Free and expedited shipping offers do not apply to shipping outside of the contiguous United States. Shop using your HSA or FSA card to save 30%* since youre using pretax dollars. The promotional code OPTFSA7, OPTHSA5 and OPTHRA7 cannot be applied to previously placed orders, and cannot be combined with other promotional codes. AqryoGMYC ! Self-directed mutual fund investment options are made available through the services of an independent investment advisor, or your plan sponsor. You can use your Highmark Wellness Rewards Prepaid Mastercard where Debit Mastercard is accepted. Results and amount will vary depending on your circumstances. Overcome barriers to engage employees in their health. The Schwab Health Savings Brokerage Account is offered through Charles Schwab & Co., Inc., Member FINRA/SIPC. No, you still need to submit your expense through your regular claims procedure used by your health plan to determine what your share of the cost will be. Tip: An Explanation of Benefits meets these IRS requirements. checks, lost/stolen/re-issue requests, transaction histories . converted Skip to main content. xmp.iid:f2e7c2d6-0d2c-4f97-8d73-897cd8e84c3f Additionally, the code cannot be used for prescription drugs or virtual care visits. We Recommend Personal Finance P&G Coupons: How to Get P&G Brand Saver Coupons Personal Finance Wellness Rewards Card. Examples of transactions that should not require receipts include: If a receipt is needed, you will be notified by email or letter. This communication is not intended as legal or tax advice. For details and disclosures Card number* Security code* Adobe InDesign CC 13.0 (Macintosh) 2021 limits: An individual can contribute up to $3,600 (increase of $50 from 2020) for the year. You can get a PIN by calling customer service. Wellness Rewards Card. iPad Pro is a trademark of Apple Inc. Android, Google Play and the Google Play logo are trademarks of Google LLC. Our payment card technology complies with Inventory Information Approval Systems (IIAS) regulations which limit retail payment card transactions to qualified merchants. Health savings accounts (HSAs) and Medicare Advantage Medical Savings Accounts (MSAs) are individual accounts offered or administered through Optum Bank, Member FDIC, a subsidiary of Optum Financial, Inc. Optum Financial, Inc. is not a bank or an FDIC insured institution. Login. 2018-09-28T11:47:47-05:00 Simply enter your 17-digit card number and 4-digit security code, which may be located on either the front or back of your card. You save on every dollar you put into your FSA. Neither Optum Financial, Inc. nor ConnectYourCare, LLC is a bank or an FDIC insured institution. 71 0 obj <> endobj Free and expedited shipping offers do not apply to shipping outside of the contiguous United States. endstream endobj startxref Yes. My card is lost/stolen. Employer-Sponsored Plans are not individually owned and amounts available under the Employer-Sponsored Plan are not FDIC insured. xmp.did:85e9f5a5-c66f-47f4-8138-838f7933e067 You can use your Optum Bank debit Mastercard . wu. 0 Consider it a little something extra for your journey to good health. If your balance is less than the cost of the service or expense, you can ask the merchant to swipe the card for the available amount and then use another form of payment to pay the difference. Stock photos used. If you fail to reimburse the account, the amount of the ineligible expense(s) may be withheld from your pay or added to your taxable wages. Check Balance Quickly and easily check the balance on your card without logging into your account! Download the app, call us orsign in to find out. 1 0 obj <>>> endobj 2 0 obj <>stream While most procedures performed in a doctors or dentists office are eligible expenses, some procedures are not. An individual with family coverage can contribute up to $7,200 (increase of $100 from 2020) for the year. Use code OPTFSA7 with your FSA to receive a 7% discount. %%EOF Users get help navigating their path to better health, with programs that meet their needs. In the "I want to" section, click "Manage debit cards." . Use code OPTHSA5 with your HSA to receive a 5% discount. hbbd```b``z"HNC. To select a different PIN, call 888-999-0121. PostScript Employer-Sponsored Plans are not individually owned and amounts available under the Employer-Sponsored Plan are not FDIC insured. Health savings accounts (HSAs) are individual accounts offered through Optum Bank, Member FDIC, or ConnectYourCare, LLC, Language Assistance / Non-Discrimination Notice, Asistencia de Idiomas / Aviso de no Discriminacin, an IRS-Designated Non-Bank Custodian of HSAs. and dental care. Simply enter your 17-digit card number and 4-digit security code, which may be located on either the front or back of your card. And it integrates with other Optum products and services your company may already be using. The payment card utilizes the merchant code of the provider to determine if the location typically sells or dispenses legitimate health care expenses. Who is eligible? The card number is a 16-digit number found on either the front or back of your card Card Lookup Card Number 16-digit number without spaces or hyphens if present. Sign in to your account to check your balance, make a deposit and more. Fees may reduce earnings on account. There is a preset PIN for your card, which is the last 4 digits of your card number. Please contact a legal or tax professional for advice on eligibility, tax treatment, and restrictions. Explore the variety of account types below and learn how they can help you make informed choices for your health and your life. Inspire users to engage in their health, individually and in community. Employer-Sponsored Plans are not individually owned and amounts available under the Employer-Sponsored Plan are not FDIC insured. Federal and state laws and regulations are subject to change. 2018-09-28T11:47:47-05:00 Fees may reduce earnings on account. Surrogacy Assistance Plans, Wellness Benefits, and Lifestyle Accounts (collectively, "Employer-Sponsored Plans") are administered on behalf of your plan sponsor by ConnectYourCare, LLC, and are subject to . endstream endobj startxref xmp.did:3c585f5c-8bce-40f6-b60e-219cac7a1eaf If you no longer have a qualifying high-deductible health plan, you can't make additional contributions. For details and disclosures visit Additional shipping restrictions may apply. You will receive your card in the mail seven to ten business days after your account is opened. Track your balance, recent transactions and annual contribution limits. No. Members stay on track and engaged in achieving their health goals with well-orchestrated communications throughout the experience. When participants use their payment card to access account funds, many of these transactions are automatically substantiated as qualified medical expenses without requiring the participant to submit supporting documentation. For details and disclosures, It is provided to give you quick access to the funds in your account and should only be used at eligible locations for qualified plan expenses. Federal and state laws and regulations are subject to change. The Optum Store is an affiliate of the UnitedHealth Group family of companies. Neither Optum Financial, Inc. nor ConnectYourCare, LLC is a bank or an FDIC insured institution. Apple and the Apple logo are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. Optum Financial and its subsidiaries are not broker-dealers or registered investment advisors and do not provide investment advice or research concerning securities, make recommendations concerning securities or otherwise solicit securities transactions. If asked, select credit, to use it without a personal identification number (PIN), or debit to use a PIN. Fees may reduce earnings on account. Your card will also be denied if the amount requested from your card is more than your available balance. %iFc)(MK,D8ZFq*axR[=)4mx;AqpOebfFWzwM 5}Kt]9^;HpBflEdF{\K'R^';1ic6f>J#Aa:dV{eU;c5K^e06a**S6?cTceNsSw$Za6D-v$@0BKHiX%miY1'; nMajj@08v.\`6>N8r~@ bjnG U:Jv7*7eIi5C For details and disclosures, visit You save on every dollar you put into your FSA. Apple, the Apple logo, Apple Pay, Apple Watch, iPad, iPhone, iTunes, Mac, Safari, and Touch ID are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. Discretionary advisory services are provided by Betterment LLC, an SEC-registered investment adviser, with associated brokerage transactions provided by Betterment Securities, Member FINRA/SIPC. Please contact your plan administrator with questions about enrollment or plan restrictions. Step 1 Visit the Optimum Rewards card activation page (see Resources section). While you may still need to send receipts for substantiation purposes, you will not have to wait for your money to be reimbursed to you. A second notification will be sent at 30 calendar days. 35 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<7062FF26035D564DAF0EA956A9769779>]/Index[14 33]/Info 13 0 R/Length 100/Prev 275638/Root 15 0 R/Size 47/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream Card number* Security code* How will I know if I need to submit a receipt to Optum Bank? Google Play and the Google Play logo are trademarks of Google LLC. Promotional codes are not transferable or redeemable for cash or credit. [,Guv6g]y`lV\w$pw/,!94*TB"_F A DR{(D;FbZ=!p:l{NBbZuB0+M4~_"+zETRbg@efYmu8YLt=-Xaca\.45f(jK=6XD~)qks#qaioKUdquviPJ0Uk]+ch]7'J[7i<70aL-z&3U$^~tQ`ozaf7B=OHX+9,3V6}f!3pot9{.ulex.=R#l+fF,>(hvC*[[C^;# - rIwtFkHglb$NXa$RGBjsq)DH|4:cM%K88tUs%uJ*,-u j8wH^+^Nx:Z If you are age 55 or older, you can contribute an additional catch . Hypertension. endstream endobj 15 0 obj <>>> endobj 16 0 obj <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC]/Properties<>/MC1<>>>/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 612.0 792.0]/Type/Page>> endobj 17 0 obj <>stream 2018-09-28T11:40:30-05:00 Does your expense qualify? Patients: (877) 370-2850. If you changed your PIN to a different number, be sure to use your updated PIN. 001.001 During this time, you cannot use your debit card but you can continue to file manual claims. xmp.iid:aa051c36-46f9-48ed-8753-67e8784a21f8 Rally delivers strong engagement rates: 96% of users complete a health survey; 58% open Rally emails; and 64% of enrollees sign up for Missions. Employer-Sponsored Plans are not individually owned and amounts available under the Employer-Sponsored Plan are not FDIC insured. The Optum Store is an affiliate of the UnitedHealth Group family of companies. The information on how to do this is included in the communication that you will receive. The Schwab Health Savings Brokerage Account is offered through Charles Schwab & Co., Inc., Member FINRA/SIPC. Welcome members! Use our tools to help you save, pay and invest for your health care from now into retirement. Fees may reduce earnings on account. Name and address of service provider/merchant, Description of the service or expense provided. No hoops to jump through or crazy criteria. Check out using your HSA or FSA card and skip the paperwork, plus, you save up to 30%* because youre using pre-tax dollars. Your flexible spending account (FSA) or health reimbursement account (HRA) with Optum Financial includes an Optum Financial payment card. 1-866-427-6804 | 13625 Technology Drive, Eden Prairie, MN 55344 All Optum trademarks and logos are owned by Optum, Inc. Frequent requests What's my balance? Flexible spending accounts (FSAs), dependent care assistance programs (DCAPs), health reimbursement arrangements (HRAs), Commuter and Parking Benefits, Tuition Assistance Plans, Adoption Assistance Plans, Surrogacy Assistance Plans, Wellness Benefits, and Lifestyle Accounts (collectively, Employer-Sponsored Plans) are administered on behalf of your plan sponsor by Optum Financial, Inc. ("Optum Financial") and are subject to eligibility and restrictions. that accept Visa. The way it works is simple: complete an eligible activity and get rewarded with a gift card. This communication is not intended as legal or tax advice. The IRS sets guidelines for how much you can contribute to an HSA each year. The OptumHealth Bank Health Savings Account Debit MasterCard was a winner in the category of best health care/health benefits prepaid program. Your payment card can be used nationwide at qualified health care providers (doctors, hospitals, etc.) Online Account Sign in to your account to check your balance, make a deposit and more. Health savings accounts (HSAs) are individual accounts offered through Optum Bank, Member FDIC, or ConnectYourCare, LLC,an IRS-Designated Non-Bank Custodian of HSAs, each a subsidiary of Optum Financial, Inc. Please contact your plan administrator with questions about enrollment or plan restrictions. Our customer support center is available for assistance 24/7 at, Language Assistance / Non-Discrimination Notice, Asistencia de Idiomas / Aviso de no Discriminacin. Our team is ready with answers. An itemized receipt should include the date of service, name and address of the provider, the cost, and description of the service provided. The work you do with our team will directly improve health outcomes by connecting people with the care, pharmacy benefits, data and resources they need to feel their best. Brokerage services are offered to certain accountholders through TD Ameritrade, Inc., Member FDIC/SIPC and a subsidiary of The Charles Schwab Corporation. 2874183790 The Optum Financial payment card is a fast and convenient way to pay for eligible medical expenses without submitting paper claim forms. Brokerage services are offered to certain accountholders through TD Ameritrade, Inc., Member FDIC/SIPC and a subsidiary of The Charles Schwab Corporation. 29879 2018-09-28T11:40:26-05:00 Your HSA account cannot be opened until you take action. Optum Financial is advancing the way people save, spend, pay and invest for health care. H\0E|(<4 NiE~|zA]?|nYE=CeLke~5I^~mO*==aQlT/!fJ%~y?WF0~nOYx6j}&Cu;_9|29u ]+-ddX'+wn1~;YsMeaqR4}X MkWCxt}H,}av& ~M]F/`yz54R Refer toQualified Medical Expensesto determine what is approved for your account(s). Your employer sponsored plan may exclude reimbursement for certain categories of items. xmp.did:01801174072068118DBBEC31AC5D2EEE Check Balance Check Your Card Balance Quickly and easily check the balance on your card without logging into your account! Please contact a legal or tax professional for advice on eligibility, tax treatment and restrictions. Yes, depending on your plan. Federal and state laws and regulations are subject to change. Created Date: 4/16/2019 10:29:32 AM . Use our qualified expense search tool to find out what expenses you can spend your HSA and FSA dollars on. HSAs are subject to eligibility requirements and restrictions on deposits and withdrawals to avoid IRS penalties. Optum Financial is advancing the way people save, spend, pay and invest for health care. Investments are not FDIC insured, are not bank issued or guaranteed by Optum Financial or its subsidiaries, including Optum Bank, and are subject to risk including fluctuations in value and the possible loss of the principal amount invested. Please click below to access your account. Apple and the Apple logo are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. It is extremely important that you take immediate action to respond when you receive these notifications, to avoid having your card deactivated. PostScript 101 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<126C64410B98A24F9A9AAF8289A7AB48><1AF8C478BCC4A44DB11DF5309D944C3B>]/Index[71 48]/Info 70 0 R/Length 136/Prev 310281/Root 72 0 R/Size 119/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream You can also review if your claim requires receipts by logging into your account online or on the mobile app. / Your employer sponsored plan may exclude reimbursement for certain categories of items. The Optum Bank mobile app makes it easy. Please contact your plan administrator with questions about enrollment or plan restrictions. . Fees may reduce earnings on account. Please allow up to eight weeks to receive your reward in the mail. default Security Code 6-digit number found on card back. xmp.did:3c585f5c-8bce-40f6-b60e-219cac7a1eaf Federal and state laws and regulations are subject to change. Adobe PDF Library 15.0 By continuing to use this site, you agree to our Privacy Policy and End User Terms of Use, Purchases at supermarkets, grocery stores, department stores, and wholesale clubs that can identify account-eligible items at checkout (most large stores). The receipt must contain the following information: *Please note that non-itemized cash register tapes, credit card receipts, and cancelled checks are not acceptable forms of documentation since they dont include the required service details. State taxes may apply. App Store is a service mark of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. State taxes may apply. 2021 Optum Financial | 2021 ConnectYourCare, All Rights Reserved. Your employer sponsored plan may exclude reimbursement for certain categories of items. Are the items eligible for purchase? Download answers to our most commonly asked questions. Additionally, the code cannot be used for prescription drugs or virtual care visits. john l eastman lawyer is matt paxton married to robin zasio. Simply enter your 17-digit card number and 4-digit security code, which may be located on either the front or back of your card. Member sign in / register For other sign in options, click below: I'm an employer I'm a broker I have a Commuter account I have a COBRA account Check your plan document and summary plan description or contact your benefits department for specific coverage details. Be sure to activate your card when you get it in the mail. Additional shipping restrictions may apply. 0 Health savings accounts (HSAs) are individual accounts offered through Optum Bank, Member FDIC, or ConnectYourCare, LLC, an IRS-Designated Non-Bank Custodian of HSAs, each a subsidiary of Optum Financial, Inc. Google Play and the Google Play logo are trademarks of Google LLC. @AAI,[GjR?X 8)pD/' @ +m Health savings accounts (HSAs) are individual accounts offered through ConnectYourCare, LLC, an IRS-Designated Non-Bank Custodian of HSAs. Please contact your plan administrator with questions about enrollment or plan restrictions. Save on the cost of commuting to work by paying with pretax money. To apply a promotional code you must enter it prior to completing the order. 888-339-3685 Free and expedited shipping offers do not apply to shipping outside of the contiguous United States. Frutiger-Bold App Store is a service mark of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. If no response is received from you within 45 calendar days, your debit Mastercard card will be deactivated to ensure compliance with IRS requirements. Learn more about the convenient way to pay for qualified expenses. Rally creates a relevant experience based on individual interests, concerns and preferences. Employer-Sponsored Plans are not individually owned and amounts available under the Employer-Sponsored Plan are not FDIC insured. O4 Dynamic Alert Site Logo . %PDF-1.6 % Check your plan document and summary plan description or contact your benefits department for specific coverage details. Take full advantage of your HSA tax benefits by contributing the maximum. Optum manages my Retiree HSA account. xmp.did:01801174072068118DBBEC31AC5D2EEE 4.35% APY Rate as of 04/02/2023. Download the app, call us or sign in to find out. Check your plan document and summary plan description or contact your benefits department for specific coverage details. Optum Store. The system has the flexibility to support a variety of stacking orders and can change the order for the accounts overall or for specific pre-defined categories of expenses. Whether youve just opened your account or youre preparing to retire, our resources make it easy to save, pay and invest in your future. Skip to main content Insurance Plans Medicare and Medicaid plans Medicare For details and disclosures, visit FirstLine Benefits is becoming Optum Personal Care Benefits. You can go online or use the mobile app to request reimbursement for any eligible expenses in which the card was not used. By opening an FSA, you are getting smart savings for your health and familys care. Neither Optum Financial, Inc. nor ConnectYourCare, LLC is a bank or an FDIC insured institution. 57605 Pay bills, track payments and reimburse yourself. Estimate your health care costs during retirement so you can be prepared. Please ask for an itemized receipt in case it is required for substantiation. The optum financial payment card is a fast and convenient way to pay for eligible medical expenses without submitting paper claim forms. Video of the Day Step 2 Type the account number printed across the bottom of the front of your Optimum Rewards card in the box provided. '(f4g~1"kc.t6&^[ / nVx0t8}( n&xy(DY9NPEU@%r;P:ipy D&wK F$l!n YMRG# /ab6CQIiB # 8~Z V E*Vbg6"2OB,R#]"l@%0!QeG)y&Ir3&Y2|I#uG { $DDVu|;{i:Jt4w|3%s@/ilsT=z,eA7TRXV@d})c--ZhjCTDCn]j 5ERQm"FZFP^\i& 6/,|kB!K>mQ. Orders are accepted to effect transactions in securities only as an accommodation to HSA owners. converted 14 0 obj <> endobj Encourage users progress with social media, gaming and challenges. Frutiger from application/x-indesign to application/pdf optum wellness rewards debit card balance. Promotional codes are not transferable or redeemable for cash or credit. Understand the Plan Rewards Program Coverage Decisions, Appeals, & Complaints Getting Help from an Independent Government Organization Questions Frequently Asked by Members Have a question we haven't yet answered? Card number* Security code* A payment card from Optum Financial is the simplest way to purchase health care! 2874183790 HWko_15> Y7^ MVQM,9V-^K5b0`I}s,2k^. 2023 Optum, Inc. All rights reserved. 28452 If a purchase cannot be substantiated or does not meet eligibility requirements, Optum Bank will ask for the funds to be returned and will credit your plan. HSAs are subject to eligibility requirements and restrictions on deposits and withdrawals to avoid IRS penalties. Optum Financial and its subsidiaries are not broker-dealers or registered investment advisors and do not provide investment advice or research concerning securities, make recommendations concerning securities or otherwise solicit securities transactions. No, the payment card is a stored value/restricted-use card that provides access to funds from your health account(s). Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield of Western New York's wellness debit card helps you live a healthier lifestyle with an annual allowance that can be used at a variety of vendors. Learn more about how to use your Optum Financial payment card to pay for eligible medical expenses without submitting paper claim forms. Please click below to access your account. 2018-09-28T11:47:46-05:00 Your FSA allows you to use pretax funds for health and care costs for you and your family. Providers: (877) 370-2845. If the current plan year has expired, you should file claims manually. Always save your receipts! Use it at the pharmacy, pay at the doctor's office or write your payment card number on your provider bill. Use our qualified medical expense search tool to find out what expenses qualify. Orders are accepted to effect transactions in securities only as an accommodation to HSA owners. Working with health plans to provide their members with better over-the-counter supplemental benefits is what we do. Google Play and the Google Play logo are trademarks of Google LLC. The promotional code OPTFSA7, OPTHSA5 and OPTHRA7 cannot be applied to previously placed orders, and cannot be combined with other promotional codes. Find contribution details and how savings may grow over time. Optum Financial supports the administration of multi-purse accounts whereby any number of accounts can be logically set up in the system and placed on the same payment card, with funds being pulled from the accounts based on pre-set payment rules. 2023 Optum, Inc. All rights reserved. Our customer support center is available for assistance 24/7 at1-877-292-4040. Promotional codes are not transferable or redeemable for cash or credit. Save on medical and dependent care expenses. Wa*LN7]4w?m##jXn `-9#"n0HyEA,dd%,$HHRqeb =K$VJ$1^"3[)QTHT\HL(p(9cc,Sgo/r#67y* This communication is not intended as legal or tax advice. Call our Member Services team at 1-833-925-2776 (TTY: 711). This communication is not intended as legal or tax advice. Didnt find what youre looking for? If its not a simple copayment, you should wait for the claim to go through your insurance company and you receive your Explanation of Benefits (EOB) showing your financial responsibility. FDIC Insured . Federal and state laws and regulations are subject to change. Health savings accounts (HSAs) are individual accounts offered through Optum Bank, Member FDIC, or ConnectYourCare, LLC. on the entire balance of your account will be 0.00% with an APY of 0.00%. application/pdf Additionally, the code cannot be used for prescription drugs or virtual care visits. Discretionary advisory services are provided by Betterment LLC, an SEC-registered investment adviser, with associated brokerage transactions provided by Betterment Securities, Member FINRA/SIPC. Health savings accounts (HSAs) and Medicare Advantage Medical Savings Accounts (MSAs) are individual accounts offered or administered through Optum Bank, Member FDIC, a subsidiary of Optum Financial, Inc. Optum Financial, Inc. is not a bank or an FDIC insured institution. endstream endobj 3 0 obj <> endobj 5 0 obj <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC]/Properties<>/XObject<>>>/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 612.0 792.0]/Type/Page>> endobj 6 0 obj <>stream HWko8_,liN(bH,94\~HsxD0%C%2`*x'VO'j'1$Mc1JbRAb Flexible spending accounts (FSAs), dependent care assistance programs (DCAPs), health reimbursement arrangements (HRAs), Commuter and Parking Benefits, Tuition Assistance Plans, Adoption Assistance Plans, Surrogacy Assistance Plans, Wellness Benefits, and Lifestyle Accounts (collectively, "Employer-Sponsored Plans") are administered on behalf of your plan sponsor by ConnectYourCare, LLC, and are subject to eligibility and restrictions. Please contact your plan administrator with questions about enrollment or plan restrictions. If the card still does not work, pay for the charge another way and contact Customer Service afterwards to determine the reason for the denial. Investments are not FDIC insured, are not bank issued or guaranteed by Optum Financial or its subsidiaries, including Optum Bank, and are subject to risk including fluctuations in value and the possible loss of the principal amount invested. You can open an account for just $1. And, depending on your plan, your payment card may also be accepted for qualified expenses at certain supermarkets, grocery stores, department stores, and wholesale clubs that comply with an IRS-required inventory control regulations, called IIAS (Inventory Information Approval System). Medicare Rewards It pays to take care of yourself. We manage our own payment card without reliance on third-party assistance, allowing us to be nimble in adapting to new legislative and market changes. Use the forgot username or forgot password links. Optum Store makes it easy to find eligible expenses. . What information is required by the IRS on a receipt? 59108 "Bank", "we", "us" or "our" means Optum Bank, Inc., its successors and If your daily balance is between $500.00 and $999.99, the interest paid on the entire balance of your account will be 0.00% with an APY of 0.00%. For details and disclosures visit The Rally interface complements any wellness program. Online therapy and prescriptions delivered right to your door. ), Name of the provider and name of individual serviced, Tip: an explanation of benefits meets these IRS requirements. Flexible spending accounts (FSAs), dependent care assistance programs (DCAPs), health reimbursement arrangements (HRAs), Commuter and Parking Benefits, Tuition Assistance Plans, Adoption Assistance Plans, Surrogacy Assistance Plans, Wellness Benefits, and Lifestyle Accounts (collectively, Employer-Sponsored Plans) are administered on behalf of your plan sponsor by Optum Financial, Inc. or ConnectYourCare, LLC (collectively, "Optum Financial") and are subject to eligibility and restrictions.
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