this ? Pietta always has the proofmarks and the datecode on the right side of the frame. We thought this would be an excellent gun for Cowboy Action matches if you favor the 45 LC, as some of us do. Hb``a``=P @1630i`@GDTVs(R {g i 23>`.0,p?PA! 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We found the barrel flats to be properly done. The right side of the frame is marked 04919. However, a shoulder on the bullet will never help matters. The front sight was also identical in contour to the other rifle, and had a flat-topped blade insert of somewhat shiny metal. These are the guns that REALLY, "Won The West!" On the top of the barrel, an inch in front of the rear sight, was "PATENT. 0000105711 00000 n black powder side by side deringer And it has no markings, How can a guy find out who makes it?? On butt frame stamped 4809 (serial number?) Happy New Year! "Subject to the will of the Crown!" H|TMs0+Vcv~$C4=[Yb$9?dowy3YY^TO~&nV;r6gReI LiFZj2C&-zR` The Beretta family can trace their gunmaking roots in this region back almost five hundred years. Two more Rifle models come in the same chamberings (342370 in 44-40 and 342360 in 45 Colt) and have the same barrel lengths as the brass ones, but they display case-hardened frames and levers and blued buttplates and list for $30 more. gSchf41,%0&nMF;RD}|MY3-!!6m"m._Z8eGW7F]_[jGFS/`L{U\_&?4c@4xhZ+FGmLQA!^D9`xk'3'SL`AbE39a1Xl72t1Hl>|l lX3r7 @^o5I+u`,cB|H^iaPcbxW|)skz5UXx?8|qAo:"QUvbsd,!BD_Z6R'z~oAWF|1b+Q5,J[D:Spx%Ojoqo[$4gxcX-)I._[2$)Kfk4Z?X-DNP[I1bv(~SE_m6#O. While the action was not quite so glossy as the Henry version, it still reflected much like a mirror and was, like the barrel flats, dead flat. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); You have entered an incorrect email address! Overall, the stocks are in Fine condition. This one seems to be an older mfg., very high quality lock action. The main difference between Taylor's and Cimirron will be the Importer's Marks. Does it have proof marks? The right side of the receiver is marked with the serial number "08270" and features Italian proofs including the date code "AF". 2) It is not unusual to find one or more of the Proof marks lightly stamped. Good luck on your bid! ITALY". There is no maker marks on this rifle at all.The proof marks say it is made in 1967.The links in it look like they could handle 44-40.I took it down all the way but pull the barrel off and no maker marks.I have had 4 Uberti 22s over the years and they all had Uberti on them somewhere.This is the smoothest of all of the ones I have had,but still don't know who made it.I had a lever safety or at least had a place for one.This is the only one that the forearm barrel band is brass and the sight band is brass. Uberti offers versions of all three Colt Dragoon revolvers in their line-up and the one we have here is a standard civilian Second model. Once this unconstitutional law is struck down or repealed, this restriction will be removed. 1) An example of a full set of Proof and maker's marks on a Pedersoli pistol. Same serial # is under grips on frame as on bottom of barrel. The crest consists of crossed rifles with bayonets and a hammer and anvil. Copyright 2023 Aceville Publications Ltd. Deep blued 6 side 7.5" barrel, case hardened loading rod and hammer. The cartouche is 3 "R"s each inside the other. Mechanics:The action functions correctly. These revolvers are extremely collectible. Unfired. Derek Landers, I have one single shot black powder handgun, percussion, brass frame steel barrel. check out the. A PDF link to Dennis Adler's article about Italian Black Powder Proof marks is given below. The most visible change is the change from a crown to a star 1950 so crown and PSF is from the time between 1923 and 1950. The above manufacturers turn out tens of thousands of firearms each year and most, if not all, of these weapons are copies of those used and made in nineteenth century America. Recently bought a Uberti Walker with a CB date code, so I'm pretty sure about those last two codes. were all sharp enough to cut the hands. Where can I find them.Got a 22 cal I would like to find out about.1866,from Navy Arms no name or modle. See Attachment 4. The Old Model started production in 1861 with the slightly improved New Model Army coming out in 1863 . If the pistol has no visible marks it is almost impossible to determine the manufacturer. It is not unusual to find some of these American marked guns on sale here in the UK. The proof house marks and manufacturing code are stamped elsewhere on the gun. The letter is signed by Maria Laura Uberti of Uberti USA, Inc. and states that these revolvers were made for Colt Firearms as prototypes by my father Aldo Uberti. The barrel and cylinder are the usual Uberti black rather than the blue of the originals and the finish is to a high standard, indicating good polishing before the finish was applied. Our first glance at the Uberti test model was extremely satisfying. I guess it could be some other kind.Would like it find out who made it. Thats not enough recommendation for us to invest in the Henry Original, so we began looking for a similarly styled levergun and found the Uberti version of 1860 Henry for a lot less money. 0000080589 00000 n And Dixie gun works Inc. On top of the breech area.?? thank you. Not all numbers in this range were used. But when you close the lever to the firing position, that round is not brought up into battery. 5) The palm tree logo of Palmetto Arms. 0000105361 00000 n 0000057983 00000 n The stamp is not a part in the serial numbers, and it is normally found on Frame in [ ] brackets. There are already a number of these fakes out there, just waiting for the unwary and uninformed, and there are those who would welcome the opportunity to provide even more. A forum community dedicated to Colt firearm owners and enthusiasts. Every lawbreaker we allow into our nation, or tolerate in our citizen population leads to the further escalation of law breaking of all kinds and acceptance of evil. The right side of the chamber is marked "CAL. I have powder only cal. Caliber looks like 45. Thats why we dont call the capacity 13+1, as its given on the website. The Remington ammo was balky on entering the chamber. 0000004972 00000 n The cylinderis marked 55 and the Serial No. HMo09..0pl4jub(FZf=~$ABP(XLP HT=0+ @|7IqE.sQ"$9>tB}vUe&iF=P[mEjo(lHBRAu)0u^Y_8Ii)uLBAo*3 3SL*l4r_g[#}eF9ihFCym>s@MRFzaVLz8 See Attachment 5. 0000008989 00000 n Part Owner of the Irish Cattle Company, Held hostage in NY(But I'm spying on the Yankees), Shooting, Old British Motorcycles,Shooting, Harleys, Shooting.SV188 Hello. While the stock finish was mighty hard, it had none of the milkiness that Henrys rifle had. 0000050991 00000 n What others? The sights were identical to those found on the Henry Henry, the rear having all the same little cuts, holes, notch contours, elevation slide and markings as on the other rifle. 0000011827 00000 n 11) The mark on the left is possibly an Armi San Marco logo on a 1994 pistol. b` I"G3M9YCNxB5)f(1TVVA |7dZgM gBg >noPow l+zyU"^-0x5LH2O4~3z1RuYC.5,CJc38Z"(:o0IoJ(V-7Lvh{_.#DAh8 Click Here to log in. 0000004339 00000 n The operation of the action is smooth and the fit of the action's side plates is excellent. The top of the barrel is marked "A. UBERTI & C. GARDONE V.T. This replica is chambered for a modern cartridge, making for an interesting pistol suitable for target shooting and varmint hunting. The walnut stock had some lovely tiger-striping in it that our photos might not pick up, and inletting was excellent. 0000005085 00000 n See Attachment 2 for description of a Phantom revolver and Attachment 3 for a copy of this telex. Got an older Navy Arms Remington "Zouave" with barrel mfg. there is no calibre or name on it. Y'All take care now!! Stamping on the frame is CMC or CMG also not clear. Whilst the makers marks are there principally for advertising and recognition, the proof marks and serial number are obligatory and will always take the same form. Remingtons New Model Army revolver is also a favourite and we have seen single and double action Starr pistols and lately a Whitney Navy revolver. Very nice and very early production. '9+ }`=swrE-OqmU>zAw$aAY@O| I bought a 36 Cal. Both made in 1976 it has markings but no manufacture marks I would like to know who made them ? I still adore my Uberti but my Henry Original is hands down the superior rifle of the two reproductions. 0000005942 00000 n All the .44s (including the Phantoms) were in the range of 75918 to 75954 and all the .22s (except 75255) were in the range of 75955 to 75985. RIDGEFIELD N.J. MADE IN ITALY" and there are Italian proof marks at the chamber including the date code "AA". The Rifle models have similar cosmetics to the Trapper but have 24.5-inch barrels, one chambered in 44-40 (342390) and our test gun in 45 Colt. We found all the controls to be smooth, including the loading gate at the front of the rifle. 0000052548 00000 n 3) Armi San Marco name stamp (1994) 4) The distinctive Uberti logo. Overall, the pistol is in Fine condition. Next is the mark which has "PN" - the Gardone & Brescia 1st Black Powder Proof mark used since 1959. 0000050678 00000 n Posted December 23, 2014.
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