He blackmailed victims, using threats of sharing material already obtained to incite more extreme abuse, including the abuse of younger siblings and friends. We are operating in an increasingly volatile fiscal context. Table 57: Total overtime claimed by command. It is offering a salary of up to 223,441 a year for the right candidate - in line with Owens's 220,000-225,000 salary bracket reported in the law-enforcement body's annual report and accounts for 2020-2021. The Agency forecast that this proposal will have a positive impact on diversity outcomes, including a reduction of the gender pay gap through reducing the length of the pay ranges and applying targeted uplifts to the lowest earners. The Covid-19 pandemic has impacted the nature of the threat, though the level has remained consistent. 3. The NCARRB feedback from their 2021 visits is reflective of the Agency engaging more, directly with the workforce. We have developed a People Plan, which identifies keys areas of delivery for 21/22 in culture, learning, recruitment, and pay and benefits. Table 11: Criteria for extending capability-based pay. Well send you a link to a feedback form. In line with our strategy, we aim to extend capability-based pay across all eligible operational roles. In order to secure the skills that the NCA requires to lead the evolving threat, it is important that our pay proposal aligns with our strategic context. This has helped to build agility, and more officers have benefited from developmental career opportunities. Salary & Allowances (NCA average compared to law enforcement average). We also need to ensure officers can access the training they need, and to drive inclusion and an open, transparent culture. Table 1 shows the progress that we have made against our capability-based pay ambition, the impact of the 22/23 proposal, and the residual gap across operational roles. 23% of roles within the command have powers. We are devising a three year proposal which, subject to approval, would allow us to implement our full ambition. Requires technical skills to develop information to support high-end operations and disruptions. Accountable for the development and delivery of capabilities to support the operational services across the NCA. Our pay comparison position within the market is important because it links to our strategy on building an attractive and fair offer which enables us to secure the skills we need. Is the role considered as a hard to fill role. We have outlined that there are still gaps that will need to be addressed in future years. A request from the NCARRB as part of their seventh report in 2021, and from officers feedback, is to set out how pay works in the NCA as part of our annual submission. External pay award benchmarking covering the UK economy, showed that during the first half of 2021, pay awards of circa 1.6% were being implemented by employers, with the median pay award being 1.2% in the first three months of the year. This year we have aligned our pay plan more closely into the People Plan, which is covered in chapter 2. This is a key enabler of our strategy. . 31 open jobs for Nca in London. As of August 2021 we have 2198 officers on the spot rate framework, the increase in hours presents a productivity gain for the Agency. National Crime Agency Remuneration Review Body, Find out about the Energy Bills Support Scheme, Evidence submissions to NCA Remuneration Review Body, 2022 to 2023, Chapter One: NCA Context, Pay Strategy & Economic Case for Change, Chapter Four: Conclusion and Total Costings, nationalarchives.gov.uk/doc/open-government-licence/version/3. The table below shows that pay and benefits is a concern for officers. To support this work, we are developing a revised benchmarking matrix. As an NCA Intelligence Officer you'll be at the centre of the action, helping to prioritise operations. It is important to note that the Agency operates as both a civil service department, and as a law enforcement organisation. 69. Table 23: Spot rate eligibility by ethnicity, Table 24: Spot rate eligibility by disability, Table 25: Spot rate eligibility by sexual orientation. *3.5% estimated pay award with pay point 3 of Chief Superintendent raised by 5,674, in line with NPCC endorsed working party recommendations from 2021. These roles are categorised by the following headings: Firearms These are Specialist roles within our Armed Operations Unit (AOU), these roles can receive the Expert Spot Rate salary. In order to alleviate the issue of police transfers we have begun using the expert spot rate within Firearms, since implementation in 2019 leavers within Firearms has reduced down to 5 in 2020 and 6 in 2021 from a high of 12 in 2018. Requires specialist knowledge to develop the strategic approach, and capabilities to drive a 4 P response (Pursue, Prevent, Protect and Prevent). 16. This is set out in chapter 1. The Agency has noted the NCARRB feedback on data, and has worked to provide a more robust and developed data picture to support the submission. We will review the ambition for grade 6 officers within the modernisation programme. SOC includes child abuse, human trafficking, slavery, money laundering, fraud, cybercrime, corruption, and the smuggling of drugs and firearms into the UK. Targeted investment at grade 3 to reduce overtime reliance. 62. 83. The NCA has a workforce of 6,032 as at 31 August 2021, and in the last four years the Agency has grown by 1,942 officers. 61% of overtime claims are from officers with powers, which broadly reflects the breakdown of powers vs. non-powers in the Agency. During 2021 the NCA has continued to build on the accelerated pace of 2020, though there has been an impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on recruitment. Table 9 NCA People Survey Overview 2021. The NCAs strategy is to extend capability-based pay fully across eligible roles and to invest in the framework to provide an incentive for officers to develop their careers in the Agency. Whilst we recognise it is not within the remit of the NCARRB, we will review our approach to professions pay, primarily in enabling functions, which forms a part of our total pay-bill. 5. 54. National Crime Agency Remuneration Review Body report: 2021 Recommendations from the National Crime Agency Remuneration Review Body on the pay and allowances of NCA officers with. We have outlined that, whilst we have made progress, there is more to do to realise the full ambition. 35. Starting salaries for the three agencies - GCHQ, MI5 and MI6 - are in the region of 30,000 to 35,000, plus benefits. The NCARRB cover only those officers who hold operational powers. Our one year approach is based on a number of factors, including the timing of our business planning, which has immediately followed the settlement review, and the view that a re-assessment of our strategy will take time to complete effectively. The yearly trends continue to show we are operating at a low base. Receive newsletters. In 2021, the Agency ran a lateral movement campaign which resulted in 116 workforce moves, mainly moving officers from Intelligence roles into Investigations roles. Our officers, and the partners we work with, deliver outstanding operational results to ensure the public are protected. Table 18: workforce by command work pattern split, Table 19: workforce by grade gender split. . . The change is in part attributed to the 2020-21 government pay pause that was applicable to most of the workforce. An overview of our annual People Plan and progress against it can be found at table 8. 7. *Pay freeze applied for the 2021 pay uplift, except where officers earnt less than 24k, who received a 250 uplift. As the spot rate framework has developed, the number of officers working 40 hours per week has increased annually. The outcome of this work will tie into our next recruitment campaign, due to be launched in January 2022. The threat has proved resilient throughout Covid-19, with offenders increasingly operating online and using emerging technologies. In order to understand the reasons for our officers leaving, we have examined data from our exit questionnaire. The role is included in the hard to fill list agreed by the NCA workforce planning committee, please check your data pack to see if the role is classed as Hard to fill. The current expected attrition for 2020-2021 is 7.5%. For example, the Investigations command ran an internal campaign to increase officers in hard to fill roles in the South-East. We have continued to encounter increased volumes of applications for posts in capability-based pay, and conversion rates from application to hire are increasing. Demand for skills in law enforcement is high, and availability is low, particularly across hard to fill and specialist roles. Table 10 addresses the key feedback. 93. We are therefore applying awards across all grades in our standard ranges. Whilst the NCARRB process covers officers with powers, non-powered officers pay is determined through a collective bargaining process with the Trade Unions. Table 6: NCA Total Pay-bill (for directly employed officers), (The Agency also utilises a non-consolidated pot which is 1% of the wage bill, this currently stands at 2.22m). In order to identify the priority roles in scope we propose a series of criteria to be utilised, in order to complete our prioritisation exercise. The total cost of this was 211,392. The OBR have noted that ongoing global supply chain issues, energy price rises and labour market shortages are likely to continue to affect households and businesses in the UK. 46. Table 38: Internal transfers for Intelligence, Table 39: Internal transfers for Intelligence. The role requires a skill set that requires significant training investment to and experience to achieve level of proficiency required. We decided not to focus extending capability-based pay to large numbers of grade 3 officers. At grade 1 we only have 5 female officers on the spot rate framework. Table 58: Total overtime claimed by Powers. The operational examples outlined in chapter 1 present the unique and complex skills mix that we require, and these types of direct operational requirements will be considered as we implement uplifts. This is overseen through governance by the Remuneration Committee, which is chaired by an operational Director. The Agency is evaluating the success of this through our hybrid working pilot. One of the priorities for the Agency is making our workforce more diverse. 73. 65% of roles within the command have powers. At the NCA officers at Grades 3-6 are eligible to claim overtime, the below table shows that Grades 4 and 5 are the highest claimants, which matches with those two grades being the biggest grades in the Agency. The Agency continues to score strongly on officers feeling aligned to our organisational purpose. Officers at Grades 6-3 inclusive are entitled to request payment or time off in lieu (TOIL) for overtime worked, with the exception of Grade 3 officers on spot rates. We achieved our highest level of disruptions during this time. It is important we provide female officers with opportunities to progress up the grade structure. 44. To achieve its mission, the NCA is committed to: enhancing the intelligence picture of existing and emerging SOC threats to the UK, and using the intelligence to drive, lead and support the UKs response to SOC; operating proactively at the high end of high risk, undertaking significant investigations to bring offenders to justice through prosecution or, if that is not possible, to disrupt them through other means; leading, tasking, coordinating and supporting operational activity to tackle SOC throughout law enforcement, proactively sharing intelligence, assets and capabilities with partners at local, regional, national and international levels; and. In 21/22, progress was limited due to the pay pause. Where we have had recruitment and retention challenges, we have applied allowances as temporary financial measures. It would cost 14.5 million to extend capability-based pay across all eligible roles, and a further 6.7 million to achieve pay parity with policing. Invest in capability based pay to 250 more roles, focusing on hard to fill areas. 87. Progress against our pay reform ambition must be affordable within the funding provision. Proposed changes for 22/23 are aimed at addressing anomalies within our current allocation, through opting officers in our Chelmsford and Stevenage branches into the South-East allowance at 2,739, which is 80% of the current rate. The majority of officers with powers occupy roles within our operational commands, and would be eligible for capability-based pay, however this is not absolute. In these areas we have specialist, operational roles that remain on the standard pay framework. If we look at the ethnicity, we see a similar breakdown with the number of BAME officers at Grade 1 being zero, with the majority of officers at Grades 4 and 5. When looking at the recruitment of operational roles we can see the challenges the Agency faces. However, moving onto capability-based pay provides more stability and permanency in earnings, and our data shows that it supports wellbeing and lower sickness levels. *Where we have applied capability based pay. Our major responsibilities and skills requirements are set out in table 7. The Agency is planning on making some efficiencies this year through reducing some overtime and travel spend, though to secure the future investment required in pay, further savings within our contractual provision will be required. National Crime Agency | Civil Service Careers Leading the UK's fight to cut serious and organised crime. Requires professional, strategic capabilities across strategy, finance, commercial, data & technology and HR. As shown above, the majority of our officers are on the standard pay range. To support our assessment, the Agency conducts an equality impact assessment on the proposed entry list, along with forecasting the impact of implementation of the changes on the agency ambition. We must attract, develop and retain the skills that we require across our many different professions. For example, the NCA are a proactive, rather than reactive, organisation, and we operate on different contractual terms and working patterns. This is overseen through the internal NCA governance framework. The ambition is that our pay framework rewards capability, supports agility of talent, and aligns with our people, inclusion and culture strategies. Evidence identified Wilson approaching more than 5,000 children globally. To support the NCARRB in making their assessment, the NCA submit this written evidence document, which must first be approved by HM Treasury and the Home Secretary. 86. The below data shows that the majority of our powered roles are officers graded 4 and 5, which are more frontline facing roles. Table 6 provides an overview of Powered VS. Non-powered officers. 70. These examples demonstrate the complex nature of the work that we lead. This provides is an example of the work that the NCA leads on tackling Child Sexual Abuse on a global scale. We require a unique, blended skills mix from different professions which we source from varied markets. SOC is a significant and established threat that endangers the integrity, legitimacy and sovereignty of the UK and its institutions, both at home and overseas. A new NCA Director General (DG) will be appointed in 2022, charged with leading the Agency through a period of significant transformation. The diversity of these groups is represented in the IOTP diversity statistics shown on the following pages. The pay strategy is detailed at chapter 1, with an overview on how pay works in the Agency at Annex B. The vacancy gaps in these areas are 34% and 30% respectively, compared with the NCA average of 21%. 23. The proposals at chapter 3 will enable us to make some progress in the delivery of this strategy, through continuing to extend and invest in capability-based pay, shortening our pay ranges and addressing some anomalies in South-East allowances. Where we have identified any third party copyright information you will need to obtain permission from the copyright holders concerned. Looking at overtime claims by officers with and without powers, the split is even with powers officers claiming 51% of overtime. There are a complex set of stakeholders and sign-off points throughout this process. 80. Whilst we have made positive progress, there is more to do realise our strategic ambition. The average The National Crime Agency salary ranges from approximately 32,127 per year for an Officer to 50,091 per year for an Investigations Manager. Almost 36% of the workforce hold operational powers, with most concentrated within our Investigations command. Table 52: Total overtime claimed by gender, Table 53: Total overtime claimed by ethnicity, Table 54: Total overtime claimed by age group, Table 55: Total overtime claimed by working pattern. The spot rate framework was first introduced in 2018. childcare benefits (policy for new employees as of 5 April 2018): The government has introduced the Tax-Free Childcare (TFC) scheme. The proposal and impact is outlined at table 13. Operation VENETIC led to the arrest of 1,550 people across the UK, and the seizure of 115 firearms and 54million in cash, following international partners successful extraction of data from an encrypted communications platform. As noted in chapter 1, for an award above 3% IRC, the Agency Board would need to make choices to reallocate funding from elsewhere. 33. Table 5: Comparison of Median pay in the NCA and Civil Service. We still have gaps with comparators across all grades on the capability framework, and at grade 6 on. In 2021, the Agency introduced a People Plan, to consolidate our position, set efficiencies and to bring people on to fill critical capability gaps. You can change your cookie settings at any time. The NCA Board have prioritised pay as an investment priority, alongside other critical areas, in light of the external context, the impact of the pay pause, and the need to be able to keep pace with comparators. 40. Table 49: Total overtime claimed by command. Continued to enhance developmental pathways to facilitate more lateral moves between teams, and have utilised talent schemes across Civil Service and Law Enforcement. The percentage breakdowns broadly reflect the NCA workforce, with there being minor differences in some areas. ~ denotes 10 or less, including values redacted to safeguard the identity of our Officers. Owens's decision to retire followed her diagnosis with, and initial treatment for, breast cancer over the summer. 29. 91. This is being developed for 23/24, subject to wider agreement. We are therefore proposing to continue with previously agreed measures for this pay year, to enable us to carry out this strategic planning through 2022/23, before bringing back a multi-year proposal to the NCARRB, subject to future agreement. As a law enforcement Agency we need to prepared to react to the changing nature of crime, this includes deploying officers outside of working hours and going beyond our normal working week. At 31 August 2021, the Agency had a workforce of 6,032, comprising a mix of directly employed officers, seconded officers, fixed term employees and contingent labour. Many of our hard to fill roles are situated in this geographical area, and we continue to face acute recruitment pressures here. For an award above 3% IRC, the Agency Board would need to make choices to reallocate funding which would impact operational delivery elsewhere. Over past 4 years 1942 officers have been recruited into agency. *NCA data is based upon median pay in operational commands. Continue roll-out of capability based pay. More. In February, he was sentenced to 25 years in prison. NCA attrition has increased slightly, and particularly in areas where we have not been able to implement pay reform. This will increase further as we build the modernisation programme. Built a more sophisticated benchmarking approach to inform next years pay strategy. 75. Wed like to set additional cookies to understand how you use GOV.UK, remember your settings and improve government services. The areas that we need to build specialist operational skills are prioritised for capability-based pay. 28. Expanded capability based pay to 54% of operational roles. The 2021 NCA People Survey results reported in December 2021. The NCA acknowledges that the NCARRBs 2021 report contained some areas of feedback for consideration. Accountable for developing and delivering the intelligence in response to support the 4 P planning developed by Threat Leadership. Whilst we have made progress, we still have a way to go to fully implement our strategy. The pay pause will have impacted the results too, as we had our most successful year for disruptions, and officers feel they have not been rewarded when they increased delivery and performance. 65. 29 Apr 2023 17:01:03 4. UKFIU Defence against Money Laundering (DAML) Team, Infrastructure / Field / Software Engineering & Architecture, The Agency apply capability-based pay in line with the following criteria: pay comparison in the market, recruitment and retention data, the level of disruption & accountability in the role, the complexity of the role, and whether it is deemed hard-to-fill. Although we have made progress, the average length of our standard pay range is 25%. This was primarily caused by effects of the pandemic. Funding our pay reform programme is a challenge, and impacts the pace of change. Cyber crime - related pages . A diverse workforce enables a culture where different perspectives and knowledge are embraced to innovatively combat newly emerging criminal threats. Table 51: Total overtime claimed by powers. The most common scenario is when Officers are transitioning into or out of an International Liaison Officer (ILO) role i.e. For example, the NCA utilises some form of recognition and performance bonuses through honorariums, which are awarded to those who go above and beyond their role, and end-of-year performance bonuses for officers who achieved exceeded outcomes in their performance review. SOC affects more UK citizens, more often, than any other national security threat, and is estimated to cost the UK economy at least 37 billion a year, with this cost increasing annually. The reform that we have implemented has had a positive impact within the Agency. In balancing the above, we are proposing a meaningful uplift, by applying a 3% IRC this year, balanced with other Agency priorities. Leaders discussed the new opportunities and challenges 2022 will bring. The majority of the workforce remains on the Standard Pay Range. Table 35 shows the changes in recruitment activity from 2019-2021. The NCA recognise the need to balance pay awards, as the economic evidence does state that if pay increases were to exacerbate temporary inflation pressures, this may drive wage demand further across the economy, and lead to increased pressures. The NCA provide many specialist capabilities on behalf of law enforcement, intelligence and Civil Service partners. Specifications: Permanent Role. This would cost 210k and would bring 97 officers in to scope. This helped us to deploy resource where it is needed. The Agency continues to evaluate the impact of more flexible working practices, should recommendations for changes emerge that impact remuneration, they will be proposed in line with the three year future strategy. The proposal to implement a one year pay award for 22/23, is to enable us to continue making progress in pay reform, whilst developing the future approach. In future years, as we seek to make additional investment in pay, we will need to secure efficiencies across the employment offer to fund further uplifts. Warrington (Hub), London*, Kingston upon Thames (Tolworth), Leicester, Bridgend, Bristol - *Under the NCA Estates Strategy, the London office is part of a planned relocation to a new NCA HQ in Stratford, . In future years, we will review our approach to professions and functional pay, as other organisations have started to implement targeted, professions-based models. Once it is published, it is supported through the presentation of oral evidence by the NCA DG. Tying capability based pay into areas that will require it most, investing in an affordable uplift in line with the evolving economic context. The NCA has generally looked to policing as our key comparator, given the similarity in the types of skills that are required in our operational roles. The NCA supports the Governments levelling up agenda, and we already have sites across the country. The NCA board have approved a 3% pay award for 2022/23, applied as follows: A) Extending capability-based pay, delivered through spot sates, B) Investing in capability-Based pay, through spot rate uplifts, C) Applying increases to the standard pay ranges, D) Applying anomaly correction to South-East Weighting arrangements. We continue to review our people data quarterly with the NCA Board. The officers who were successful were from across the Agency. Achieving alignment with comparators in our capability based pay framework. Table 19 shows that there is a higher proportion of females than males at Grade 6 and 5. The successful delivery of this work relied upon the expertise across our technical, investigate and intelligence functions, and is the broadest and deepest ever UK operation into SOC. It is important to continue investing in capability-based pay so that we provide an incentive for those early in their careers to develop their expertise in the NCA. It is comprised of senior leadership team representatives from all commands in the Agency. The role suffers from significant recruitment and retention problems through a lack of suitably qualified candidates applying for the role and there are ongoing vacancies in the establishment. This is forecasted to have a positive impact on reducing the gender pay gap. For officers who hold operational powers, the Home Secretary sets a remit letter, whereby the NCARRB (as an independent pay review body) are requested to present recommendations on pay for those officers under their remit. 37. These were supported by all employee blogs, where officers could directly contribute to the conversation. Dont include personal or financial information like your National Insurance number or credit card details.
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