The points in Constitution and Wisdom are to increase the corresponding saving throws, while the 10 in Charisma opens up a couple extra Persuade checks on Kashyyyk, and gives us one extra net Persuade point. - While this line plays, click to skip it then immediately start buffering ***Route Outline Further down the hall youll find the entrance to the Beks Base. Taris 1- Sneak Attack FLU- Bounties for Dia and Largo- The Duel Ring and Bendak's Bounty- Sith Base DLZ to Wire Target Sith Governor- Bounty for Matrik and Vulkar Base DLZ- Coordinate Warp in Vulkar Base to get Swoop Accelerator- Rescue Bastila2. Overall the credit route is quite lenient; there are at least 1000 credits extra at the tightest point after Taris. Since actually hitting is the only thing that can hold back our combat build, we need every bit of extra attack we can get. - Master Speed and Force Valor should still be active here As MC, cast Master Speed and run past Jolee to click the broken droid Head: Breath Mask - Bought from Crattis Yurkal, Dantooine- Gives us Immunity: Poison, which is protection against the Force powers Slow, Affliction and Plague. Choosing a male character is faster in two places: starting the "Invited to a Party" quest on Taris requires going further into the Upper City Cantina as a female MC, and you have to do 4 additional conversations with Carth to complete his quest. - The only active quests now should be "Bastila", "Carth", and "Escaping Taris" In the Armoury to the south west youll find a Flame Thrower for T3-M4 as well as some other loot. The information about the "promised land" is later confirmed by Bioware in their Old Republic MMO. } indicates an inventory/equipment action to be done Run with Canderous to right in front of Vandar and QS/QL Enter Javyar's as MC - Begins "Republic Hiring Mercenaries" Finish moving Juhani and wait for the Journal Icon to pop-up in the top left As Carth, run back to hall and click on exit door - Firith Me the Pazaak Player - We choose Master Critical Strike over Master Flurry because our weapons have a high base chance to crit, so the damage potential is higher with Critical Strike despite getting one fewer attack per round. Check his remains for the Taris Launch Codes. - Enter the load zone to start the second [GP Warp](77xef#AMG_GP_Warps) - Carth The guy there will give up instantly without a fight. - Make sure Master Speed and Force Valor are still active - This can actually be a one-round fight, but usually it's three or so There are 8 enemies in the Barracks. Matrik accosts you: 2 [Save Teleport](5dagb) through next two doors, then the door straight ahead and take the airlock to the Sea Floor DLZ - [Displaced Load Zone](f0aia) Input the following choices into the computer to do so. It is important to note that, due to the side effects of Hotshots, our character frequently reverts to a previous level. - When the scientists start talking to you, [AMG Skip](d4jq8#ch4Control_During_Cutscenes) the convo via [Force Skip](8fp02) If you speak to Carth or later Bastila anywhere on Taris, you can ask for more information, but as off-worlders they're not particularly informative: Canderous has been here longer, but clearly hasn't made it his home: Zaalbar has similar feelings, but he has even less to say on the subject: However, Mission grew up on Taris, and has plenty to say: From StrategyWiki, the video game walkthrough and strategy guide wiki, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic/Taris. **Ebon Hawk:** - Mash until Shen says his last line, "Thank you, we will remember you always." - Autosave Hotshot to Lower City Perform [Swoop Skip](iarwc#ch8Swoop_Skips) three times - Finishes "GenoHaradan: Zuulan" Command Center [Coordinate Warp](iarwc#ch6Coordinate_Warping): Reenter the Grove Talk to Mission three times: 1 | 1,1,4,1 | 1x13,2 **Undercity:** Swap to Bastila and activate [AMG](d4jq8) via QS - If the Motta CS activates, [AMG Skip](d4jq8#ch4Control_During_Cutscenes) it via [Force Skip](8fp02) 1. Now that you have the droid bring him along with another member and head towards the entrance to the Sith Military Base. Loot the tattered equipment pack in the back left for Bastila's father's holocron - Toggling Solo Mode keeps Juhani out of combat She seems friendly and will join your party later on. - 1 Durasteel Bonding Alloy Swap to Juhani and [Save Teleport](5dagb) near Dustil Carth accosts you - Desert Ambush --------------------------------------------------------- - Perform Catacombs DLZ Swap to MC and talk to Yuthura: 3,5,2,3,1,1 - Defeat Darth Malak Use the Detention Console to free the party Hell run at you from the get-go and do some major melee damage. More than two decades after it first launched, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (KOTOR) is still considered one of the best Star Wars games of all time.With its numerous characters, such as your own party and engrossing story, it's easy to see why it is still so highly regarded even today. - Finishes "A Doubting Sith" **Unknown World/Star Forge:** - Begins "GenoHaradan: Lorgal" Swap to Bastila and activate [AMG](d4jq8) via QS You can also join the KotOR Speedrunning Discord and ask questions if you have them! Senni Vek is quite out of the way on Kashyyyk. To make matters worse, the Sith have seized control and imposed a planet-wide quarantine. - [Use the Options Menu](d4jq8#ch4Control_During_Cutscenes) to [QS Hotshot](iarwc#ch3Quick_Save_Hotshots) to the Ebon Hawk using Slot 15 Speak with Gadon, sitting behind the desk, and hell give you information about Bastila and how she was captured by the Vulkars. [Save Teleport](5dagb) to skip trigger and enter the Eastern Dune Sea Enter Lower City with Carth Now all you need is a ship to get off this planet! The GenoHaradan sidequests are the main routing constraint in the midgame. Enter Deck 2 with Jolee - Finishes "Fair Trade" **South Apartments:** - Finishes "Rakghoul Serum" - Find the Star Map in the Lower Shadowlands **Manual Save in Slot 2** After the last skip, talk to Nico [Hard Save Hotshot](iarwc#ch5Hard_Save_Hotshots) to Anchorhead using Slot 4 - Captured by the Leviathan - The droid convo will interrupt here; that convo is just 2 - Defeat and redeem Bastila Fly to Tatooine with a [Map CS Skip](rb685) MC uses Critical Strike to kill Largo - Vibroblade When the CS ends, loot the Krayt Dragon for two pearls **Initial Attributes** **Initial Feat** - Weapon Focus: Melee Weapons Swap to MC and QS/QL to fix following AI Cast Master Speed and use Hyper Strength and Hyper Battle Stim Swap to T3 and [Save Teleport](5dagb) to Lashowe - Persuade to 4, Security to 4 [QS Hotshot](iarwc#ch3Quick_Save_Hotshots) to South Apartments using Slot 2 document.write(today.getFullYear()); - As MC, click the first door It states that they survived the attack, but due to sickness and disease they perished many years later after they lost the ability to reproduce. *Sell*: 2 Vibroblades, Ion Blaster *Buy*: All Paazak Cards **Endar Spire:** - The Dark Jedi here can stun you with Force Whirlwind, so be fast and lucky - Finishes "Rukil's Apprentice" - Republic Embassy - Yavin Space Station After looking at the terminal most of the rooms should be showing on your map. Council accosts you Talk to Sith Guard: 2 - Either way, make sure [AMG](d4jq8) is active when you leave [Master Speed FLU](b6452#ch10Master_Speed_FLU) - When the Mandalorian Commander spawns, [AMG Skip](d4jq8#ch4Control_During_Cutscenes) the CS via [Force Skip](8fp02) by casting Master Valor - When the announcer stops laughing, QS *four times* to start the duel - Kill the Vulkar Guard behind the first door As soon as you go to disembark off of the elevator and enter the Undercity, a few thugs try to tell you that they want 5 Credits from you for using the elevator . Ranged; try to avoid this at all costs, as the fight then becomes very difficult to win - When the announcer says "meat", QS twice to finish the CS Sanasiki's Blade** - Purchased on Dantooine, 7000 Credits Tell him you have the Taris Launch Codes and agree to join forces. - If he asks "It is our passion that fuels the Force" choose 1. **Dantooine Ruins:** Return to Temple Exterior, cast Master Speed, and use Hyper Strength and Hyper Battle Stim Loot the footlocker, then place the device on the Uthar's bed - At Level 5, we do the [Master Valor FLU](b6452#ch11Master_Valor_FLU) to get Weapon Focus: Lightsaber and Master Valor, and bump our Persuade to 14. - There is a small chance you won't one-shot Twitch, as he can survive two hits if you roll low damage; it shouldn't take much to finish him off though [Force Skip](8fp02) the Jedi vs. Sith CS - Finishes "GenoHaradan: Lorgal" **4. Matrik is also located in the apartment complex. - Killing Komad now skips two convos with him later When you open the door youll be faced with the Sith Governor. Return to the Hideout and Transit Back to set the transit point - Find the Star Map and Bastila's Father's holocron - A Wookiee Lost **The Dune Sea:** - IMMEDIATELY after this, [Map CS Skip](rb685) to RtEH The Sith will completely destroy Taris. - Swap to Carth and run continuously into the right corner of the door To set him free set all of the panels on the wall behind you to the red position. - Rogue Droid - Light - Begins "Trapped on a Nameless World" - Activate [AMG](d4jq8) via QS and talk to Ajuur twice to start the duel **Manual Save in New Slot (Slot 3)** Dantooine 1- Undergo Jedi Training to become a Padawan- Master Speed FLU- Enclave DLZ- Ignore Bolook and the Murdered Settler- Skip the Juhani fight and redeem her- Ruins Star Map DLZ- Give Nurik Sandral evidence of his son's death- Reconcile the Sandrals and Matales- Rescue Elise's droid and return it to her- Kill Sherruk- Lena accosts Mission- Master Valor FLU4. It's a big city-planet with an Upper City for the wealthy and a Lower City for the poorer and seedier residents. - [AMG Skip](d4jq8#ch4Control_During_Cutscenes) the CS via QS/QL Activate [AMG](d4jq8) via QS, then talk to Race Coordinator to start race Swap to either Jolee or Juhani and [Save Teleport](5dagb) to the swoop bike **Manual Save in New Slot (Slot 5)** **Elder Rakata:** [Coordinate Warp](iarwc#ch6Coordinate_Warping) back to the Great Walkway via [QS Hotshot](iarwc#ch3Quick_Save_Hotshots) You can go back to the Twilek and get a refund or persuade her for an extra 25 credits and dark side points. - Swap to Carth and open the door to the Vulkar Base Run/Force Jump past the first katarn group, then Deactivate Solo Mode **Belt: Adrenaline Amplifier** - Found on Taris, Sith Governor's corpse A good rule of thumb is to always do all sidequests you can before the main quest. **The Ebon Hawk:** - 1 Strength Gauntlets Initial Attributes18 Str8 Dex14 Con8 Int14 Wis10 Cha. - This is essentially a long string of [Save Teleports](5dagb), but we could hit some convo triggers - The fastest way to buy these also buys the Hair Trigger between them by mashing - Finishes "Republic Hiring Mercenaries" - This [Coordinate Warps](iarwc#ch6Coordinate_Warping) back to Leviathan Bridge via an abbreviated [QS Hotshot](iarwc#ch3Quick_Save_Hotshots) *SHOPPING: Zelka Forn* [Soft Buffer](t5kyf#ch4Soft_Buffers) to skip Sith/Republic soldier CS through second door As soon as you enter the Lower City youll stumble right into a fight between the Vulkars and the Hidden Beks. - Mission for the Republic Swap to MC and use Workbench to fully upgrade Sanasiki's Blade Take the path to the west into the Control Room. - When the Star Map CS starts, cancel the pop-up and skip CS via [Force Skip](8fp02) (or QS/QL) Activate Solo Mode - Give Uthar's datapad to Yuthura and poison Uthar - Perform the [Endar Spire DLZ](f0aia#ch6Endar_Spire_DLZ) - Begins "Investigate Ruins" - Use the Rakatan Computer to lower the disruptor field The bounty hunter corpses have 50 credits on the that they stole from the old man. - Kill Rulan in the Upper Shadowlands - Juhani - A Rancor in the Sewers - Unpause and mash through the CS until Saul is walking away Obtain Plot Armor (minimum Vitality of 1) - If no conversation choices are specified, spamming will work. - This [Coordinate Warps](iarwc#ch6Coordinate_Warping) back to Command Center via an abbreviated [QS Hotshot](iarwc#ch3Quick_Save_Hotshots) Open the door to the enclave, then QS/QL - Begins "GenoHaradan: Rulan" Taris 1** Take the airlock to the Hrakert Rift - Run down the right hallway and kill the patrol droid - *Suggested Memory Reset #2 after loading at the end of the [Hard Buffer](t5kyf#ch3Hard_Buffers)* } Swap to Carth and unequip Sith Armor *Equipped: Offhand (Dantooine), Mainhand (Kashyyyk through Star Forge)* [section=Kashyyyk] Swap to HK and [Save Teleport](5dagb) to the Sand People Enclave - Leave the pop-up active and QL - 1 Adrenaline Amplifier Mic'Tunan'Jus Orgu on TatooineBuy: Bantha Fodder (5829 Credits left), 8. Talk to Firith Me - Changed Kashyyyk to side with Freyyr instead of Chuundar Move up against the obelisk during the CS until it explodes, then [Force Skip](8fp02) the CS Swap to MC and QS/QL next to Selven to skip the CS - Finishes "Jolee's Request" Exit to the Sith Academy Entrance - When performing a [Hotshot](iarwc), you can always save in the first slot, with one noted exception on Taris at the start. - Perform [Summit DLZ](f0aia#ch17Temple_Summit_DLZ) [Map CS Skip](rb685) the Bandon CS to RtEH - This helps position us for a [Coordinate Warp](iarwc#ch6Coordinate_Warping) later Add Carth to the party ** Hack assault droid: 1,4,4 Use all stims except the five Hyper Strengths and Hyper Battle Stims - Finishes "Jedi Trials" -------------------*** - As MC, [Save Teleport](5dagb) forward and click to open the first door - As MC, run down the left hallway and QS between the two doors Activate [AMG](d4jq8) via QS and [Save Teleport](5dagb) forward
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