 60 Minutes when I was in high school. There is a serial killer in Kansas, or was, who nicknamed himself BTK. Yes, Del Clement was only a few years older than Trena. ive done alot of surching on the story lately and am sorry to hear that trena passed. And, whether one wishes to believe it Ken McElroy was in a paradoxical sense victimized by his lack of education, poverty stricken upbringing, a father who refused to punish him for his bad behaviour and his own seeming inability to improve his lot in life by trying to educate himself, work a legitimate job and learning to respect women and the townsfolk. These farmers worked hard to raise cattle and to have them stolen is more than just a monetary loss. Coincidentally, many of my relatives are at rest in Memorial Gardens within a stones throw from Ken McElroy. As a novice writer myself, nowhere near the talent and expertise you display, I was told by a confidential source (Whom I shall not identify due to privacy). Hate to say it but of course his family members will defend him and claim he was the best grandpa/whatever but even if he wasnt convicted of anything, his activities are well known and well documented. She was a grade-a bozo and victim-blamed everyone that was every assaulted by her bumpkin husband, including the children and young women that he sexually assaulted. Thats nonsense. He instinctively understood how to use it. Good for her , if thats true she (I believe) is in heaven because were all sinners & God gives us a chance to redeem ourselves & it sounds like trena redeemed herself . I have their pictures in The Story Behind In Broad Daylight. Two appeared on Oprah Winfrey with me, Alice, Cheryl Brown and McFadin. I just finished the book of Ken McElroys life and death. Theres no way anyone could have been convicted of anything, given the evidence of what McElroy had done to Skidmore. Required fields are marked *. His murder is still technically unsolved. Jeffrey has a lot of friends who think hes an amazing guy. Enjoy reading these comments as well. Re-reading In Broad Daylight now. Juarez, I know has been in and out of jail, but I hadnt heard anything about Mouse or Tonya. Among the many facts known about the Ken McElroy shooting, the one thing that's not known is who actually pulled the trigger. The man one the phone said his name was Jeffrey. No children were molested, people robbed or beaten up, etc., because of a criminal's attorney. I want to feel something for Trena but as she carried a gun and was a lookout to help him when he went to town to terrorize people and sued them later, Im struggling. Whatever money spent to investigate his death, was just good money thrown after bad. Jesus. And, Im sorry for this too, but as a former English teacher, did she ever get educated so she learned proper grammar. On the day of what should have been his bail hearing, McElroy was back at D&G, still a free man. I agree with you and Jack. McElroy controlled the whole town. why you attracted such a horrible person into your life. Attempting to sue her victims. McElroy was accused of raping two young women, as young as 12 years old, both of whom he was said to have "married" to keep them from testifying against him. Ken Rex deserved everything that happened to him and his killers deserved jail, too. Sorry not happening! Yes, that would make him Ken McElroys grandson. As McElroy got into his pickup truck with his wife Trena McCloud, shots suddenly rang out. So similar to Skidmore. One cant imagine a man more the opposite of Ken McElroy. harry my name is sam lewis. I respected his attempts to at least reach out to Ken McElroy in a spiritual/Christian sense. Yep. Red died several years ago, and Steve Peters and his wife divorced and Steve moved to St. Joe, where he is working for an engineering company. What I haven read is how tough and how much of a man he was without a gun with a man face to face that wasnt afraid of him. I know this is from an old thread but I am very sorry to hear about your grandmother. She stayed close to her parents, curiously enough. The legal system failed them and they had taken all they could. AP Writer Typlifed Irresponsible Writing About Ken McElroys Murder,,, In Broad Daylight Classic Print Edition. This is truly shocking its like something out of the middle ages. Thanks for sharing. Do not listen to the comments made by people who talked about what she did while married to that monster. Everybody? I really love this post. The reason the lack of resolution around McElroy's death is so noteworthy is because of the simple fact that the man was gunned down in the middle of the street in broad daylight in front of approximately 60 witnesses; and yet, to date, nobody has ever been charged with the crime. The law fails. Whatever they say is normal, you force yourself to accept as normal. Henry was forced to admit in court, under questioning by McElroy's attorney Richard Gene McFadin, that he had concealed his own petty criminal conviction from more than 30 years previous. Unsolved claims that, throughout his life, McElroy was indicted on at least 21 charges, sometimes being brought up on felony charges as frequently as three different times a year, ranging from theft and cattle rustling to harassment, assault, arson, statutory rape, and even shooting two people. Sorry, I havent lived in St. Joe in 20 years and didnt realize I had reversed that until I re-read my post just now. Ken McElroy got around a lot more than most people realize. This girl was trapped in hell and as I see it had absolutely no way out. They went to high school together. The lot where Kens house once was still stands empty, although there is a trailer in the woods behind it. There wasn't much parental supervision, but McElroy had a knack for taking care of himself. I met several of them, including Wilma, before her husband chased me off the farm with a gun. I dont feel bad for Trina one bit. Born into a crowded family, Ken McElroy would soon make a name for himself in the worst way. Aside from MacLean's book and Judge's podcast, the case has also been covered in episodes of the podcast My Favorite Murder and the TV show Drunk History, as well as having been turned into two movies, including the 1991 made-for-TV adaptation of MacLean's In Broad Daylight starring Tony winner Brian Dennehy, Oscar winner Marcia Gay Harden, and Emmy winner Cloris Leachman.
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