3 Thomas Jefferson View 2007 Kentroversy Papers ], Prophecy Flash! Every presidential election in America, since and including George Washington in 1789 to Bill Clinton, has been won by the candidate with the most British Even Bill Clinton and Bob Dole, who opposed each other at the 1996 election, are distant cousins. 32 Franklin D. Roosevelt View 38 Gerald Ford View The President Bloodline Theres a theory that all of the Presidents of the United States of America were related, and while there is some theoretical truth to this, its important to understand how this could be possible. WebDAvignon started with the first U.S. president, George Washington, she traced both the male and female family lines to make the connection. New Assignments! Lent 2022: Skin to Skin: Lingering In The Presence of God: A 40-Day Soaking Challenge w/ Tiphani Montgomery! Start The New Year Off Right With TheGodBlog.Org, A Prophetic Look at Past, Present, & Future Events, Sukkot: A Prophetic Look at the Feast of Tabernacles. If anyone still out there thinks elections are how presidents are put into office please do your research.. 2.1.1 From Charlemagne to William the Conqueror. Buckingham Palace politely declined to comment on the recorded royal connections of either candidate. WebJohn F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum, KFC 2706 (PC 245) Patrick Joseph "P.J." Decade 2020: Supernatural Upgrades For The Next Ten Years, New Year 2020! It is also commonly thought that most people have a royal ancestor since the children of that class has a better chance of survival than other children. EDITOR: our part-time feature writer and almost full-time commentator to our stories Carol-Ann Rudy, sent this story to us. [This article goes on to describe Neros character and ends by saying Neros Aramaic name (Nron Ksr) equals 666. The same goes with the banking families in America. I Kings 8:25 confirms with, .There shall not fail thee a man in my sight to sit on the throne of Israel; Also, I Chronicles 17:12. Did you know all 43 U.S. presidents have carried European royal bloodlines into office? 6 John Quincy Adams View Harold Brooks-Baker, the late Publishing Director of Burkes Peerage and Gentry said the following during the 2000 American Presidential campaign: The Presidential candidate with the greatest number of royal genes has always been the victor, without exception, since George Washington.. Martial Law Is Coming to America CLICK HERE!! But if the Burkes Peerage prediction has its doubters, the company doesnt hesitate to defend its crowning legacy. Burkes publishing director, Harold Brooks-Baker says Bushs royal connections are startling. Get rid of your replacement theology mindset before you try to interpret the Word of HaSehm please. [It appears that this person was confused and used Messiah instead of Anti-Christ. And its interesting that Jeremiah specifies the house of Israel. If you go deeply enough into the genealogical research you will find that ALL the presidents are from this line A spokesman for Burkes Peerage, the bible of royal and aristocratic genealogy based in London, has said that every presidential election since and including George Washington in 1789 has been won by the candidate with the most royal genes. 18 Ulysses S. Grant View Two days later he called me back, and said Yes! His kinship to Ford makes him near kin to Richard Nixon and George Bush. He learned about real estate from his father, who took over the family construction business at the age of 13 when Frederick's father, Trump's Although Bush maintains a clear royal advantage, Burkes Peerage claims to know why the race is so close. Kimberly Powell. We must trust our Heavenly Father, now more than ever. The hidden danger of Skull & Bones is that the oath that is taken when one has been selected to join the cabal, supercedes all subsequent oaths, including the Presidential oath! Pay Specific Attention To Alignment, New Year 2020 40-Day Prophetic Bootcamp Introduction: Building Spiritual Endurance, New Year 2020 Powerful Prayers & Resources. If America declared its Independence from the European monarchies in 1776, how is it possible that every single president has descended from European monarchs? This is being fulfilled by Queen Elizabeth today in England (Ephraim). Going by the statistics of the past, Mr. Bush will be the next President of the United States, said Harold Brooks-Baker, publishing director of Burkes Peerage Ltd., the 162-year-old directory of British nobility. Brooks-Baker says Gore still has a chance to prove hes royal enough for the top job. 19 Rutherford B. Hayes View 40 Ronald Reagan View Oh, and beside Washington and Kennedy, I remember that Reagan also had royal ties back to Ireland. ANYONE CAN BECOME PRESIDENT?! So it goes, many of the 45 U.S. presidents share kinship to what is called the Merovingian bloodline, and/or the Windsor-Bush bloodline aka the 13th Illuminati bloodline. King Canute ruled from 1016 to 1035; and King Henry III (Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire), who ruled from 1046 to 1056. Download a free copy of The Atlantean Conspiracy: When it comes to picking the winner in the American presidential race, Britains leading chroniclers of royal ancestors say theyve never been wrong not once in almost 200 years. She then admitted that they had done some work on the genealogy. Just ask the billions of cows pigs chickens murdered everyday for humans taste buds and traditions, 3th president of United States of America Thomas Jefferson blood line I am family members of Thomas Jefferson my beloved ancestry give me a good feeling, All presidents (except Martin Van Buren) are related to King John of England. __________________________________________________ Ford happens to be my mothers maiden name also. 19 of them directly descended from King Edward III of England. The Church In A Pandemic: When God Shakes The Church! Dont miss the large Presidents genealogy chart at the bottom of the page. It seems George W. has inherited his mothers deep blue blood-line. Now we can see how and why. Gerald Ford and William Taft are related to 14, and Barbara Bush is a member of the Pierce family, and is herself related to Franklin Pierce, our 14th President. Rosh Hashanah Hebrew Year 5781: Restoring The Fortunes of Zion! Depopulation: The Deep State, Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, & Martial Law, Artificial Intelligence, Nanotechnology, Trans-Humanism & Vaccines, All Things In Common: Establishing Apostolic Home Church Networks. 25 William McKinley View You cant just write off 200 years of accurate predictions, says Brooks-Baker pointing out Mike Dukakis learned about the royal factor the hard way. Josh Downs is a bonus, Ballard said. Apostles Arise: Walking In An Authentic Apostolic Flow. In an Associated Press article published in The Daily Oklahoman, October 28, 1996, Harold Brooks-Baker said: Bill Clinton was born William Jefferson Blythe, but took his stepfathers name as a teenager. WGA calls strike, halting production on many shows, Former Westchester legislative aid charged with trying to lure minor for sex, Devils shutout rival Rangers in Game 7 for 1st series win since 2012, Do Not Sell/Share My Personal Information. Like Jimmy Carter, it is possible that he is the product of several royal love children of the past, Brooks-Baker says. [emailprotected] Actually, by branching out far enough on the presidential family tree, the dedicated researcher will find that all 44 presidents share kinship, belonging to the same general ancestry, often called the 13th Illuminati bloodline, the Merovingian line, and/or the Windsor-Bush bloodline. Did you know that all (except Martin Van Buren) of the U.S. presidents, including President Trump, descend from the Plantagenet pedigreed monarch, King John who signed the Magna Carta in 1215 as well as Charlemagne the brutal eighth century King of the Franks. Michael S. Dukakis in the opinion polls, but he is far ahead according to another indicator of Presidential prospects: the royalty factor.. Obama is also related to the Bush family, as recently reported by the Chicago Sun-Times: Thats because they share the same great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great grandparents Samuel Hinckley and Sarah Soole Hinckley of 17th century Massachusetts. She's also begun to raise money for the trip. As it turns out, both Trump and Hillary Clinton are related to John of Gaunt, a 14th century royal. By Eric Dubay A spot in the Oval Office may be in the genes. They are distant cousins! They also show William Jefferson Clinton and Hillary Rodham Clinton as both adding up to 666 but the numbers are off as published. WebThe only President without a proven link to King John is Martin van Buren, whose parents were Dutch. 8. 34 of the 44 previous presidents have been direct genetic descendants from just one person, Charlemagne- the brutal eighth century King of the Franks and 19 of them directly descended from King Edward III of England. Discovering Where You Truly Belong: The Stages of Spiritual Maturation, Prophetic Encounter: Passover to Pentecost, Purim A Time Redemption: Defeating Your Haman, Arrested Development: Destroying the Python Spirit, Healing Traumatic Experiences (Spirit, Soul, Mind, & Body), Contending In The Heavens: Advanced Spiritual Warfare, The Regathering: The Lost Tribes of Israel: Gods Global Family (Module 10) FREE ONLINE COURSE, The Regathering: The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade & The Black Hebrew Diaspora (Module 9) FREE ONLINE COURSE, The Regathering: The Lost Tribes of Israel: INTO AFRICA (Module 8) FREE ONLINE COURSE, The Regathering: The Lost Tribes of Israel: THE SILK ROAD (Module 7) FREE ONLINE COURSE, The Regathering: The Lost Tribes of Israel: THE PASHTUN (Module 6) FREE ONLINE COURSE, The Regathering: The Lost Tribes of Israel THE RETURN (Module 5) FREE ONLINE COURSE, The Regathering: The Lost Tribes of Israel: JEWISH OR HEBREW? Although it appears that President-Elect Biden has the most senior royal lineage, the Illuminati has set up the perfect chess match. After dating for several years, George chose to commemorate his love for Barbara at an event that also celebrated his love for the nation a commissioning ceremony for Navy carrier, the USS San Jacinto. Buckingham Palace politely declined to comment on the recorded royal connections of either candidate. We know with certainty that a bloodline descendent of King David has and will rule over some portion of the Israelites. Not one member of his family was working class, middle class, or even middle, middle class, he notes. The Georgia native features NFL bloodlines. The Bride Is Making Herself Ready! The one president who is reportedly not related to John Lackland is Martin Van Buren, the eighth U.S. president. Neither has commented on this fact. Did you know that all (except Martin Van Buren) of the U.S. presidents, including President Trump, descend from the Plantagenet pedigreed monarch, King John who signed the Magna Carta in 1215 as well as Charlemagne the brutal eighth century King of the Franks. An expected presidential candidate next year is Mar Roxas, a grandson of a former president. In 1992, we called Burkes Peerage and asked if they had done any research into Clintons lineage. State of Emergency: PREPARE! 4 James Madison View New Year 2020: Prepare to Receive Restitution: The School of The Mouth: No More Careless Words! Go back one more generation to King John of Englands mother, Eleanor of Aquitaine, aka the most recent common ancestor of all US Presidents, as Martin Van Buren is a direct descendant of Eleanor through the children from her first marriage to King And this seems to be a jealous guarded secret as over the past years, efforts to uncover Clintons personal history have been nigh unto impossible to confirm. Now we see why U.S. presidents are not chosen by ballot, they are chosen by bloodline. The Janus Project: The Hip-Hop Industry & Ghetto Mind Control: The Songwriters Secret: Decoding Occult Lyrics & Symbolism in Old School, Rock, Hip-Hop & R&B: The New Jesus Movement: The Reformation, Recalibration, & Maturation of The End-Time Church! 6. Edward was also said to be very popular with the ladies. George Washington (descendant of Edward III of England) 2. If this was the case, then our US presidents should be found to be tied to the royalty of the Old World. 1 George Washington View Family Essay Personal Essay Remembering The Legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. 2020: Separation, Reformation, & Revival! Skin To Skin: Lingering In The Presence of God: A 90-Day Soaking Challenge With Tiphani Montgomery! Global Pandemics: John G. Lakes Testimony During The Spanish Flu: The Kingdom Age: What Will The Church Look Like In The Kingdom Age? Aug 2000 So it goes on: 19 of them are related to Englands Edward III, who has 2000 blood connections to Prince Charles. Please pay particular attention to the prominence of the Cheney family. A Prophetic Word for 2020 Generals International Global Prophetic Summit, Prophetic Mentoring: Sometimes We Just Have To Let Things Go! The Queen Elizabeth II Botanic [Read More], Sign up for our Traditional Arts [Read More], Terms + Policies - Advertising Policy - Privacy Policy . Take Your Soul To Work Part 2 : A Lesson From Obadiah & Elijah, Take Your Soul To Work 365 Meditations on Every Day Leadership in the Marketplace, Hebrew Year 5780 New Year 2020 & Beyond: Renaissance, Recovery & Re-Awakening, Arise To Your Potential: The Making of A Prophet, Arise To Your Potential Become The Lion You Were Created To Be, Defeating The Jezebel Spirit (Manipulation, Intimidation, and Control), Hebrew Year 5780 Elul: 40-Day Ascent To The Days of Awe, Rediscovering The Beauty of Hiddeness Conquering The Spirit of Distraction, Rediscovering The Beauty of Stillness Prophetic Word: 2020 and Beyond (Stillness, Strategy, & Wisdom) by Lana Vawser, The Spirit of Adoption: Breaking The Spirit of Illegitimacy, REHOBOTH: YOUR DESERT PLACE IS ABOUT TO FLOURISH, The Prayer of Jabez: How To Make The Prayer of Jabez Personal, Advanced Spiritual Warfare: Contending In The Heavens, Shavuot 2019: An Open Heaven of Glory, Favor, Blessing, & Breakthrough, Deliverance: Bitter Root Judgments Audio, The Tragedy of Ahithophel: A Saga of Betrayal, Bitterness, & Revenge, The Atomic Power of Prayer: Rules of Engagement, Advanced Spiritual Warfare: Possessing The Gates of Victory, Advanced Spiritual Warfare: Defeating The Kundalini Spirit, Fire on the Altar Burning With Passion For God, Purim To Passover: Common Themes of Redemption, Prophetic Word: Unity Healing Ministry Wounds, Atomic Prayer Combating Cancer Through Prayer Part 2, 2019 Prophetic Word Generals International Global Prophetic Summit, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rHob8vPAGVI, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x-WBL4CKV-w&t=9151s. They picked Bush. Aug 2000 WebGenealogical sources, like the New England Historical Genealogical Society and Burkes Peerage, have shown that 33 of the 42 presidents [up] to Clinton are related to Charlemagne and 19 are related to England's Edward III, both of whom are of this bloodline. 34 Dwight David Eisenhower View 35 John F. Kennedy View Do presidential candidates Al Gore and George W. Bush have royal connections? We were told that they had not done a genealogical search on his ancestry. Their goal is to create race riots and civil war. This is Burkes Peerage writing for itself on the subject of the Bush-Gore election. Based on facts gleaned from the old scrolls and dusty archives of Burkes Peerage researchers of royal bloodlines since 1826 the Brits wager it will be Texas Gov. In fact there is a Cottage in Cullybackey, Co. Antrim, Ulster which belonged to his family. 36 of the first 42 Presidential families can be traced back to royalty from England, Scotland, or Wales. Passover 2020! MEYE NEWS. Bush, They Say, Is Indeed a Connecticut Yankee From King Henrys Court George Bush and Barbara Bush are both from the same aristocratic line, among others I have noted. A New Era: Moving From The Church Age To The Kingdom Age: A Prophetic Warning: The Trumpet Is Sounding But No One Is Alarmed! This is because both parties appear to be on different sides, but behind the scenes they play for the same team.. Percy is one of the aristocratic families of Britain, to this day. According to BridgeAnne d'Avignon traced the 43 presidents' male and female family lines and discovered that 42 are linked to King John Lackland, known for signing the Magna Carta in 1215, KCOY reported. George Bush Sr. shares with Franklin Roosevelt, 15 cousins who were President. 11-15-2000 (this post is from me to the group) The Dragon, The Beast, The False Prophet & The Unholy Church-State Union. However, Clinton has bluer blood, giving him an election edge. Every presidential election in America, since and including George Washington in 1789, to Bill Clinton, has been won by the candidate with the most British and French royal genes. Every presidential election in America, since and including George Washington in 1789 to Bill Clinton, has been won by the candidate with the most British and French royal genes. The presidential candidate with the most royal genes and chromosomes has, up to now, always won the White House, say the researchers at Burkes Peerage. Although genealogists had The 6-foot-3, 198-pound Indianapolis native earned first-team All-Big 12 honors in 2022 on the strength of four interceptions and 45 tackles, including 3.5 for loss. Does anyone have any good theories about the image of the beast of Rev:13:14 that the people of the earth are to make and worship? And as with most families, there are good eggs and black sheep and favorites. He writes: In an Associated Press article published in The Daily Oklahoman, October 28, 1996, Harold Brooks-Baker, director of Burkes Peerage, a London-based publishing house that traces the lineage of royal and noble families, said that Bill Clinton and Bob Dole have more in common than wanting to be president. I found this to be true for a couple our presidents, but hadnt done any real research into the matter. 191-192]: At least 33 of the first 42 Presidents of the United States have been related to Englands King Alfred The Great (849-899) and Charlemagne (742-814), the famous monarch of France, and 19 Presidents are related to Englands King Edward III (1312-1377), who has a thousand blood connections to Prince Charles. Jan-Feb 1999 Triumph Prophetic Ministries, __________________________________________________. Surround Yourself with People Who Lift You Higher! His father, Gary, played in the league for seven years, and an uncle, Dre Bly, was a two-time Pro Bowl selection. Based on facts gleaned from the old scrolls and dusty archives of Burkes Peerage researchers of royal bloodlines since 1826 the Brits wager it will be Texas Gov. State of Emergency: PREPARE! Here is a chart that shows how 25 of our Presidents have all been related to one another: There is this AmeriKan myth that anyone can become President of the United States. President Preview family record Free sample essays King John, also known as John Lackland, is renowned for signing the Magna Carta in 1215, which limited the monarchs power and helped form the British Parliament. [Bush] is closely related to every European Monarch both on and off the throne, says Brooks-Baker. According to the Burkes Peerage website, 26 of the first 42 Presidents are cousins to the seventh degree, at most. She requested that we fax a letter and request a reply. Prior to dAvignons discovery, WebThis bloodline is so extensive in its many branches that its membership takes in many of the Presidents of the United States, including George Bush and George Washington. WebEvery presidential election in America, since and including George Washington in 1789 to Bill Clinton, has been won by the candidate with the most British and French royal genes. Lynn Cheney, the wife of Dick Cheney, had discovered in research for an upcoming book, that her husband and Barack Obama are actually cousins! I find it more interesting to note that Richard M. Nixon and Carter are sixth cousins through common Quaker forebears than from what medieval monarch they may or may not be descended. Clintons royal roots include several medieval monarchs and Simon de Montford, a statesman and soldier under King Henry III. We again called Burkes Peerage and repeated our request. Political Blue Blood Bush and Gores Bloodline Battle. . They were involved in the Gunpowder Plot to blow up Parliament at the time of Guy Fawkes say researchers. to online subscribers. Did you know all 44 U.S. presidents have carried European royal bloodlines Furthermore, he is related to every Scottish monarch to the current British royal family. Brooks-Baker says Gore still has a chance to prove hes royal enough for the top job. So which of our current presidential candidates have the senior royal bloodline? subscribe now! We Have No Food For You: When God Becomes Your Source! But, thats not all! And with the amount of energy these people spend hiding these facts from the general public there is a great likelihood that she hasnt heard of any of this before because of this program of concealment. 30 Calvin Coolidge View The Parable of The Ten Virgins: Cultivating Intimacy With The Bridegroom CLICK HERE! Joseph Smith Jr.s 10th cousin 6 times removed. Its easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled. Obama is related to Cheney through Mareen Duvall, a 17th century immigrant from France. Dexter Manzeil. Now we see why U.S. presidents are not chosen by ballot, they are chosen by bloodline. President Obama is: William the Conquerers 22nd great grandson. The genes or chromosomes for leaders come forward whether its kings or presidents, he said. Anyone can become President, huh?! If anyone is still out there who thinks elections are how the presidents get put into office please explain how all 44 U. S. presidents (some research will say with the exception of only one- Martin Van Buren) are all related. 44 Barack Hussein Obama. Donald Trump was the fourth of five children born to Frederick Christ and Mary MacLeod Trump. Along the way youll find out, why President John F. Kennedy and actress Grace Kelly were killed who created the United Nations who controls the two major U.S. political parties The budding genealogist also discovered that she can count President Obama as a relative. The Great Tribulation: The Four Horsemen of The Apocalypse & The Seven Seals. Regardless, the fact stays the same. Only JESUS can save us. The Crimson ran a story by the Associated Press regarding the royal lineages of the two presidential candidates (Oct. 28). The Regathering: The Lost Tribes of Israel Semitic People Around The World (Module 1) FREE ONLINE COURSE! DAvignon started with the first U.S. president, George Washington, she traced both the male and female family lines to make the connection. Nikki Haley. New Year 2021: Restoring The Fortunes of Zion! She said that we should talk with Harold Brooks-Baker, himself. At some point during her research, she decided to expand her scope, spending several months looking at over 500,000 names in search of the presidential bloodline began. 39 Jimmy Carter View He is not in office by accident or the manipulation of any secret society. Cheney and Bush are related to one another by a completely different common ancestor.. THE TIES THAT BIND 's upbringing was left solely to his mother. 2023 iNews, Cayman: Queen Elizabeth II Botanic Parks Closure Mon May 1, Cayman Islands National Museum: UPDATE -Traditional Arts Workshops. According to MyHeritage, Trump is related through his mother, Mary Anne Macleod, back to his 17th great-grandfather, John Beaufort, while Clinton is related through her father and the Rodham family, back to her 17th great-grandmother, Joan Beaufort. Small world, isnt it? Every presidential election in America, since and including George Washington in 1789 to Bill Clinton, has been won by the candidate with the most British The one president who is reportedly not related to Do you have such great chance to be even far cousin with Bush, Nixon, Kerry, Clinton ? So its not surprising that he was chosen to sit in the countrys highest political seat. Bob Jones Prophesied Specifically About Global Pandemics: The Church: Watered Down Preaching Has Now Power In A Crisis! In fact it trumps the royal ties of every other president to date, including his fathers. (Charles walloped what was then the Dutch colony New Amsterdam.) Gores most famous relative fought back considerable uprisings from Scotlands William Wallace and the Welsh. Published: July 05, 1988 United States presidents are not chosen by ballot, they are chosen by blood! -David Icke, The Windsor-Bush Bloodline, So, taking this information in one would wonder if we can predict the 2017 Presidential outcome. In a recent issue of Prophecy in the News magazine, author J. R. Church informs us of a most striking genealogy. Prophetic Mentoring: Alignment Is The Key To Your Assignment, Change Your Words: Change Your Destiny The School of the Mouth Part 2 (Videos), New Year 2020: Discovering The Seer Anointing, 20/20 Vision For The New Year: The Era of the Prophet & The Seer. Two days later, having received no reply, we called again. Clinton may not practice Judaism, but he may very well be a generic Jew; a descendent of Judah. The home, built in 1745, and its 309 acres have one of the richest histories of any James River plantation, full of memories of murder, massacres, army invasions and a presidential bloodline. If the research is accurate, it indicates former President Ford is also of Zarah/Judahite lineage. There is a President who has Irish connections. The teen also found out that she is the 18th cousin of President Obama. Have you wondered why, all Republican candidates, promise to end abortion or defund planned parenthood but they never do? Downs also could provide a boost to the Colts special teams. This sort of thing happens every time theres an American Presidential Election, scoffed one palace official. For example, Mr. Bush is a 13th cousin of Queen Elizabeth II and is related to all members of the British royal family, according to Burkes genealogists. Relationship to: King John of England. Be Still! Still I Rise! George W. Bush. Here is a primer on Donald Lynn Cheney, wife of Dick Cheney, while doing an interview with Houston, Texas talk radio station KTRH 740 AM dropped quite a bombshell. 36 Lyndon B. Johnson View Dont Be Quick To Tell Your Goals Until Its Done Negative Energy Can Throw Off Your Goals! __________________________________________________ Gores family members werent exactly peasants. This is a good day to remember him in prayer as he struggles to recover from two strokes suffered earlier. Are you awake to the Matrix in which you live, yet. The 1988 Democratic nominee and son of Greek immigrants had no connections to any European thrones, and he lost in a landslide. New Year 2021: Navigating Chaos & Political Unrest CLICK HERE. George Bush and Barbara Bush are from the same bloodline. 21 Chester A. Arthur View Passover 2020: God Will Purify The Sons on Levi! I would contend that more than half of all Americans have such an ancestor. 13 Millard Fillmore View When mentioning the names of former US presidents who are listed on the Kane Ancestral Map as being of Milesian descent, I neglected to mention that the name Ford also appears. How interesting that both of President Fords names are of the same origin. Family Reunion: Cheney, Obama Related (October 18, 2007), Burkes Peerage and Gentry Guide To The American Presidents [Washington to Bill Clinton] (2005-2007), Icke, David The Biggest Secret: The Book That Will Change The World [2nd updated edition]; Bridge of Love Books (1999, 2000), Barack Obama
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