His largest lease option deal to date was to acquire 12 properties worth over 2 million for just 12, which means he paid just 1 to acquire each property! This not only makes it a more affordable option, but also expands your location options (seeing as many old council houses are located in more upmarket areas). 1960's remodelling project featured on Sarah Beeny's "Double Your House for Half the Money" in 2012. Sebastian OKelly, founder of the LKP,says he is regularly contacted by leaseholders of flats in council properties facing ruinous major works bills. UK-wide. So storage space was a must. Leaseholders billed 13,000 were offered the chance to spread the cost over two years, paying 560 each month plus a 600 penalty fee for not paying the entire cost up front. You can create your listing free at DIYnot Local. Stairwell before and after (looking down). Original Size: 75m2. Some councils operate this scheme, and it's applicable to extensions over 100m in gross internal area (even if they are built under Permitted Development). City dwellings are always a hot commodity and you're much more likely to sell quickly and for a better price than you would in a remote area. Part of the problem is the council flats do not have contingency funds, so the private owners face massive bills all at once. We also helped the client find the required lighting and furniture, and in some occasions,even went further to design somebespoke furniture pieces. This allows you to live in the ex-council flat during this time, or sell it. I would be willing to go down on sale price if that's the case, as the agent fees and lease extension together could easily be 16K .. and it would be such a headache so selling back to LA seems much easier and safer To comment on this thread you need to create a Mumsnet account. The house is a 1930's build and was bought from the council in the 80s- it has already had a small 1 storey extension. But if the area is desirable, then it may be worth extending your ex-council house, once youve done your homework on property prices or ex-council houses in the area. Always remember anyone can post on the MSE forums, so it can be very different from our opinion. There is currently a dining room that leads into a narrow kitchen. 115 St Declan's Road, Marino, Dublin 3 is a three-bedroom mid-terrace house of 80sq metres. To get a better experience with our home designs, please download other browsers for free. Fire safety in council-owned tower blocks has been put under the spotlight following the Grenfell Tower blaze last month. (And how to find one for your renovation project. Consider treating the roof to new tiles to really make that new look stand out. However, if a similar ex-council house is currently worth 100,000 and you spend the same 50,000 on an extension making it worth 120,000, this is not such a good proposition. Ex-council houses tend to have very plain, bare-faced fronts, which means that styling up the windows will already be a huge improvement. Id like wooden floors as much as possible, minimalist design, maximise use of space (e.g. nightmare keeping black gladd tv stand dust free! Building Regulations and Planning Permission. Under this route, a leaseholder can approach the freeholder in the first instance and ask whether they are interested in negotiating a lease extension. Fortunately wallpaper is never permanent, which means you can easily get rid of your ex-council houses hideous walls if they dont do it for you. But his first property investment project was to turn an old dilapidated restaurant into a large 5-bed home, which he purchased for 117,500 and sold for 450,000 (to see an "after" photo of the house before it was sold see here: About). We also help the client understand the advantage of having a design process that is explained to you during the design meetings through diagrams, sketches and computer generated images, Home renovation architects and interior designers, A perfect match for a renovation in South-East London, Unlocking the potential of a Victorian terrace in East London, Product review: sliding folding doors / bi-fold doors, Renovation and extension cost per square metre, Expert tips to cut your house extension costs, What is an interior architect? The biggest upside to buying an ex-council house is that they tend to be far cheaper than comparably-sized properties, within the same area. Do you need the extra space in the short term until you can afford to move? Russell owns a number of investment properties, which includes houses, flats and HMO's. We think that should be applauded, not frowned upon! Maybe she's planning on saving up a little at a time and then buying the materials so nothing to do with being able to afford market value rent as I'm pretty sure she wouldn't be able to save a little at a time and then pay her rent after 6 months. She wouldn't even need a deposit for the council house. In other words, you are at least aiming to get your money back on what you spend on the extension. External re-decoration can be very positive to help protect and maintain the property. document.getElementById("ak_js_1").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()); If you live in any part of the UK we are here to help. Also, take account of how long you intend to live in the house. As Russia's foreign minister, Sergey V. Lavrov, chaired a Security Council meeting on Monday at the United Nations, he faced rebuke from Western members and the U.N.'s top official over Moscow . Also at this meeting we show our way of working and some of the projects we have done previously. If you managed to buy your ex-council house at a bargain price, when you spend money on building an extension you have a bigger gap between the total costs of buying plus improving the property versus what it is worth. And here's 16 space-saving, style-sparing small bedrooms to inspire you. Why? 9. If the freeholder agrees then both parties will have to negotiate. Once youve purchased the ex-council flat, you are bound by its legal terms. Some people might think that there is a stigmas attached to owning an ex-council home, but what do they know? A rear- or side extension ought to do it! Editor, Marcus Herbert. I thought that they could only value the house before the works were done. We and our partners share information on your use of this website to help improve your experience. 3. Councils can be too harsh in demanding this money, with even repayment schemes meaning leaseholders have to find an extra 1,000 a month, he says. For Sale Duplex / Twin House 4 Bedrooms 4 Bathrooms 180 sqm. Nothing on this website should be interpreted as advice. Ever heard of double-duty furniture pieces? We are aware the council can claim the cost of maintenance and repairs, but not improvements, says Whitehouse. To create an open-plan living space in this Victorian home, the architects added a side infill extension of 7.5 sq m. The new construction is connected to the old building with a margin of glass, which floods the space with light. Its interesting the results you can achieve if you just look a bit deeper into the possibilities a building has to offer. Do I need a contract with my builder for a home extension or renovation project? Next up for your inspiration: 17 small pools perfect for small patios and gardens. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. It needs to be modernised. Legislation only allows freeholders to recover the cost of repairs and maintenance from leaseholders, not improvements. A three-bedroom home really might not be out of reach! The walls are finished in bare plaster, giving an earthy feel to the entire space. If you're able to buy into a metropolitan area by nabbing lower-cost property like an ex-council house, you may be able to reap the rewards later. anywork will require the permission of the housing dept. Is there room left for a kitchen pantry? Check any no building without permission covenants, I hope youve enjoyed this article about is it worth extending an ex council house. 4. And no clutter! We can act fast and help you if you cant sell your house. Exterior remodel of 1970s house in Surrey. An above-garage room extension (Image credit: Ikea) House extensions for every budget between 20,000 and 30,000 can include building an extension over a garage that's already there. Need help with your home project? And what about that space underneath the staircase? Can You Get A Council House If You Own A Property? The bathroom and toilet are separate at the moment. If youre looking for the right architect for your home building or renovation project, were here to help. When deciding on if its worth extending an ex council house, ask yourself the following questions: For you to move to a bigger house with the extra space the extension will create will not only cost more for the property itself, unless its in a cheaper area, but moving to another property comes with the various costs of buying and selling a property. 10 clever house floor plans to inspire you, 16 space-saving, style-sparing small bedrooms. Don't miss our new HOUSE & HOME weekly email, I have read and understood Netmums' Privacy Notice and Terms & Conditions, Council house move needed - advise please. After registering her project on, Since completion, her new home has been shortlisted for the, Bernadette chose to speak with several architects via. Would you leave a tumble dryer on at night? Bernadette chose to speak with several architects viaDesign for Me, including Anamaria and Bogdan, who run a practice in the local area. And if you have the space for a few stylish loungers, then why not? Simply post your project below and well match you up with the best architects for your requirements. Highly Commended, Home Transformation of the Year, British Home Awards 2020 LOCATION Bermondsey, London, UK PROGRAM Full refurbishment and remodelling of an 1980's ex . Ex council house House Extension Plans Roof Extension Glass Extension House Extension Design Rear Extension Ideas Lean To Extension Orangery Extension Bungalow Extensions Garden Room Extensions Smart Visoglide plus anthracite grey aluminium sliding doors we installed in Kent. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Still daunted by the process? Leasehold owners can make observations but the local authority has no obligation to act on them. No need to accept that brick look (or whatever other material they used) of your ex-council house. When do you ever hear this in London? Ex-local authority homes have proved a popular buy but many new owners have been faced with huge maintenance bills. I bought a 1975 ex-council house. Find much more advice on how to extend a house in our ultimate guide. Each local authority has a waiting list, and in order to make sure you are prioritised on that waiting list you should clearly communicate your circumstances. We try to help the client understand the overall process of a construction project its implications and usual timelines, contracts they should be looking for and elements they should be paying attention to. If the property is for sale, the estate agent will have details on the history of the property. If you are an ex-council tenant, you . In the end it all comes down to personal preference. After registering her project on Design for Me, with just a few key details, we matched her with the best candidates and she received interest from a number of architects. When The Guardian first reported on this problem in May last year, the cost of refurbishing Roupell Park was estimated at 7m with the council admitting there had been historic underinvestment in the councils housing stock. A functional home is a happy one; thus, treat yourself to some clever storage spaces, like built-in shelves or floating wall shelves. This info does not constitute financial advice, always do your own research on top to ensure it's right for your specific circumstances and remember we focus on rates not service. Placeholders.enable(); The property was an unloved very run down and dated 3 bedroom, 1 bathroom 1960s redbrick detached house in north Leeds, 70s house renovation exterior - Google Search, Back to Front Exterior Design - 1960's Before and After Remodelling scheme in Surrey, Conversion of Bungalow to Two Storey House, Hampshire, 1960's exterior transformation by Back to Front Exterior Design, If you picture only traditional homes when you think of brick, it's time to reconsider this modern contender, Before and after the addition of a 2 storey extension, House, Forest Hill - David Money Architects Modernising the facade. The title deed will identify the current . How much does a planning application cost? This page may contain affiliate links, which means we may earn a small amount of money if you click through and make a purchase.All articles are written independently by the Netmums editorial team. Dont let it disappear behind a mountain of dust and nothingness; turn it into something useful like a kitchen, guestbedroom, storage space, etc. Architect AND interior designer do I need both? We are currently reviewing the repayment options that could be offered to leaseholders who are facing higher bills and we will liaise with leaseholders as soon as we can to do so.. Apartments and flats are usually sold on a long lease (about 125 years), and not as a freehold. Bernadette's project description "I am in the process of purchasing an end of terrace house near Bermondsey station in London, built in 1982. U have dreams for that home so surely buying first and then building extension would be better? Before embarking on house extensions you should establish if you will be liable to pay the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL). I plan on buying and doing a loft conversion on my council house. Electing to extend can be an excellent means of maximising the potential available space of your property, without the costly need to relocate. Come with us now and see if buying an ex-council house could be the answer to your prayers and if you can overcome the cons associated with the process! If you need to find a tradesperson to get your job done, please try our local search below, 1. If you own a property you are often excluded from the housing register for a council property, but there are exceptions and you can join if you need shelter, you, Why Would Anyone Buy A Leasehold Property: 10 Reasons Why, The reason why people buy leasehold property isthey tend to be cheaper than freehold properties and it's a way for first time buyers to get on the property ladder. House extension costs. After youve been sent a copy of the lease for reading, scrutinise it with great care even better, ask a solicitor for advice. Then lumps of concrete started to fall off it, prompting health and safety fears. The couple are part of a group of homeowners who either bought former council homes on the open market or through the right-to-buy scheme. The dining table and bench, plus the TV stand, were designed by us and manufactured in collaboration with a craftsperson in Romania. Is the calculator right about the price? Florence Bourne, 93, died of shame, according to her family, after being unable to pay a 50,000 bill for the refurbishment of her block in Newham, east London, in 2013. or if you are doing it yourself you can find suppliers local to you. Just click on the icon! hen Cat Whitehouse and her partner James Wooldridge bought their ex-local authority flat on the Roupell Park estate in Lambeth four years ago, they were told there were no major works planned on the block. Is it worth considering to make other improvements at the same time when you build the extension. We still need to extend it, right?. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Always remember anyone can post on the MSE forums, so it can be very different from our opinion. is_confirmation;if(is_form){jQuery('#gform_wrapper_33').html(form_content.html());if(form_content.hasClass('gform_validation_error')){jQuery('#gform_wrapper_33').addClass('gform_validation_error');} else {jQuery('#gform_wrapper_33').removeClass('gform_validation_error');}setTimeout( function() { /* delay the scroll by 50 milliseconds to fix a bug in chrome */ }, 50 );if(window['gformInitDatepicker']) {gformInitDatepicker();}if(window['gformInitPriceFields']) {gformInitPriceFields();}var current_page = jQuery('#gform_source_page_number_33').val();gformInitSpinner( 33, 'https://designfor-me.com/wp-content/plugins/gravityforms/images/spinner.gif' );jQuery(document).trigger('gform_page_loaded', [33, current_page]);window['gf_submitting_33'] = false;}else if(!is_redirect){var confirmation_content = jQuery(this).contents().find('.GF_AJAX_POSTBACK').html();if(!confirmation_content){confirmation_content = contents;}setTimeout(function(){jQuery('#gform_wrapper_33').replaceWith(confirmation_content);jQuery(document).trigger('gform_confirmation_loaded', [33]);window['gf_submitting_33'] = false;}, 50);}else{jQuery('#gform_33').append(contents);if(window['gformRedirect']) {gformRedirect();}}jQuery(document).trigger('gform_post_render', [33, current_page]);} );} ); if(typeof gf_global == 'undefined') var gf_global = {"gf_currency_config":{"name":"Pound Sterling","symbol_left":"£","symbol_right":"","symbol_padding":" ","thousand_separator":",","decimal_separator":". The project costs have increased for a number of reasons, as additional and unforeseen works were confirmed once on site for example, fabricated steel balustrades along public and private balconies, and increased amounts of brick repairs, which had not been visible during initial surveys, it says in a statement. Its funny, but now she says that she has too much storage space. Other improvements to your ex-council house. The council say the total bill will be 12m and we have to pay another 5,000. Local authorities are notorious for not making things massively easy and can even drag their feet a little bit, but keep pushing and you'll complete in decent time, if you want to! To confirm if you are going to get your money back, you need to check house prices of in your area. This soon more than doubled to 13,000 a fee they scraped together by adding to their mortgage and plundering their savings. It turns out the house were trying to buy is ex council and there is a covenant on it saying that i cant build anything anywhere on the property. The effect is just amazing. And, as always, homify is here to assist you with your council house renovation. I don't know how it works, but I would assume the price you pay (right to buy) reflects the market value of the property so if you improve the house using your own money you would have a double whammy when buying the house. We set the timeline and deadlines for the project and did a site survey. Spruce it up by cladding it in a different material, such as timber panels or stone (you may need some professional architecturalhelp for this). It makes no sense to spend more on the build cost of the extension versus what the extra added space will increase the value of the property. Now they have been billed another 5,000 on top of the 170 service charge they pay every month. You might be able to extend your lease by: 90 years on a flat if you qualify 50 years on a house if you. Smart Visoglide plus anthracite grey aluminium sliding doors we installed in Kent. To get a better experience with our home designs, please download other browsers for free. Yet some of the work seems to be improvements for example, replacing normal windows for double glazing. Your email address will not be published. Im delighted for their Home Transformation of the Year at the British Home Awards, they deserve it and it couldnt happen to nicer people. To get a good idea of what your ex-council house is worth now, ask an estate agent to value your property for you. If a house works easily and comfortably, then it definitely makes a difference to how you feel about it. and repainting the inside surfaces and dont neglect the ceiling. The lease will stipulate what your obligations to the landlord are, as well as your rights. Thanks to rising houseprices and interest rates, more and more people in the UK are struggling to get on the property ladder, but many professionalsin the property industry, including estate agents, have noticed something of a buying trend developing! We looked to use natural materials throughout the entire project. Renovating a grade II listed house what can you do without permission? (modern). These are the key stages to the lease extension process, according to the Leasehold Advisory Service: Check you are eligible to extend the lease: To. Will the extension to your ex-council house add more value than the cost of the building works? I am in the process of purchasing an end of terrace house near Bermondsey station in London, built in 1982. filed under Case Study, Renovations. In order to build an extension on your ex-council house you need enough garden that can be sacrificed to accommodate the square footage of the extension. How long does it usually take to extend lease on ex-council properties? A perfect match for a hallwayandlivingroomre-design, How to find a neighbours planning application. Surely if you can afford to build an extension you should move out of the council house and let people that can't afford market rate rents live there? The exposed joists are the original joists of the house. Heres what you should know. In fact, numerous ex-council houses in the UK flaunt a typical 1950s style, which makes sense why so many people would opt for a council house renovation. Get in touch! Article written by Russell Bowyer who has been investing in property since purchasing his first commercial property in the 1990's for his own Chartered Accountancy business. JavaScript is disabled. In order to build an extension on your ex-council house you need enough garden that can be sacrificed to accommodate the square footage of the extension. I retained the architectural services of Ana and Bogdan having placed a call for proposals on Design for Me. Browse through millions of photos with the homify app! Now, compare that to a newly built, one-bedroom London flat which works out to about 679,671. I've heard somewhere that ex-council leases are cheaper to extend. Lambeth council initially told leaseholders that repairs to the estate would cost 7m, and that the Whitehouses share would be 6,000. Dont accept that garden as is; plant some trees, flowers and shrubs for a fresh and lush look just dont let it hide too much of your houses front side. Extensive surveys will be needed and a thorough audit of your finances will all be necessary but then on top of that, you'll have the annoyance of offset price reductions, if you have been a council tenant for a long time. Campaign website the Leasehold Knowledge Partnership (LKP) has unearthed instances where individual leaseholders in Edmonton were given a bill of 25,000; in Haringey 44,000; and from Brent council 15,000. Introduce a line of glass. 1. You must log in or register to reply here. Finding architects for a wraparound extension, Seven renovations which will improve your home and increase its value, Renovation and extension project in SW17 Tooting Contemporaine, Top five energy saving and home improvements tips, A perfect match on Design for Me to furnish a new apartment, A perfect match to furnish a new build flat for new homeowners, A perfect match on Design for Me for a cottage extension. A kitchen extension will cost . Since completion, her new home has been shortlisted for theBritish Home Awards Home transformation of the year! When considering the value of other houses, make sure you factor in that your property is an ex-council house, as council houses tend to be valued at lower than non-council houses. Assuming the building works for the extension costs 50,000, you would hope the value of the home would increase to at least 250,000. Ex-council house transformation. It is these owners who foot their share of the bill with charges varying depending on the block their flat is in and its size, but it is the freeholder the council, in this case that decides what work is done and by whom. How Much Is An Acre Of Land Worth (Plus What Will It Cost?). I'll have to double check that now though. The council area is maybe 70 houses surrounded by private homes that's start at 400,000 for a 2 bedroom flat & 1,000,000 + for a l4/5 bed house. We often link to other websites, but we can't be responsible for their content. ), Extension and renovation finance options a simple guide to home loans, A perfect match for an Arts and Crafts meets North African living room, When to Choose Grey or White Wood Flooring, A perfect match for a low maintenance garden design, A perfect match to furnish a luxury apartment in Battersea, A perfect match for a flat refurbishment in Shoreditch, Interior design for a headteachers office, Renovation architects for a modernist apartment, Finding the perfect interior designer for a complete house renovation, Interior design for a Victorian house renovation in Peckham, A perfect match to furnish a new build apartment in Marylebone, Docklands warehouse apartment renovation Studio, Case study an extension inspired by colour. It may not display this or other websites correctly. One other significant change we made was to open up the ceiling above the hallway. The discount acts as the deposit. Almost doubling the budget for the work seems ludicrous mismanagement.. Budget: 80,000. And its completely free! Jim has successfully transformed this . But theres a caveat: it only applies if repairs are partly funded by a central government grant. 17 small pools perfect for small patios and gardens. As the start of a property portfolio, a lower-cost ex-authority house will never be difficult to rent out, if you buy one in a nice area that is family friendly! 1960s house renovation. Anamaria and Bogdan, who run a practice in the local area. In actual fact, a lot of ex-council estates are starting to slowly fill up with first-time buyers eager to get on the property ladder any way they can. Our ex-council house had a similar covenant, but just an outline one, i.e. #1 We're looking at moving and have our eye on a house that is probably the nearest thing to what we want that will ever be in our price range. If not, the council can pass the entire cost to leaseholders. Other popular options to help you move away from a typical 1950s council house design for a more contemporary look include redoing the floors (think hardwood flooring, sleek tiles, elegant carpets, etc.)
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