Could you imagine people listening to your speech, and halfway through wondering: who the hell does this guy think he is? She takes on all of the rights and responsibilities of an adult within the Jewish faith and is required to obey the commandments and expected to know right from wrong. Sibling rivalry, is the focus of the parasha. What is the lesson that it teaches? Rachel! No one can tell him how to live his life. stream stream Everything in his life has been more or less controlled by myself, his father and to a certain extent his teachers and rabbis. As someone who has a terrible time remembering things, I find this feat to be extraordinary. Ready to write a speech thatll make Stephen Kings novels look like childrens books? This is not the case this time. has you covered. But dont worry, they have nothing to complain about. We better be nice to her, or shes going to report my savings bonds., Specific anecdotes are great, but dont write about painful injury, serious crime, horrendous loss or anything else that may lead to gasps, murmurs and down-turned eyes. But I DO know that if you continue to study and learn Torah, continue to be a good person and choose the right thing to do, you will eventually level up with your commitment and connection to G-D. And THAT is really something! Write about how it felt to watch her prepare for her big day. SMS Shabbat Times. In fact, she had a pretty hard time that year. Adam Gropman is a professional comedic speechwriter who can be found online at Wherever we go and whatever we do in the future, I know that we will be able to keep that friendship like our faith, alive. Why? And it takes many years for them to develop a sense of the other to care about others and to put their needs before their own. Some dads are jokesters; some are disciplinarians. Dec 11, 2018 | . She'd never seen that kind of double standard before. You might try: Herman is quite the surgeon. You are now free to create some of those boundaries yourself instead of waiting for someone to tell you what they are! I also know that many of the friends that have joined us here today have never been to a Bar Mitzvah or if they have they might not realize the whole tradition of the Bar Mitzvah ceremony. No matter what this crazy, pandemic-infused year is like, my son recognizes that the skills he's learning for his bar mitzvah are one's that he'll draw on for many years to come, God willing, as he attends services in synagogue and also in his Jewish school, pandemic or no pandemic. She is a very special person in my life. Michael, I know how much you adore computers and gaming. Notable people and events in the Jewish LA community. First thing in the day, you connect your head, your heart and your hand with these leather cables all to work as one with one intent. Sometimes your mother and I argue who you got it from (clearly, it came from me). We wait until you have vented enough and then we watch you find your feet and you shine. After Bar Mitzvah, however, a young adult can begin to actually look beyond himself. I like to play chutes and ladders or candyland with her. Thank you Christine for helping us for such a long time and thanks for being a great family friend. So my Rachel my 11-year-old took a survey. I spent endless hours doing research and putting the presentation together with voice-overs and images. And if you choose to continue with your Jewish learning, there is no telling what you can accomplish. If so, then it could be fair game. People need religion and religion needs people. Sign up for our newsletter to get exclusive content marketing news and resources. Try to keep the jokes general rather than too inside or obscure those things only your family or closest friends would understand. One of the strategies to get me through things that are hard for me is to take breaks. Now, I can't stand up here and claim that Rachel is perfectly mature and composed and all of that. What is it about playing games on the computer that makes you so passionate about it? One was English, but the other was not Hebrew. Hello everyone and thank you so much for joining us for Michaels Bar Mitzvah. >> /Font << /TT4 11 0 R /TT6 13 0 R /TT2 9 0 R >> /XObject << /Im1 14 0 R 5. Is Director Ari Aster a Madman or a Genius? . That doesnt mean you shouldnt have your notes with you when you speak. With greater effort, he can earn the revelation of Neshama, paralleling the world of Beriya. Thank you Grandma and Pop Pop, for the awesome sleepovers. The occasion is her son's bar mitzvah and she wants her speech to strike just the right chord a blend of poignant, interesting, relevant, terse and funny. So here goes. That is kind of what I think happens when we light the candles on Friday night. It is in one world. In my Torah studies I keep running across the number 40 - Our synagogue says Mincha shortly before sunset and Maariv almost immediately after Ashkenazi vs Sephardic Jews: Their Differences & Origins, Mincha and Maariv Together; Earliest time for Maariv, Behind the Scenes of Netflixs Jewish Matchmaking. Then, one day, she came home from school really quiet. And your hands often end up involved in something completely foreign to both of them. Feel free to incorporate it into your speech in any way youd like (but please attribute to Effective humor often comes from the place where total honesty and believable experience meets playful heightening and even a touch of the absurd. This post was written by writer Laura DeCesare. The first formal bat mitzvah ceremony in the US was held in 1922 at the coming-of-age of Judith Kaplan, the oldest daughter of Reconstructionist Judaism founder Rabbi Mordecai Kaplan. Life-long skills. For my bar mitzvah, I have used a portion of my bar mitzvah money to purchase for the synagogue, special booklets that have the Sabbath and holiday blessings . The beauty of a Bar Mitzvah is it is the ending of one part of your life being a child and the beginning of the next chapter learning how to truly be a good adult. You WON! Come back tomorrow! Or, Barrys still living down the time he wore a neck tie with his tuxedo at Bill and Emmas wedding. It's OK to ask for help! He actually had to memorize his Torah portion in order to be able to read it up here at the bimah! Dont force the joke spare us the a Jew and a Muslim walk into a bar kind of jokes. You could write: It makes sense that Joe loves living in the Valley, because when he stands up, hes actually above the smog. That line combines a gentle dig at a local geographic area with a gentle dig at an attribute height which almost no one is going to mind being ribbed about. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Learn from the Torah. The third is the d'var Torah. After all youwouldnt build a house without drawing a blueprint first, now would you? In addition, were talking here about Jews! Leah knows that she is my best friend and that today I thank God for the gift of her friendship. He survived, as did his mother and sister. Some of my favorite Jewish traditions with my family are celebrating Rosh Hashanah and Hannukah. And you arent just our favorite, sometimes I think youre everyones favorite. She thought about the Torah reading, she asked people with more experience than she had, and she drew informed conclusions. Then you're ready to write! endobj The Sages teach us that when a child becomes Bar Mitzvah his good inclination (yetzer tov) is born (Avot dRav Natan 16) as opposed to his evil inclination (yetzer hara) which enters a person at birth (Talmud Sanhedrin 91b). It really did. In fact, you don't need to sit down at all. He can begin to value other human beings and be willing to help them and care for them for their sake, not just his own. But there are plenty of parents who choose to give funny bat mitzvah speeches because it's what feels right for their families. Take a look at this Bat Mitzvah speech given by famous TV & game show producer, Bob Boden (The Chase, Jeopardy & others): Take Notes:He uses his TV persona in his daughters blessing. Before you start burning the midnight oil, you might want to start off with a plan first. Thank you everyone for coming to my Bar Mitzvah! A huge project. Sarah, they sounded like your own words. I think one of the reasons is the feeling of community you get when youre working with your friends on a team to beat another set of virtual characters. His little sister recently celebrated her Bat Mitzvah and his father took the opportunity to play a few jokes on Jacob and his siblings: Rachel, I think you know this, but youre the favorite. The Sages teach us that when a child becomes Bar Mitzvah his "good inclination" (yetzer tov) is born (Avot d'Rav Natan 16) - as opposed to his "evil inclination" (yetzer hara) which enters a person at birth (Talmud Sanhedrin 91b). September 24, 2011 | Chabad of Port Washington . Sarah, my darling, I am so proud of you. Hooray! Think about your daughter's chosen Hebrew name. Sunday, May 18, 2008. Someone whispered it to her, and according to her teacher, she just turned around and said So what? By submitting this form, you are granting: The Shafer Center, 11500 Cronridge Drive, Owings Mills, Maryland, 21117, United States, permission to email you. Bar-Bat Mitzvah. Make your speech short & sweet, not long & tedious. How has your Jewish faith and community shaped your daughter's life? Here are a few places you can draw inspiration from: Awesome now, lock yourself in your office because youre about to start writing! Thats why practicing your speech is so important. But the good news is you dont have to do this alone. Bar/Bat Mitzvah Speech Example #2: Short, Sweet & Funny. The purpose of the Tefillin is to, besides becoming closer to G-d, connect the heart and the mind together. Today, she is a daughter of the commandment, a spiritual adult within the Jewish community. Here is an example of a funny speech by a parent who balances pride and admiration with the ability to entertain. Youve got your first draft written down. And yet, I feel like I did more justice and paid more respect to my faith than any of the kids my age who had no idea what they were even saying in Hebrew. And sometimes school and life can be boring or difficult. I can't end, though, without speaking to how appropriate it is that Sarah read Parashat Kedoshim for her Torah portion. This helps the piece to flow smoothly and sound polished. Now, I dont expect you to hire an editor to write a speech. And its OK to get a little edgy or negative with your humor, but do not cross or possibly even get too close to the line. The body of the piece will take up about 80 percent of your speaking time and will include the most detail, so start there. Rewrites. Theres a reason why newspapers and publications have both writers and editors on their payroll And cant succeed without the other. But as someone who was born already possessing the abilities the Tefillin will help you acquire, let me tell you it is worth it. This pertains primarily to matters of ownership. The Talmud states that children are not capable of forgiving (Baba Metziah 22b). Are you excited because its your childs Bar/Bat Mitzvah? Even that boy over there that I've never seen before. Sample Bar & Bat Mitzvah Speech: Bat Mitzvah from friend or peer of the girl. In fact, girls have been becoming bat mitzvah for much longer than they have been having ceremonies. Could you imagine if they had to fly over and over again? I know how much you care for me. Your mother and I love you very much Forever and always! Needless to say, I havent started it yet. Well, because we don't live in an afterschool special, Sarah didn't instantly convert the gossiper and make the other classmate instantly popular. This male is usually 13 years of age. 14 0 obj Folks, I know you wouldn't be here if you didn't also think that Rachel is an amazing kid, but I promise you, you don't know the half of it. Is my introduction catchy and does my conclusion wrap it up neatly? 2. Back in the 1940s a well-worn joke portrayed the bar mitzvah boy as beginning his speech with the words, "Today I am a . Jokes have a specific structure a setup and punch line, not the other way around. %PDF-1.3 You'll probably feel a little (read: a LOT) nervous before you speak, that's normal. I just wish him all the happiness in the world and dont want anyone to have the power to take that away from him. So, as I have just explained to you, Torah is really the ultimate game. From the warm-up joke to the final thank-you's, we've got everything you need for a speech that will bring . It has to learn to include everyone. Our natural tendency is to try and impress others with our fancy writing, trying to make Shakespeare proud. Bar and/or Bat Mitzvah speeches are a wonderful chance to celebrate the coming of age and a milestone life event in Jewish life. One of my favorite things to do is play a game with my sister. Is Uncle Joe extremely tall? But honestly, according to his father and I, Michael pretty much HAD to have a Bar Mitzvah. With my own eyes, I have seen him separate the inferior lateral gluteous from the ventricular pectoralis. No, I didnt hit CTRL+C and CTRL+V 3 times by accident. Let me take you back to the beginning of Rachel's bat mitzvah preparations. And its that structure that can save you hours of staring at a blank piece of paper trying tofigure out what to write (or say). You have 12 years of memories of your girl and her journey, and you have everything you know about who she is in the context of your family and its women. Frankly, I believe you, Michael, have already begun to develop as a man. Thank you mom for all the coupons you give me and you are a good mom. The purpose of this step is to start building a framework for your speech and give you a jumping-off point. The professor nodded enthusiastically. We may talk about our parents being old fashioned too. As the designated editor-older sister hybrid, I have been charged with proofreading all documents pertaining to this event. The bimah is only a few feet above the floor, yet for any mom looking out across the synagogue at the gathered sea of mostly familiar faces, she might as well be Moses addressing the crowd from atop Mount Sinai. She asked the rabbi if G-d couldn't at least have found someone nicer, who might at least tell his neighbors to buy an umbrella. For most Jewish girls, their bat mitzvah ceremony is the first recognition of their maturity. I dont know which week your nephews event is, so Ill leave that as an exercise for the reader! Bar/Bat Mitzvah Gift Amount: How Much Money Should You Give? Owings Mills, Maryland 21117 She even sang the song about the humpty-back camels and the chimpanzees, but I'm pretty sure that was just to annoy her sister. Love your neighbors and watch your beard. There are a lot of things you can ask her, though. Instant Speeches Ready to Download and Use Right NOW! There's no need to dive right in like that. Now that youve collected a bunch of stories, ideas, and jokes its time to put them all together and start writing your speech. Hello, everyone, and thank you for coming to congratulate Sarah on becoming bat mitzvah. And this is what we celebrate at a Bar Mitzvah. You can give a terrific speech without forcing your awkward jokes on people. Does the person regularly joke about these topics upon meeting a total stranger? Now, I know for most of you, this isnt your first time at the rodeo. First, you write an honest, heartfelt, serious speech, to get all of the mushy, poignant, tear-jerking stuff that needs to be said down on paper. Remember, this is just for you. When it comes to the delivery, it doesnt hurt to recite the whole document at least a few times beforehand, carefully noting the best places for specific word emphasis and dramatic pausing, which you can notate on the page. But if you ask me, she always has been. Look your stories over and see if you can identify some common threads. For those who may not know what a bar mitzvah is, its the point in a young males life when he is spiritually accepted into the Jewish community through a ceremonious reading of the Torah and a subsequent, slightly less ceremonious, devouring of food and awkward dancing. endobj Start with writing the body, then write the intro & wrap up, This is the 80/20 rule in practice: the body of your speech will be around 80% of your speech, so you better start there. So what better way to disarm the room than with some punch lines? Writing a great Bar/Bat Mitzvah speech is easy if you have the right system. So, where are there computers in the Torah?. I also learned that the Torah is the Jewish book of laws and teachings. Identify the Torah portion that corresponds to your daughter's bat mitzvah week. Candle Lighting Times. Im about to show you exactly how to write a terrific Bar/Bat Mitzvah speech step by step (without putting your guests to sleep in the process). The more you do this, the more comfortable you will feel when you take the microphone. 3. Once thats done, then its time to create and work in the funny parts. Fill out the form below, and a content specialist will get in touch with you in 1 business day. A project on a topic over which either Jews have had influence or that has influenced Jews throughout history. We almost made today business casual.. 2 0 obj I am especially delighted to be the friend who gets to speak on this special day. Now look at your own self. Rachel is compassion personified. Halachic Times. First of all, thank you Cantor Al-Brecht for your great singing. Some will be tender, others will be formal, and some will even be funny. Your daughter becomes a bat mitzvah as soon as she turns 12, regardless of whether or not your family hosts a ceremony or a party. He is leaving behind the era of being a child completely run by adults and is beginning to be able to spread his wings. (And even though they aren't leading the service . If youre sharing a sad story, speak gently (and wipe that smile off your face). But after 12 and 13, a child, now a very young adult, can begin to form their morals, their values, and their spiritual beliefs. This is a speech youll actually read out loud, not just submit to the local newspaper. Like me, Michael was born wanting to control his life more than either his father or I really wanted him to. Religion has to evolve. For females, this is done at 12 . Dont write and edit at the same time. Until Bar Mitzvah, for the most part a child can only think about himself. Take Notes: Notice how she uses a combination of stories, analogies, metaphors (from the Gaming world, of all places!). It is sold by, as well as by and all the major on-line sellers. speeches and words hereinjust be sure to include the proper names, locations, and anecdotes so it all makes sense! Al-brect, friends, and family. The best thing about such a friendship is the fact that it grows and adapts. But now Michael is 13! It's mid-2000s chic: strapless, poofy, purple and freckled, with big, black polka-dots. >> >> If they are all pretty salty and irreverent, up and down, you can go a lot farther than if they are primarily prim, proper and socially conservative. We also talked about Hannah's whispered prayer. Yosef, I dont know if you know how proud I am of you and everything youre doing: For those of you who dont know: Yosef is at the top of his class, at the top of his Judo team and pretty much everywhere else. Mazal tov on the event first of all and may your speech go well! If you start rambling endlessly youll notice people start to yawn and reach for their phones (if its not Shabbat). Read your speech to your spouse to give you some cold-hearted truth. (Unless you are one!) Children begin life as entirely selfish beings, not being able to think of anything beyond their own needs and wants. We listen to you struggle, complain and protest loudly with new challenges. Your email address will not be published. Jewish law considers a child incapable of parting with any property he owns, even items which the average person is not particular about. Two, that if you're going to ask a hypothetical question, you shouldn't ask it of a 95-year-old without someone there to help. 4. 1. Mazel tov. Short, witty and emotional all at the same time. Feel free to send it to them if they could use some help. They think exclusively about themselves and their own comfort and enjoyment. But does that mean you have to be a stand-up comedian to not be boring? Im happy to be doing this because its part of growing up and becoming a bigger part of my Jewish community. I really liked learning a new language because I like to learn new things. Well, kind of. Today, you are a woman. Birthday Lookup. But under the floor, cables connect all these machines so they work as one.. My sister Ayala, you are also very important to me. The Brit Atid ceremony was preceded by a year of monthly parents-and-kids-together Torah study sessions, along with monthly one-on-one sessions with our teacher . You know, I remember becoming bar mitzvah, and even though I was entrenched in learning and studying for this day, I was just much more excited on the partywhat can I . Another strategy is to take deep breaths. Say one of the honorees is an extremely beautiful woman: Cousin Sally is quite a looker, as everyone knows. And I mean everything, from her old board book about Noah's Ark to the Stephen Schwartz musical Children of Eden. She is the kind of girl that naturally follows the Mitzvot especially the ones that involve kindness to others. endobj You can choose to put it on, or not. Youre a very talented young man but talent can only get you so far in life. << /Type /Page /Parent 3 0 R /Resources 6 0 R /Contents 4 0 R /MediaBox [0 0 595.2756 841.8898] The speech you give when you're . What is new? Others are loving teachers and guides. I am so proud of you and may you be blessed with health and happiness for all the days of your life! Thank you Serena for helping me out, and being the best sister ever, and I always have fun with you! They tease one another, they laugh together and they do things together. Your email address will not be published. Who said you have to give a speech, to begin with? You walk into a room and you see many familiar machines: A typewriter, a large tape recorder, a television set, a hole puncher, a calculator. An outline gives your speech shape and logical flow, much like a blueprint tells a construction team where to put the doors, windows, and walls when they build a home. >> Until Bar Mitzvah, for the most part a child can only think about himself. God on Psychedelics? If you wait until the night before the ceremony to start thinking of stories, you won't have time to let the ideas and memories come as they will. Email Subscriptions. Four of them stood outside the door with signs and shouted slogans nothing vulgar, just phrases like let girls learn. The principal tried to give them detention, but their teachers stood up for them.
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