Saturday and Sunday (f) NWS According to these indices, current conditions are drier than 70% to 80% of past conditions. This map integrates multiple drought indices measuring precipitation and moisture into one computer-generated drought map, with a reference period of 1979present. The average maximum temperature was13F warmer than normal for this location. -Public Information Statement A drought early warning system (DEWS) utilizes new and existing networks of federal, tribal, state, local, and academic partners to make climate and drought science accessible and useful for decision makers and stakeholders. View typical impacts by state. Sorry, the location you searched for was not found. Precipitation: May 2022 Temperature Precipitation: June 2022 . -Beach -2022 Hurricane Guide The average maximum temperature was34F warmer than normal for this location. Tree rings were used to reconstruct a Palmer Modified Drought Index (PMDI) value for each JuneAugust, estimating relative dryness. Precipitation was 75% to 100% of the historical average for this location, compared to the same date range from 19912020. -Education The official observation site for the city of Houston was moved quite a few times during its long history. -Observations This map integrates multiple drought indices measuring precipitation and moisture into one computer-generated drought map, with a reference period of 1979present. -Center Weather Service Units -FAQ, Rivers/Lakes/Bayous Estimated streamflow is in the 010th percentile of historical streamflow values recorded at this gauge on this day of the year. -NOAA -more, ADDITIONAL INFO -Palacios -Worldwide Learn more about these categories. -Evacuation ZipZone View over 750 USGS real-time stream, lake, reservoir, precipitation, and groundwater stations in context with current weather and hazard conditions on both desktop and mobile devices. -Hurricane Harvey This map integrates multiple drought indices measuring precipitation and moisture into one computer-generated drought map, with a reference period of 1979present. -Rainfall Reports Questions? According to these indices, current conditions are drier than 80% to 90% of past conditions. View typical impacts by state. -Find It Quick, Tropical The average maximum temperature was68F colder than normal for this location. -SKYWARN Schedule -Drought, History -National -Spaceflight Meteorology Group View typical impacts by state. The shaded overlays indicate night and civil twilight. -Aviation The average maximum temperature was68F warmer than normal for this location. The daily range of atmospheric pressure (gray bars), as measured by the altimeter setting reported in e.g. According to these indices, current conditions are wetter than 95% to 98% of past conditions. Each place has a total for the amount of precipitation it usually receives in a year. -Education -National Subscribe to NIDIS emails for the latest regional drought updates, webinars, and news. -National Hurricane Center -Major Events, RADAR -Feed During this time period, drought is forecast to persist. Expect mid to upper 90s today with at least some showers or storms around, our best chance of rain for a while longer. -Historical Tracks -Models National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration -StormReady There is an 33%40% chanceof below-normal precipitation during this period. -Houston Intercontinental From bottom (most yellow) to top (most gray), the color bands indicate: full daylight, twilight (civil, nautical, and astronomical), and full night. Learn more. View typical impacts by state. You can drill down from year to month and even day level reports by clicking on the graphs. Estimated streamflow is the lowest value recorded at this gauge on this day of the year. The daily range of reported temperatures (gray bars) and 24-hour highs (red ticks) and lows (blue ticks), placed over the daily average high (faint red line) and low (faint blue line) temperature, with 25th to 75th and 10th to 90th percentile bands. -Aviation -Granger (Central Texas) Health warning of emergency conditions: everyone is more likely to be affected. The average maximum temperature was34F colder than normal for this location. -Rainfall Reports Learn more about these categories. Extreme Drought (D3) is the third of four drought categories (D1D4), according to the U.S. Drought Monitor. -Find It Quick, Tropical The average maximum temperature was13F colder than normal for this location. -Public Information Statement The study, published as NOAA Atlas 14, Volume 11 Precipitation-Frequency Atlas of the United States, Texas, found increased values in parts of Texas, including larger cities such as Austin and Houston, that will result in changes to the rainfall amounts that define 100-year events, which are those that on average occur every 100 years or have a . -Harris County Flood Warning System Please note that not all products are available for all dates and time periods. -Evacuation Routes Thunderstorm, Thunderstorm with Light Rain, Light Rain. The hourly observed weather, color coded by category (in order of severity). There is an 50%60% chanceof below-normal precipitation during this period. -National Weather Service -FAQ, Rivers/Lakes/Bayous -Careers Air quality is satisfactory, and air pollution poses little or no risk. Houston Intercontinental Temperature and Precipitation . Precipitation was greater than 300% of the historical average for this location, compared to the same date range from 19912020. During this time period, drought is forecast to improve. . -StormReady -SKYWARN Schedule Southeast Texas Storm Data The National Centers for Environmental Information, or NCEI, has a webpage where you can search for storm events by state, county, event type/size, number of injuries/fatalities and/or amount of property/crop damage. -Houston Hobby -Aviation Weather Center this webpage will no longer be updated after the end of 2022. -YouTube There is an 40%50% chanceof below-normal precipitation during this period. CDC's Social Vulnerability Index uses 15 U.S. census variables at tract level (including poverty, lack of vehicle access, and crowded housing) to help local officials identify communities that may need support in preparing for or recovering from hazards, like drought. -Activity Planner However, there may be a risk for some people, particularly those who are unusually sensitive to air pollution. -Miscellaneous Info The Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) value for this location is between -1.2 to -0.8, indicating moderate drought (D1) conditions. This map shows precipitation for the past 30 days as a percentage of the historical average (19912020) for the same time period. -Education -Worldwide Learn more. -Miscellaneous Info View typical impacts by state. The hourly reported humidity comfort level, categorized by dew point. -Historical Tracks The Multi-Indicator Drought Index (MIDI) looks at current drought conditions across the U.S. by integrating several key drought indices on precipitation and moisture into one objective, computer-generated map. -Our Office The PMDI value for this location is -1.9 to -1.0, indicating abnormally dry (D0) conditions. Then there's information on how much rain actually landed during recent years, as well as how often Houston had wet weather. All NOAA, CURRENT HAZARDS All NOAA. The hot season lasts for 3.6 months, from June 2 to September 22, with an average daily high temperature above 89F. It features all historical weather data series we have available, including the Houston temperature history for June 2022. -National Weather Service -Weather Safety Hobby Airport is Houston's oldest commercial airport and is located on the southeast side of the city. -Climate Summaries -National Hurricane Center -Aviation Weather Center -Education The Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) value for this location is between 0.5 to 0.7, indicating abnormally wet (W0) conditions. The data for this report comes from the William P Hobby Airport. County Extremes. Houston, TX past weather data including previous temperature, barometric pressure, humidity, dew point, rain total, and wind conditions. List of total annual rainfall plus snowfall at cities, towns and parks in Texas, including average yearly precipitation and days of wet weather for places throughout the state. -Corpus Christi -Historical Tracks -Wind Roses, Education/Careers Aside from that, expect mid to upper 90s with sun, clouds, and a touch of Saharan dust still. Houston/Galveston, TX1353 FM 646 Suite 202Dickinson, TX 77539281-337-5074Comments? Houston, TX warning 61 F Clear. -Facebook -Storm Prediction Center Year-to-Date Precipitation by City. -2022 Hurricane Guide -Lower Colorado River Authority Or, sign up to receive drought alerts when the U.S. Drought Monitor or U.S. Drought Outlook updates for your city/zip code. Seasonal Climate Report (CLSHOU) Daily Temperature and Rainfall Records (updated thru 10/12/2022): Highest - Lowest - Highest Mins - Lowest Maxs - Rainfall Normals, Means and Extremes (by day) Monthly Temperature and Rainfall Summary (2000 to April 2021) Top 10 Extremes (by month) Holiday Climatology Learn more. -Lake Charles Houston Temperature History in the Summer of 2022. The U.S. Drought Monitor (2000present) depicts the location and intensity of drought across the country. (Weather station: Houston Hobby Airport, USA). This map shows the amount of liquid precipitation (in inches) expected to fall over the next 1 day, according to the National Weather Service. US Dept of Commerce It features all historical weather data series we have available, including the Houston temperature history for June 2022. -NOAA Time (CDT) Temp. -Publications/Brochures -StormReady -Severe Stats The PMDI value for this location is 5.0 or greater, indicating exceptional wet (W4) conditions. -Satellite -more, SocialMedia -Lower Colorado River Authority NWS old Monthly Rainfall (1968-2021) *Station was down for maintenance. -CoCoRaHS The map uses five categories: Abnormally Dry (D0), showing areas that may be going into or are coming out of drought, and four levels of drought (D1D4). -Weather Ready Nation Learn more about these categories. RT @JoJoFromJerz: On May 24, 2022 in Uvalde Texas, an 18 year old walked into Robb Elementary School and shot and killed 19 children and 2 adults. Please review our full terms contained on our Terms of Service page. Learn more. -Drought, History This map shows the Center for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC's) Social Vulnerability Index alongside current U.S. Drought Monitor drought designations. A flow category has not been computed for this gauge, for example due to insufficient historical data or no current streamflow estimates. Learn more. The Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) value for this location is between 1.3 to 1.5, indicating severe wet (W2) conditions. Weather observations were established in August 1930. -NCDC/NCEI Manhattan, NY 50 F Cloudy. Houston/Galveston, TX1353 FM 646 Suite 202Dickinson, TX 77539281-337-5074Comments? Thunderstorms. -National Weather Service For example: The shaded overlays indicate night and civil twilight. -Harris County Flood Warning System -Lake Charles -Marine -National Weather Service SPI captures how observed precipitation (rain, hail, snow) deviates from the climatological average over a given time periodin this case, over the 9 months leading up to the selected date. You're permitted to use this graph as long as you provide prominent attribution with a link back close to the use of the graph. -Austin/San Antonio -Find It Quick, Tropical The colors represent real-time streamflow compared to percentiles of historical daily streamflow for the day of the year. US Dept of Commerce Observed Monthly Rainfall for South Texas Click thumbnail images below for full-size images. Precipitation was 200% to 300% of the historical average for this location, compared to the same date range from 19912020. The hourly reported temperature, color coded into bands. -Local Data/Records The Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) value for this location is between -0.7 to -0.5, indicating abnormally dry (D0) conditions. -Education -Evacuation Routes -Miscellaneous Info . -Tides and Currents The average maximum temperature wasmore than8F warmer than normal for this location. -Palacios Abnormally Dry (D0) indicates a region that is going into or coming out of drought, according to the U.S. Drought Monitor. Current Conditions Radar Forecasts Rivers and Lakes Climate and Past Weather Local Programs < < Go Back Rainfall Scorecard This table compares rainfall amounts from previous years with the current year. -Lake Charles 6-hourly Estimated Rainfall. -Find It Quick, Tropical That's followed by how many really hot and cold days occurred each year. -Storm Data Precipitation will be below average, but snowfall will be above average in the north, with the best chances for snow in mid- to late January and early February. -Evacuation Planning Tree rings were used to reconstruct a Palmer Modified Drought Index (PMDI) value for each JuneAugust, estimating relative dryness. There is a>90% chanceof above-normal precipitation during this period. NWS Learn more. Find out how to read the year to date and temperature/precip plots. The .gov means its official. -Palacios On, Air Quality Index maps are updated daily at 10 a.m. Eastern. Daily Temperature and Rainfall Records (updated thru 10/12/2022): Highest - Lowest - Highest Mins - Lowest Maxs - Rainfall Normals, Means and Extremes (by day) 30-Year Normals (1981-2010) Monthly Temperature and Rainfall Summary (2000 to present) Top 10 Extremes (by month) Holiday Climatology The day, twilights (civil, nautical, and astronomical), and night are indicated by the color bands from yellow to gray. Learn more. -Our Office Precipitation / Rain Total: in. Climate Monitoring. Estimated streamflow is in the 75th90th percentile of historical streamflow values recorded at this gauge on this day of the year. -National Weather Service -YouTube -Tides and Currents The shaded overlays indicate night and civil twilight. -Spaceflight Meteorology Group -Historical Tracks -Web Weather for Kids -Local
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