Based on the true historical Newsboy strike of 1899, this youth-led strike was formed to demand reform from Joseph Pulitzer and William Randolph Hearst as their wages go decrease with the increase of labor in old time New York City. Auditions will start at 7pm but you should show up a bit early to fill out a form and have your picture taken. Daveys cheeky younger brother, is inspired by the freedom of the newsies and loves their independent lifestyle. It was also confirmed that newcomerCorey Cottwould be his replacement. Though he walks with the assistance of a crutch, Crutchie doesnt let it define him; when in a jam, Jack Kellys best friend relies on a goofy- sweet sense of humor and optimistic resilience. HANNAH is Pulitzers practical and insightful secretary. %PDF-1.6
For the first few weeks they would ask about his wrapped arm and he would turn from sarcastic happy child to sad and shut down. PULITZER: Spot Conlon: Male or Female, Age 17-20, The proud leader of the Brooklyn newsies, boasts an _h)Zvu5WZq53' 4 0 obj
* Jack Kelly is the amalgamation of several historical leaders of the Newsboys Strike of 1899, primarily Kid Blink (who is featured in the film but omitted from the musical), known as a charismatic speaker and a leader to the younger boys. * The characters of Sarah Jacobs (Davey and Les's sister and Jack's original love interest) and the New York Sun reporter Brian Denton are replaced by the composite character Katherine Plumber, a reporter with whom Jack falls in love. Sings ensemble only, several lines, no dance. SNYDER, the crooked and sinister warden of The Refuge, a filthy and horrible orphanage, is concerned only with catching enough kids to keep his government checks coming. Tough brotherswho work at the distribution window for the World, take the side of the publishers in the strike and are known to use their fists to make a point. They haul Crutchie away to the dreaded Refuge. An astute entertainer with great comic delivery, shes a good friend to Jack and stands firmly behind the newsies in their fight for justice. Though living on the streets has given him a tough-guy exterior, Jack has a big heart and can demonstrate a sweet vulnerability especially when it comes to bantering with a certain female reporter. A dedicated newsie with a bum leg thats painful, but helps sell more papes. " NEWSIES, including ALBERT, BUTTONS, ELMER, FINCH, HENRY, IKE, JO JO, MIKE, MUSH, RACE, ROMEO, SPECS, SPLASHER, and TOMMY BOY, are some of the hard-working kids of New York City who go on strike for a livable wage. Read More Disney's Newsies Tickets From 30.50 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat April 2023 May 2023 On-The-Day TKTS tickets available 6 MTI shows celebrate major anniversaries this month. With Christian Bale, David Moscow, Luke Edwards, Max Casella. Research Playwrights, Librettists, Composers and Lyricists. 14 0 obj Though he walks with the assistance of a crutch, Crutchie doesnt let it define him; when in a jam, Jack Kellys best friend relies on a goofysweet sense of humor and optimistic resilience. )Qm>"z)Ie# 0d#fB}/0$3713w3%&@q^F^Ef p6aJb@Zr"6cpIo%hIK1
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A precocious and natural newsie, Les is an intuitive salesboy and a pint-sized charmer. BILL, who can double as a newsie, is the son of William Randolph Hearst who joins the newsies cause. Bryce: Support Weird Things on Patreon. IN REGARDS TO GENDER: You will notice that many roles are listed as male." FEMALE ENSEMBLE 2 - Nun / Woman / Bowery Beauty / Medda understudy
Specs, Splasher, and Tommy Boy. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Thanks WEASEL: 30 papers for Crutchy! Though he walks with the assistance of a crutch, Crutchie doesnt let it define him; when in a jam, Jack Kellys best friend relies on a goofy- sweet sense of humor and optimistic resilience. Albert, Buttons, Elmer, Finch, Henry, Jo Jo, Mush, Race, Romeo, Specs, and Tommy Boy. Would sell my soul for a drink at Residuals right now, Location: 8472 Melrose Pl, Los Angeles, CA 90069, Location: 916 S San Fernando Blvd. %vnEoE7^U#\u;=sziSUesK"XNNv;FE\:bZ``o8)[)+0GKs\WtAAfliO After completing a successful day of selling papes, Jack, Crutchie, Davey, and Les are chased suddenly by Snyder, the warden of The Refuge, until they find safety in Medda's theater. )P8O%VX@XD[(+(8YO
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>> /Font << /TT4 11 0 R /TT1 8 0 R /TT2 9 0 R >> /XObject << /Im2 14 0 R /Im1 The charismatic leader of the Manhattan newsies, is an oprhaned dreamer and artist who yearns to get out of the crowded streets of New York and make a better life for himself out West. GOVERNOR TEDDY ROOSEVELT, a well-respected lifelong public servant, inspires Jack to stand up to Pulitzer. stream NEWSIES: Jack Kelly Character's Gender: Male Character's Age: 16 to 20 The charismatic leader of the Manhattan newsies, is an orphaned dreamer and artist who yearns to get out of the crowded streets of New York and make a better life for himself out West. endobj WIESEL, or Weasel, runs the distribution window for the World and knows most of the newsies by name. The Tony Award-winning musical features fan-favorites like "Carrying the Banner," "King of New York" and "Seize . Those who audition on Monday and Tuesday will be notified Tuesday night via email if they need to return on Wednesday for a callback. People always say, children are the future and thats true. }\tNTq+uMB.%b To audition, you must present your vaccination card showing that you are fully vaccinated against COVID-19 based on CDC guidelines. Subscribe to the Weird Things podcast on iTunes. The Broadway cast recording was released on iTunes in 2012, fromGhostlight Records. I've compiled the best Newsies lyrics as captions for your next Instagram or just because they're the best lyrics of the entire show. When titans of publishing raise distribution prices at the newsboys expense, Jack rallies newsies from across the city to strike against the unfair conditions and fight for what's right! Those interested in auditioning should sign up for either Monday or Tuesday night via the signup genius. This isnt a lyric but a quote before the first song in ACT II King of New York, but its one I love. Celebrate the women of musical theatre with some Free Reads "Professional development can not only refresh your theatre education knowledge, but also help you make life-changing connections. " MTI Newsies Production Handbook, Casting, Page 22 Specs is an ensemble newsie. He never thought anything of them, until one day he found himself alone in an alley one night trying to find some food, when a pair of brothers came up to him. Soon after, Snyder arrives with the police to break up the strikers. Being a constant theme in life, the newsies seek for this thought and dream of the day.
Away from the others, Jack Kelly shares his dream for a better life out west with his best friend, Crutchie ("Santa Fe - Prologue"). Thugs that are hired to join the Delanceys to rough up the newsies. i[3If!Q8j]J}Iq`W;,,xfFE%Th?h J[G"
FbQuDL'j.Wl'U>.uODY|8S|AuAGr/R|[w~Kz$ Y^4. Noted, all newsboys cant strike and our beloved Davey and Jack understand that. Look for a performer who can portray this astute entertainer with great comic delivery, while standing firmly behind the newsies in their fight for justice. Or Weasel, runs the distribution window for the World and knows most of the newsies by name. Larger ensemblesmost performers may be a member of at least one of these groups. 6 0 obj Pulitzers practical and insightful secretary. So, if you feel you are stronger in singing but . The Mustang Players. endobj After a successful first day of striking, newly elected union leader Jack Kelly sends representatives to spread the word of their strike to newsies throughout New York City. We do offer some financial assistance to those who need it (see below) and we can offer a payment plan for those who require that as well. Katherine begins writing what she hopes will be a front-page-worthy story about the strike ("Watch What Happens"). The cause of the strike was that they did not lower the high price after the war was over. New York, NY, Accessibility Statement Terms Privacy |StageAgent 2020. Bryce: World's Greatest Con S3. No papes. Choreography Guides are a licensor official resource that provides step-by-step instruction from Broadway and professional choreographers for your productions! The American dream. He had noticed something while on the streets, a group of boys that sold newspapers that he found out were called Newsies. After his refusal, the Delanceys sneak up behind Jack and drag him to Pulitzer's office to negotiate an end to the strike. Will had kept his burnt arm wrapped and the burns had turned to scars, but he kept it covered. Theyintimidate the newsies and arrest Crutchie. An efficient stage manager who introduces Meddas act. Set in turn-of-the century New York City, Newsies is the tale of Jack Kelly, a charismatic newsboy and leader of a band of teenaged "newsies." When titans of publishing raise distribution prices at the newsboys' expense, Jack rallies newsies from across the city to strike against the unfair conditions & fight for what's right! It won two, for Menken's score and for choreography. - Once and For All. Because the characters in the story can be portrayed as coming from a variety of places in America and beyond, we will decide on each characters voice (including accent) once the roles are cast. Sings solo, many lines, character dancing feature, stage combat. Inspired by vaudeville performer Aida Overton Walker, this big-voiced saloon singer and star of the Bowery offers her theater as a safe haven for the newsies. Production of Disney's. NEWSIES THE MUSICAL Music By Lyrics By Book By Alan Menken Jack Feldman Harvey Fierstein. He had burned his arm in the process of trying to get to his family. * Newsies began as a film. Write the second section of your page here. Allows the newsies to congregate in his restaurant to plan their strike when he doesnt have any paying customers, that is. Though living on the streets has given him a tough-guy exterior, Jack has a big heart and can demonstrate a sweet vulnerability especially when it comes to bantering with a certain female reporter. * In addition to the songs from the original movie, * In 2016, the musical stage production of, The Broadway cast recording was released on iTunes in 2012, from. ,;b)5ad?Nl1XvG While she generally has no time for cocky, streetwise young men, she makes an exception for Jack Kelly. Three Newsies from other boroughs brought in to break the strike. Terms in this set (27) A few months on the streets and Wills name was forgotten by his neighbors and his friends. Can a group of idealistic newsboys win against a foe as powerful as acclaimed publisher Joseph Pulitzer? (The newsies begin to yell out various headlines as the spread out over the streets. Fortunately, Katherine arrives with a copy of her front-page story about the strike, causing them to break out in celebration ("King of New York"). At dawn on a summer morning in 1899, Newsies - the young boys and girls of New York who peddle newspapers to Customers throughout the city - chaotically shout the daily headlines. Dont be afraid as an outcome that hasnt out come Be original and a risk taker. For the first few weeks they would ask about his wrapped arm and he would turn from a sarcastic happy child to sad and shut down. After that they stopped asking. Height. DARCY, who can double as a newsie, is the upper-class kid of a publisher who sides with the newsies. A street-smart kid with a dark, artistic soul right beneath the bluster; not a blowhard. There are no guarantees and all applicationsmustbe received by a week before the start of the program to be considered. Sign up for our new email list to get updates on shows, notices when tickets go on sale and other exciting news and announcements. Splasher was born in Brooklyn where he lived a middle class life with his mother, father and younger brother. Scroll. * Newsies was nominated for eightTony Awards, winning two. Click the card to flip 1 / 51 Flashcards Learn Test Match Created by Arnold999 Terms in this set (51) 20 papers please. MALE ENSEMBLE 2 - Seitz / Roosevelt understudy
In an innovative and brand-new production, Newsies is based on the book by Harvey Fierstein, with music by Alan . During the performance, Jack notices Katherine, a bright young reporter he had seen earlier that day. He woke up a few days later and was taken care of by Crutchie. We have also noted possible extra performance times during the second and third weekends. Performers in these roles must create unique and specific characters with physical and vocal details that distinguish them from the other newsies. (A girl hurries past and the newsies take off their hats and make a few comments) SPECS: Baby born with three heads! Must have a great pop tenor voice and sense of physicality. Also in the room is Jonathan, Seitz and another World employee.) Away from the others, Jack Kelly shares his dream for a better life out west with his best friend, Crutchie ("Santa Fe - Prologue"). Character's Gender: Can be female or male. Newsies: Directed by Kenny Ortega. Newsies Wiki is a FANDOM Music Community. It's New York City, 1899. Crutchie is the heart of the resistance. F. Buckley Jr., Glen Beck, and Rupert Murdoch; an on-point, know-it-all politician; impolite and impatient with the world. In the eyes, they fight for all of the New York newsies, as it should be. One day, some of the Newsies met up at the docks and one of the younger ones fell in and none of the Newsies there knew how to swim including the one in the water. Newsies has a lot of great dialogue inbetween songs with the newsboys. * In the musical, the newspapers raise prices during July in 1899 after pressure to sell more papers after the war.
No freedom. 201 Robinhood Lane This article has not been reviewed by Odyssey HQ and solely reflects the ideas and opinions of the creator. Set in New York at the turn of the 20th century, Newsies is based on the true story of a ragged band of teenage newspaper sellers, who dream of a better life, and rise up against the exploitation of wealthy publishing tycoons. We go into Pulitzer's office where Pulitser is reading the headline. Bruised and battered, the newsies are about to lose hope. All newsies, from ensemble to leads, require dancing, so were looking for performers with endurance and the ability to maintain strong vocals while dancing. Special thanks to @broadwaymedia and @jammyprod. Newsies Wiki is a FANDOM Music Community. 626 Vaudeville-style dancers, these performers must have strong, sharp dance skills, big facial expressions, and be strong singers. Inspired by the true story of the 1899 Newsboys Strike, Newsies is an ebullient, joyful, and entertaining musical capturing the strength that young people have when they join together and stand up against injustice. The hard-working kids of New York City who go on strike for a livable wage. Assist the Delanceys in roughing up the newsies at the end of Act One. Tapping: If you have tap experience, you will be asked to stay for a short tap skills test at the end of the night, so please bring your tap shoes! MEDDA LARKIN, inspired by vaudeville performer Aida Overton Walker, this big-voiced saloon singer and star of the Bowery offers her theater as a safe haven for the newsies. Sign up today to unlock amazing theatre resources and opportunities. Sings solo, many lines, some dancing, stage combat. The kids eagerly distribute the pamphlet to inspire working children all over the city to join the fight ("Once and for All"). ", May is AAPI Heritage Month, and we're kicking it off with these beautiful words from acclaimed composer, singer, an, Over the course of this month, six MTI shows celebrated major anniversaries! They are hesitant, and instead they throw down their papers and become new members of Jack Kellys gang. * It is rumored that for a period of time during the strike that Kid Blink secretly began working with Pulitzer and Hearst, which resulted in a massive riot of strikers vs. scabbers, similar to Jack's near-betrayal after Pulitzer promises him a full ride to Santa Fe. Has a short singing solo in Brooklyns Here.. The Guard removes the newsies from Pulitzers building. He is generous, and loves to crack jokes. Newsies presented through special arrangement withMusic Theatre International (MTIShows). As April comes to a close, enjoy a fin, Music Theatre International (Australasia). While she generally has no time for cocky, streetwise young men, she makes an exception for Jack Kelly. The son of William Randolph Hearst (Bill) and the upper-class kid of a publisher (Darcy) join the newsies' cause. Box Office: Assisted by the intimidating Delancey brothers, who keep order by any means necessary, Wiesel is Pulitzers disgruntled paper-pusher. Must have a great pop tenor voice and sense of physicality. The newsboys KNOW this. The place full of all the things I think about. Katherine refuses to let Jack give up, and they sneak into the World's cellar to print a paper that exposes the unfair treatment of the newsies with the help of Dorothyand Bill("Seize the Day - Reprise"). The Newsies Disney production has landed in London and taken the West End by storm! He and his staff - Bunsen, Seitz, and Hannah - cook up an idea, but at the expense of the newsies. In the film, Christian Bale and the rest of the cast went through two months of musical boot camp, where they spent hours each day learning singing, dancing, gymnastics, martial arts, and speaking in New York dialects, on top of their regular schooling. Includes the roles ofthe upbeat and charming Ada, Olive, and Ethel. Without the work of children and teaching them there essentially would be nothing in the future. x ?IrDJ-%*:D(vu=,{8}MJ(Y{v\3/q+w`u[x%oM)w_r]
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But the sound on the wood was often drowned out and not heard in the theatre, so microphones were taped to the bottom of tables so everything was heard. Vocal auditions will be open although you are welcome to practice the dance combination in the lobby while you are not singing. KATHERINE PLUMBER, an ambitious young reporter, works hard to make a name for herself as a legitimate journalist in a time when women arent taken seriously.
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