Don't talk about drugs around me? I think it was like the first act. I'm in middle school, everyone else's, they sank, burgeoning womanhood happening. If I had something far. I love them they're, so so comfortable now, black Friday is around the corner and Mugsy is doing an early access dax. He was there. your book, so you you've sold a million albums, which is incredible in this current age of album sales. This is not fast Manfred, an arm off like that, which is why they don't let em surgeons operate. You know what I mean. Now I relate so much I right, because I'm. Please continue! Dot com expert get your first online consultation, free plus two months of acts, cream for just twenty nine dollars when you gotta for hers, dotcom, slash, expert, F, O r, h e r S, dotcom, slash expert offer only available if prescribed two month. Oh. Oh, you think you're better than me because he feels like a piece of shit. I've ever read anything too that isn't like directly like work for me or a friend. In fact, when we were remodeling this place, we're about to move too, I was like it should be a consideration that way. That was I hand it back to me and then, like he didn't even fucking, read it yeah. Chad Sanders is the author of the book Black Magic: What Black Leaders Learned from Trauma and Triumph. I think it was like. I can't all ok, some people can. No, maybe not, maybe not. I sure am speaking, of musicians, MAC Miller, building day job. Dax and Walter discuss the dilemma of editing out certain negative traits and the effects it can have on shaping a person and the importance of trying to maximize the Utopia of gene editing while minimizing the many unforeseen issues that will arise. It's my computer and everyone was just being so polite about, now. I don't think so. Her station was Halsey that she got off of it and I think he lived on Halsey Street as well, but I know there was a station and I think there was a street and that's where she took her inspiration. Well again, let's not as hot there using their tongue and their palette? My mom is like this fucking sick, grunge, chick she's, fucking. There asked if my friend was sick, the impostor. and then next year I'll go. Was it really interesting process, but what it ultimately lead to for me and in circling back to the bipolar, which was like, I had to kind of get my own shit together and stabilize my own self. now when you go to apple music, now pay you with me so far yep you ever do the essentials like do the playlists option, You search for an artist and then you do it I'll say like essentials. Paris Hilton. I'm sure your family has adopted do a lot of changes this year and with some creative problem solving. No one will hurt me because I'm hot wrong fucking wrong yeah, because at least before. Let me know I'll pass them along, but Monaco have first wag at him, but you'll definitely be on that. You think you're a little study or peer, reviewed and published China make me feel small. You know you are speaking directly into my to my sole right now. awaken burden, they desperately trying to retrieve memory, he's from my life before this, because this life is so hyper stimulating, eats all of your old memories. Ben recounts working as a camp janitor as a minor, the importance of separating his self-worth from the work he does, and his experience going on the Letterman show. road, the are they to stare at the city case, its ground. Welcome! Good good guide handed the bathroom mirror experience multiple times, multiple, also like I've been in the bathroom mirror. in my ear, sure sure yeah. we can beautiful any use mine with the shields re terminology, any gotta admit right, no spatter its awesome. Let me look. They saw all objectivity you can tell by the amount of rubber bands on her arm, but she's, not even wanting. But then you build this little landscape that has moon type, craters awning on dry off. I'm fine! Oh yeah Pepsico Bismarck in ammonium, those are gonna, be the roots. May 1, 2023. fuckin asshole and then I don't feel bad for that was just like fuck. Did you find it? George joins the Armchair Expert to discuss the mental phenomena of life, farting in an elevator, and romanticizing everything as a writer. Oh, I have no routine. figure that out from your side right, you know, and I mean yes all this as a public. How about a blue Christmas is that on the one not so far on the list, we can add the word flat how, whence is so embarrassing? This is the fact I can hear it in every song being an addict. The every time I take a naked photograph of myself, I have a moment where I look at it and go if this send it up on the internet. I talk about abuse to talk about drugs. people had to listen, oh interesting. So I wonder like what age were you when it occurred to you like that? If I dont do it with you, you're gonna go. Oh ok, I got my sexiness was a soup, power. Forty five? to find out it didn't really fix anything. Enjoy! Armchair Expert with Dax Shepard 1,227 views 29 Mar 2021 Transcribe your podcast [00:00:00] Welcome, welcome, welcome to armchair expert I'm Dan Shepherd. A currency infidelity in their relationship to UNESCO is kind of lake. Well, I always won. worked out the Vienna, so that's important if you ever read fear of flying. Obviously, because you know the casting director in the direct were like me up, he looks like he's, got bad breath, she's perfect or she looks like she, their candidates appropriately. I too much, moving to a non ranch home. Galileo. like. May being like Halsey. kinship I completely cleansed my life and it was like. You know, I got to say about you. Actually, yeah, okay, good good good. This is utterly confusing for me: yeah yeah yeah, your dad was in the carbon, he was in the car game. I know why she picked recalls, because the boy friend she had that was too old for her. Instead of that, making me feel better about myself. My whole life does your dad and carbon, Yes, I always tell stories about how, when I was growing up, out with him with such a headache, because we never got home from anywhere quickly, because he would always run into someone he sold a car to defend, we'd be in the grocery store and, unlike thirteen, you know just a complete brat and don't want to be there and then I'm going to get there, I Toyota, the joy or and I'll be like I'll who the hell is this woman and this be enabling a solar, Chevy, suburban. I would leave me if I could a collection of poetry. Hence the act being known, a blue flame. I mean we sold one hundred and fifteen thousand copies of the album in the first week. How did you do in that? Rupert joins the Armchair Expert to discuss how different of a role his character on Servant is from anything hes done before, how he cant fully detach from Ron Weasley, and what it was like going through puberty on camera. Most of their deals, that's, started out with her like a couple million dollars. Are you know, teaching me new techniques for brushing cause they're. I know I don't want anyone to feel like that, but I also want people to tell their trivial there. I like sacks, because you don't want to subscribe to the belief that you need to be self destructive to create, but for a while if fucking worked and I look at sea, like you know, my biggest records were ones and all this stuff, and I try to write songs about being happy and like fulfilled. and and also drop in some perspective solution solution, because I guess then otherwise, it's just really like making a list, like songs that are sat are just like you know, is everything: okay yeah, I think Monica, yup, it's a we did it. It teaches you how to condense your personality into like a really digestible and concise thing at a young age. In a time when I dont know one touring is going to exist ever again. We, U R her grandpa! How do you manage your feelings on tour? We need to exercise all that stuff. music now, as opposed to when I was in my twenties, become aware of you from what the chain smoker closer like that. Dr. Susan Liautaud (The Power of Ethics) is an author, teacher of ethics at Stanford University, and founder of Susan Liautaud & Associates Limited. I'm fine! I definitely agree. The male man would look at me and smile he'd, pat me on the cheek and tell me that I was a smart ass. I think some older people and by the way, I'm getting to that point where I'm getting like the people who hated the Beatles right. Have you had even like the second layer of that which is? How do you know you're? You want to know just stay with you in the meeting great we're, safe and have them, and then you know, get a minute with them, because if we do a hundred people and they each get a minute to two minutes, each us almost two to three-, then go and you're like crying and quicker hope. quarantine than I did. I'm obsessed with MAC Miller yeah. No one would want to be in and I am fucking making it look good like. Some of might own this at one time in high school. Anna and Dax talk about apologizing after having fights with . Do you like that they call in war like the Pacific theater they refer to? She was manipulating you by the way and to feeling, like you, had to totally enable that behavior yeah. John joins the Armchair Expert to discuss his DM to Dax about loving the podcast, his fear of putting himself out there and giving 100%, and the time someone tried to set him up with Kristen. Come back Mondays and Thursdays for new episodes. Accuracy is not guaranteed. Apr 28, 2023. eff won: Full Length with Daniel Ricciardo. Michael recounts the day when Martin Luther King Jr. was shot and his last great speech, the level of mastery of Jay-Z, and how race is shaped by the environment and context of the culture. Presentation was a mistake. Talking to me is if we gotta keep a secret in mind, years are located in my mouse, and I think what my money. Friends immersing yourself in books, learning all of your life lessons. Sam Pollard is an Emmy Award-winning and Oscar-nominated director and producer. Yes. of pimples on my nose and chin, and it was a real bummer for me. Fuck it I'm gonna blow it, but it's a very similar line. The team at muggy spent, years, landing on the perfect fit? I would rush from my house to great the middlemen and he would talk to, ass. wake up and need or want anything right, never wake up and I'm a damn it. I'm willing to accept this, but I certainly need more information. For me, this is embarrassing as it for you now. really unique position to help other people who are feeling that way. Listen to this episode from Armchair Expert with Dax Shepard on Spotify. For me at least I love these people and I love spending time with them. became billionaires. My thing, If you end a sentence with- and I would fuck him so you could go like oh deck, yeah he's a dumb ass and he's so selfish, but I'd fuck him. They literally exact same with likes approval is brought about my supper. If that doesn't work, I was like, very cool, try again next school, you know you got a lot of resets yeah for sure, so it teaches you how to condense your personality into this salesmanship, which is really. I got to be able to talk yeah. They say: that's when you ve arrived in Hollywood, ok I'd! I love that, idle. You look like well care. Can I ask you a question? responsibility, I think he was really really good at that yeah me too, he really was letting you in on the it's not a great struggle. What I was writing. Energizer will send you a five dollar reward. [00:00:10] Hello, hello. I don't know the person we don't know his name. Our answer, battered by black too proud. I know she was very far fought. I think her situation is different than yours. You probably live in a fifty. I ran out and stopped in my tracks and there was a different man. And she has a new book out right now, it's poetry and we, lucky enough. will know when they have held a toast because they d, I think they do. I think it sounded like. So you must be met. John Gottman is an American psychological researcher, an award-winning speaker, author, a professor emeritus in psychology and co-founder of the Gottman Institute. Can I can barely, control my own emotions, and now I'm trying to control the emotion, a person who is not dealing with logic and reason way that I'm familiar with so now, I'm questioning my own perception of reality, because I can't control myself. He would stop at the communal. I want you to be the best shot cash here that there is whatever you do, you better be the best of it, and I was cool and, so then, like I, don't believe you at all or private. to have because on one hand, I do believe that people should be compensated for their intellectual property and for their work and for sharing pieces of their life in such a way as I was, and most people when they make something they make like a tangible product and then they sell. You know what I mean: it's nice to have people as a point of reference. Okay, the man with no name Voldemort Hamlet. I loved this episode. Now we trust these batteries. I still hate myself. She was three or would you be more comfortable, twelve and five yeah, maybe like thirteen and thirteen and six okay, maybe actually fourteen and open borders of that word. one of the first steps of doing that was removing myself from a situation where there is. In bedroom mansion with servants- and I was eleven- a three bedroom ranch style in a cul de sac and I don't even, a car. Oh yeah, I was terrible. Dax gets a drug test, Aaron reveals how often he checks out ring fingers, and Charlie discusses how much he plays along with scammers at his gym. Ok now get resting on stage you know, and then you do that you release at all and then it's the same thing over every gun. Is everything? Did tv remotes, dead, flashlight, dead, computer keyboard, my most hated thing is when I'm in bed at night, I go to turn on the tv, and dagnabbit, nothing now with Energizer ultimate lithium, the no, number one longest lasting a battery. Do you think that's why alibi to. Yeah you couldn't help, her like a little baby. That was they constantly calling their other friends mean that your man can you give me a ride. We will celebrate, above all, the challenges and setbacks that ultimately lead to growth and betterment. me personally. I showed air in the picture of you in the little white dress and he said boy via a little girl like that at home, no pit stops straight home from. country of animals the drinking age. Could you give me a picture of? I talk about a lot of stuff, a lot of it's like hyper sexual and people like, and have an opinion of what it's like to fuck me, because I talk about what it's like to fuck me and, like you know, they're gonna be like I would like, evidence of it, which is crazy, not just scrolling through my instagram pictures at two in the morning, yeah I'm kind of terrified a little bit mostly because I'm afraid of what's going to end up happening, which is like something is going to be taken out of con, sure. I was this like internet, thing that happened and there was a lot of them at the time, but none of them- and you went to number two right, I'm going to say it for you, I like to brag for you, so I went to number two yeah. Will you just use too? Here now I did a science project chemistry project in tenth grade, where I investigated what was the best aunt acid? Listen! You talked about a lyric from the free now, most album year. I think one could have it's incredibly personal and I six stuff I could probably never get away with singing, because it's like either two depressing or, who boring you know. Can I tell you the cutest part is you are describing how you, would put your finger in your hair and swirl and, as you were reading that you were nervously touching an area that no longer I have no hair. and my interests were limited to like you know- and they still are, I shouldn't say that kind of consider that, like a phase that, like seven to twenty. Dax admits that if he met Jane, he would try to groom her. I can't be baseline if I don't know what my baseline is because of drugs because of trauma because of gas lighting because of PTSD, because, as you know, in this kind of world one. Would your parents leave you guys? That helps us cause too yeah. Now it's this and just you know all these life rafts, you hope, will break you out of that thing and then they generally don't. I love Halsey too, and I really like her as a person. Just sign up, select your box in the ship it right to your door every month and when you sign up now, you get their stake. There was a male man, I loved ass, a little girl. Anyway, memory way stroll down memory. [00:00:14] He's a tall drink. I don't know. Was it absolutely terrible to, oh yeah once a bare arm, Barrack Storm, I'm a control free. Is you get really anxious and you get into situations where you have no control, and at that point there is a departure that goes either one of two ways it goes into. So with some questions, Monica what's age given to me well, it started. I would expect you to know how to burp on command yeah. I did not think I going be an actor. I'll take it! He takes he's he's in there for ten minutes of good for him for rushing now that you know the reigning, it's well documented Iceman way too much time sitting on the toilet cause it's kind of my time, I'm here and as I age, I imagine that may lead to an undesirable hemorrhoid. If you have any single friends or you know your age. With my soul, mate Mama got bad men. Accuracy is not guaranteed. and I didn't want my mom did I too so I hid in my room and I cried because I was eight and a murderer. I dont want one of those yeah, so maybe what I'll do to recapture that time is all start really gettin neurotic, my oral health care. I have I have from that, is that if my nudes ever be like would be like there, you go last thing. My kids, that is such a better feeling, is to feel empowered because those things that you have achieved instead of being like I'm because then you gonna, get to appoint to wear like you, don't even care that you could fuck people. They feel like sweat, pants. Now you came over the other day. It just doesn't fix much shit yeah. I learned everything through books, like I learned about misogyny through books through books before experienced in the real world, and I learned. Relationship. I should hear you should use weird bring up. I know some of it, though, is like fuck. And what are you talking about? This offers only going through cyber Monday that six grass FED grass finished eggs for free in your first box, just gotta Butcher box doc. Friday deal order today or tomorrow and by one get one fifty percent off using Kodaks twenty. Twenty four year old probably took advantage in some way. [00:00:08] I like it. I could do with people in this scenario. I ran out to the new mailman and asked him if he had any gum and he told me to stay away from him because he didn't want to get in trouble like Charlie. It's I am sympathetic to knowing that the pain that you ve caused me does. You know so I kind of recognize the spiral early and I was like all right. If someone fast forward through a song of you, that's fucking. I wrote some fucking columns. It is because it's scary, but it's also like again like we said I don't think I'm Bukowski. Oh boy, so we play our favorite MAC Miller, Song, yes, yeah! I'm not listening to any of this, like you know, romantic. Yes, how fucked were you when people cut an uber? Okay, wow, you guys are the first people. This is the case. I've actually had to start like going through some of my son. Nobody was supposed to a song about a girl who that goes to whole foods and, like fucking, does yoga and she's good and she's like in therapy. I don't care if anyone here likes me because I'm going to move in a year anyway, which is sad for a litte kid, but it was also great because I think it made me. Because that's other thing is, I don't want it to become, this thing where everyone psych policies, are: twenty: six year old, female publish author, like. Ethan discusses how having the ability to feel the way we want all the time could be problematic and tips on how to be in the past and the future without being sucked in the chatter. 51K Followers, 1,165 Following, 973 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Rob Holysz (@wobby_wob) Oh all right. Let's do a shot. Now, it's something like if you can put up with me. Until three four five in the morning, you finally fall asleep. I felt the exact same. Doesn't interest me also, if I ever stumble into a situation where I see Kristin fucking someone I'm in the wrong. morning. So, like you know, it's crazy, how about meditating yeah it doesn't hit the same abuse just hits different. The two discuss white privilege, the Capitol protestors, and their opinions on why the 2020 election was so close. or she started writing music for real yeah. Restrictions, apply, see website for full details in important safety information. It reminds me of what we say in AA, which is alcoholics and attics. I might put those out like for me personally, I. that me, a writer. I gonna might be, how you say his name, Jane discarded is like. in your tongue or your diet is a mess, but then I'm sure some people are just genetically okay, but also when I went to my really awesome new dentist that I like, yes, but I might get bananas from her. Halsey is a Grammy Award-nominated, platinum-selling singer songwriter. I just remember that, the winner at the time. Now I just like dress, vision, but now I really am. You got to have a a layer yeah, but when I signed my record deal, I was in New York and I find like a boutique label and you know most like pop stars. You should always plaster, but also you need to brush your gums, not like. I don't find it hard to believe. Foods in a shopping. You know like that. It was in her new book is called. Why? Touching the backside of my naval or some kind of, feels like a covert test feels like and not in the same way, but you like just like something should be, up this high or something, but once you know that you're supposed to do, and then you do it. We come. Anna joins the Armchair Expert to discuss her experience being in a toxic relationship, how she feels about the term "gaslighting," and her strategies in dealing with a traumatic event. The idea- and I never will, all the way, but I teetered with with some really dangerous situations all for the sake of this, like crazy, hot relationship in the nose like ok, cool being hard is gonna, get everyone, hell, no, I should be heart. If you have decided to be attracted to me, sir, actually I'm better than. Oh my god! Yeah. This is interesting. I really that's what got me thinking about Mackinaw, but anyways would leave me if I could and it's a book of poems and you had always written poetry right as commensurate with certain erect me. I had an abundant. Isn't it I believe me. I like that she compartmentalize the name. Knowing I'm not the only one makes me feel validated that yes, that was more than just a bad relationship and I don't have to doubt myself. I just did like to be dominated by males cuz. Subscribe Now. Oh, I thought. when there are by no editorial sleep over his boys, laid there. Let her go so I made a mega. Her notifications, just blasted us, but we're good we're good we're good, I'm! continue. Scott Galloway (Adrift: America in 100 Charts, The Prof G Pod) is a professor, author, and podcaster. in two thousand and five. Dax and Monica host a conversation with Bill Gates about his new book, How To Avoid A Climate Disaster, for the Chicago Humanities Festival. Yes, I was in these situations that were physically quite threatening order, Juris, as you say, crack houses and on the surface that looks very dangerous as it is, but the fact that the drug gives you a very predictable emotional state, regardless of your surroundings. Nirvana shows honestly, but that was cool. I just notice that the other day I was driving. Accuracy is not guaranteed. for me as I was writing, though, because a lot of it, like I said, is very sexually autonomous, very self deprecating, it's very sarcastic at times and like I really wanted to see that from a female hers, The things we just talked about is really important in the book, which is, I am constantly taking responsibility right. I imagine because of the economics of streaming and whatnot. Right now, if you spend, fifteen dollars or more on energizer batteries. I don't want to hear songs about drugs. I wonder if that's a good like I've had let's say some mum. I don't think so to more, like hung out with your brother. I'm looking. I love them, but they were like just completely like unaware of my existence unless they were yelling at me for being in trouble. Then that'll buy me another fifteen minute and they're like picking around in my test. I can get back on this podcast yeah I'll, probably bump into your mom at like an AARP event or something like, luck. the darkness without really any, as we would say in program solution like where's the solution and so you're in a great place to be authentically related. It's it's. So it's like, we'll talk about creating boundaries and not like letting those things in, but I don't have a choice because they deserve it. You got your new facets. What that's true, not a media, it was always delayed by a while, but the filters automatic, with air, so that they can have tons of arts that night. Transcribe your podcast [00:00:00] Welcome, welcome, welcome to armchair expert experts on expert boy, do we have a tasty expert today.
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